Zeyringer Literatur für Viola. Skip to main content

Zeyringer Literatur für Viola.

In 1985 Prof. Franz Zeyringer of Pöllau, Austria published the final edition of his lexicon of viola music, Literatur für Viola. This volume is the most comprehensive listing of music in print and in manuscript for the instrument and contains about 14,000 entries. (It should help give a lie to the too frequent and offhanded comment by some critics regarding the “paucity” of music for the viola.) I remember when William Primrose first examined his complimentary copy, he commented, “It would probably require a Germanic mind to put this altogether.” Indeed, it was an arduous labor to organize and codify the material, which Zeyringer accomplished over years and in his private study using a kind of two-fingered hunt and poke technique at his typewriter. (Those were pre-PC days!) The lexicon is now out of print but is found in the majority of music libraries and some public libraries.

The Primrose International Viola Archive (PIVA) furnishes below a listing of its acquisitions of viola music since 1985 as a supplement to the Zeyringer lexicon. The PIVA listing does not pretend to be comprehensive of all published viola scores since 1985. To the joy of violists everywhere, more publishers, beginning in the 20th century, are bringing out viola music than ever in history. PIVA will continue to acquire viola music through purchase or donation and keep current this list for the benefit of scholars, professionals, students and amateurs.

Dr. David Dalton
Archivist PIVA

Table of Contents (Index according to Zeyringer Model Literature für Viola, 1985)


Table of Contents (Alphabetical Index)
