Werke mit Vier und Mehr Violen Skip to main content

Werke mit Vier und Mehr Violen

Body, Jack. After Bach: for gamelan and massed violas (8 part ensemble and four soloists) / Wellington, N. Z. : Waiteata Music Press, 2001.

Bowen, York. Fantasie quartet; for 4 violas / York Bowen; edited by Thomas Tatton. Bristol, Conn.: Rarities for Strings Publications, 1983.

Gammie, Ian. Bratschentanz : viola ensemble, (with guitar & bass ad lib) / St. Albans, Herts., Great Britain : Corda Music, c1993.

Gorecki, Henryk Mikolaj. Muzyczka 3: na altowki, op. 25 = La Musiquette 3-me / Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki. Warszawa: Przedstawicielstwo Wydawnictw Polskich, 1969.

Joubert, Claude-Henry. Divertissement pour quatre altos. Paris: G. Billaudot, c1992.

Kimber, Michael. Reflection : for 3-part viola ensemble : in memory of Francis Bundra / [Hattiesburg, MS?] : M. Kimber, c2001.

Krebs, Joachim. Klangsplitter: Musik fur 4 Solobratschen / Joachim Krebs. Hamburg: Peer, 1982.

Martinson, Kenneth. Viola fantasy (1987/99): for 12 violas / Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, c2008.

Mosier, Kirt N. The brook: for viola septet / Atlanta, Ga. : Castle Enterprises, c1999.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, 1681-1767. Concerto no. 2 in G for four violas / Georg Philipp Telemann; edited by William Lincer; transcribed by Alan H. Arnold. Huntington Station, N. Y.: Viola World Publications, c1980.

Telemann, Georg Philipp. Concerto no. 3 in F / George Philipp Telemann ; arranged by Alan H. Arnold. Huntington Station, N.Y. : Viola World, c1988. M 454 .T45 F major 1988

Vranicky, Anton. Cassatio in F for five violas / Anton Wranitzky; edited by Thomas Tatton. Bristol, Conn.: Rarities for Strings Publications, 1979.

Weinzierl, Max von. Nachtstück: für vier Violen (oder drei Violen und Violoncello); Op. 34. Nach dem Erstdruck neu hrsg. München-Gräfelfing: W. Wollenweber, c1988.