Klavier und Viola
Aaltonen, Erkki. Preludi ja allegro: alttoviululle ja pianolle / Erkki Aaltonen. Helsinki: Julkaisija Erkki Aaltonen, 1983. accompagnement de piano / par Gaston Stoltz. Paris: Henry
Abeliovich, Lev. Aria no. 1: dlia al’ta i fortepiano = Aria no. 1: fur Viola und Klavier / Frankfurt : Russian Music Archive, c2007.
Abendroth, Walter, 1896-1973. Sonate für Bratsche und Klavier, op. 21b / Heidelberg : W. Müller, c1956.
Adagio & allegro : opus 70 : for viola and piano / Schumann ; [piano part edited by Isidor Phillip ; viola part edited by] L. Davis. New York : International Music, [1992?], c1980. M 226 .S39 op.70 1992
Adams, Byron. Sonata for viola and piano, 2010-2011 / Vuarmarens : Editions Bim, [2016]
Adkins, Greg. Pastorale: for viola and piano, also for English
Adler, Samuel. Sonata for viola and piano. Bryn Mawr, Pa.: T. Presser, c1987.
Adolphus, Milton. Bouncettino [for] viola and piano: op. 78 / Milton Adolphus. New York: American Composers Alliance,
Adolphus, Milton. Improvisation for viola and piano, op. 61 / Milton Adlophus. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1957.
Ahtlufeev, Boris Ivanovich. Dva dramaticheskikh epizoda: dlla al’ta i fortepiano, op. 40 / Moskva : Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1946.
Akimenko, Fyodor Stepanovich, 1876-1945. Eclogue: pour cor anglais (ou alto ou violon) avec accompagnement de piano, op. 12 / Th. Akimenko. Pour alto ou violon. Leipzig: M. P. Belaieff, 1901.
Akimenko, Fyodor Stepanovich, 1876-1945. Romance pour alto avec accompagnement de piano, op. 13 / par Th. Akimenko. Leipzig: M. P. Belaieff, 1902.
Albrecht, Alexander, 1885-1958. Suite concertante : pre violu a klavír / Bratislava : Slovenský hudobný fond, [1952].
Aletter, Wilhelm, 1867-1934. Melodie for four strings with use of four fingers / New York : Carl Fischer, c1934.
Aletter, Wilhelm, 1867-1934. Petite gavotte : viola / New York : Carl Fischer, c1937.
Alís, Román. Balada de las cuatros cuerdas : pequeña pieza para viola y piano / Madrid : Opera Tres, 1991.
Allerme, Jean-Marc. Alto party : pièces originales pour violon alto et piano = original pieces for viola and piano / Paris : H. Lemoine, c2004-
Allgen, Claude Loyola. Praeludium; och, Carmen Perlotense: for violoncell (viola, saxofon) och piano (cembalo, orgel) / av Claude Loyola Allgen. [1955?].
Alte Meister des Violaspiels: (18. Jahrhundert): fur den praktischen Gebrauch / zum ersten Mal hrsg. von Clemens Meyer. Viola und Klavier. Leipzig: C. F. Peters, [190-?].
Alwyn, William, 1905-1985. Ballade for viola and piano / St. Albans, UK : Corda Music Publications, c2009.
Alwyn, William, 1905-1985. Selected works for viola and piano / Huntingdon : William Alwyn Foundation, 2012.
Ameller, André, 1912-1990. L’arc-en-ciel : 7 pièces pour alto et piano = The rainbow : 7 pièces for viola and piano / Paris : G. Billaudot, c1976.
Ameller, Andre. Petit nuage: pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / Andre Ameller. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1984.
Ameller, Andre. Sourire: pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / Andre Ameller. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1984.
Ames, William Thayer. Sonata for viola and piano / William Ames. New York: American Composer Alliance, 1953.
Amirov, Fikret, 1922-. Elegiia: dlia violoncheli (ili al’ta) i fortepiano / F. Amirov. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal’noe Izd-voo, 1951.
Amlin, Martin. Kennel: for viola and piano / [King of Prussia, Pa.] : Theodore Presser, [2012]
Amlin, Martin, composer. Magic maze : for viola and piano King of Prussia : Theodore Presser Company, [2019]
Amlin, Martin. Sonata for viola and piano / King of Prussia, PA : T. Presser, c2004.
Amlin, Martin. Violetta : for viola and piano / [King of Prussia] : Theodore Presser, c2011.
Amon, Johann Andreas, 1763-1825. Konzert A-Dur : für Viola und Orchester = Concerto in A major for viola and orchestra = Concerto en la majeur pour alto et orchestre, Opus 10 / Warngau, Germany : Accolade, [2015]
Ancelin, Pierre. Lyriques: 3 pieces pour l’alto avec accompagnement de piano / Pierre Ancelin. Paris: Gerard Billaudot, 1984.
Andantino pour viola ou violon et piano / Harutyun Hanesyan.Paris : Editions Max Eschig, c1960. M 226 .H365 A53 1960
Anderson, David, 1962-. L’Élégie et la danse de genèse = (Elegy and dance of genesis) : for viola and piano / Eau Claire, WI : Really Good Music, [2016]
Anderson, T. J. (Thomas Jefferson). Variations on a theme by Alban Berg: for viola and piano / T.J. Anderson. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1977.
Andrée, Elfrida, 1841-1929. 2 romances for violin (viola) and piano = für Violine (Viola) und Klavier = pour violon (alto) et piano / Mainz ; New York : Schott, c2010.
Andrix, George, composer. Elegie : for viola and piano Verona, NJ : Seesaw Music Corporation, a division of Subito Music Corporation, [2017]
Antiufeev, B. (Boris), 1889-. Dva dramaticheskikh epizoda dlia al’ta i fortepiano = Two dramatic fragments: for viola and piano / B. Antiufeev. Moskva: Gos. muzykal’noe izd-vo, 1946.
Anzoletti, Marco, 1866-1929, composer. Viola concerto no. 1 in F minor : (1900) : for viola and piano Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, [2020]
Applebaum, Edward. Foci: for viola and piano / Edward Applebaum. London: J. & W. Chester/Ed. W Hansen, 1973.
Aquilanti, Giancarlo, 1959-. Short pieces for viola and piano / [Boston] : E.C. Schirmer Music Company, a division of ECS Publishing, [2016]
Arabesque : pour alto avec accompt. de piano / par Pierre Monteux. Paris : U. T. Wast, [192-?] MSC M 226 .M658 A72 1920 Quarto
Arends, Andrei (Genrikh) Fedorovich. Ballada = Ballad: for viola and piano / G. Arends. Moscow: Muzyka, 1985.
Armer, Elinor. Romantic duo : for viola & piano / [Verona, New Jersey] : Subito Music, [2014]
Arnold, Johann Gottfried. Concerto no 5 D-Dur per viola ed orchestra / Berlin : Astoria, c1996.
Arnold, Malcom. Concerto for viola and chamber orchestra, op. 108 / London : Faber ; New York : G. Schirmer, c1980.
Arnold, Malcom. Sonata for viola & pianoforte / South Croydon, [England] : Alfred Lengnick ; New York : Mills Music, sole agent, U.S.A., [1966], c1948.
Artal, Ernest. Diez piezas originales : para viola y piano / Valencia : Piles, c1999.
Arzoumanov, Valéry, 1944-. De l’aube au crépuscule : trois chansons russes pour alto et piano, op. 178 / Paris : Combre, c2005.
Asaka, Mitsuru. Sonata for viola and piano / Tokyo : Japan Federation of Composers, 1995.
Asplund, Christian. Fear and trembling: for viola and piano / [Lebanon, NH] : Frog Peak Music, c2007.
Asplund, Christian. Magnificat: for viola and piano / Lebanon, NH : Frog Peak Music, c2010.
Assad, Clarice. Metamorfose / [Place of publication not identified] : Clariceassad.com, 2017.
Auber, Chantal. Introduction et allegro pour alto et piano / Paris : Durand ; Bryn Mawr, U.S.A. : T. Presser [distributor], c1993.
Austin, Elizabeth R., 1938-. B-a-c-homage : for viola and piano (2007) / New York : American Composers Alliance, 2007.
Ashton, Algernon, 1859-1937. Sonate A moll fur pianoforte und viola, op. 44 / von Algernon Ashton. Berlin: N. Simrock, 1891.
Auber, Chantal. Introduction et allegro pour alto et piano / Chantal Auber. Paris : Durand ; Bryn Mawr, U.S.A. : T. Presser [distributor], c1993. M 226 .A82 I57 1993
Aubin, Francine. Concerto chimerique: pour alto et piano = for viola and piano / Paris : G. Billaudot, c2006.
Aubin, Tony. Passacaglia del’ addio: pour alto et piano / Tony Aubin. Paris: A. Leduc, 1977. Bach, Heinrich von, Freiherr, 1835-1915. Reverie: fur Viola und Clavier: op. 55 / componirt von H. Molbe [pseud.]. Wien: F. Rorich, [190-?].
Auerbach, Lera. Arcanum : Sonate für Viola und Klavier = Sonata for viola and piano / Hamburg : Sikorski, [2016]
Babbitt, Milton. Composition [for] viola and piano / New York : C. F. Peters, c1972.
Baber, Joseph, 1937-. Concerto no. 2 for viola and orchestra, op. 28 : [for viola and piano] / [Lexington, Kentucky] : [Joseph Baber], [1973]
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 1714-1788. Adagio / Leipzig, Germany : Otto Junne, [1900]
Bach, Johann Christian. Concerto en Ut mineur / Paris ; New York : Salabert, [1976], c1947.
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Aria “Bist du bei mir” : viola and piano San Diego : Nick Stamon Press, ©1984.
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Jesus bleibet meine freude = Jesu, joy of man’s desiring : for viola and piano / Mainz : Schott, 2010.
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. The student violist : / Bach Pacific, MO : Mel Bay, [1998]
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Viola solo pieces / New York : John Markert & Co., c1953.
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann, 1710-1784. Sonata in C minor for viola and harpsichord (or pianoforte) London : Oxford University Press, ©1947.
Bacon, Ernst. Sonata for viola and piano / [De Witt, NY : Ellen Bacon, 1987?]
Bacri, Nicolas. Deux lieder: pour alto et piano / Nicolas Bacri. Paris: Editions Calao, 1981.
Bacri, Nicolas. Sonata da camera, op. 67 : für Viola und Klavier / New York : Peermusic Classical, c2001.
Bacri, Nicolas. Sonatina lapidaria: extrait des Deux sonatines opposees / Paris : A. Leduc, c2009.
Bacri, Nicolas. Sonatina lirica: extrait des Deux sonatines opposees / Paris : Leduc, c2009.
Bacri, Nicolas. Une priere: (1994-1996/97) / Paris : Durand, c2007.
Badings, Henk. Sonate voor altviool en piano / Amsterdam : Donemus, c1951.
Bakaleinikoff, Vladimir, 1885-1953. Air for viola and piano / New York : Boosey Hawkes Belwin, sole selling agents for Belwin, c1937.
Baksa, Robert F. Romance for viola and piano (2006) / [United States] : Composers Library Editions ; King of Prussia, PA : Sole agent, T. Presser Co., 2009.
Balakauskas, O. The tree and the bird: fur Viola und Klavier / Berlin : Verlag Neue Musik, [2012]
Ballade für Viola und Klavier / Peter Benary. [Luzern : Benary, 1990] M 226 .B448 B35 1990
Bantock, Granville, Sir. Sonata in F major for viola and pianoforte / London : J. & W. Chester, c1920.
Barab, Seymour. Duo for viola and piano. New York: Seesaw Music, c1994.
Barab, Seymour. Duo II for viola and piano. New York: Seesaw Music, c1994.
Barab, Seymour. Duo III for viola and piano. New York: Seesaw Music, c1994.
Barkl, Michael. Night words: for viola and piano / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, c2000.
Barnett, David, 1907-. Ballade: for viola and piano: (Opus 16) / by David Barnett; edited and fingered by William Primrose. New York: Oxford University Press, c1959.
Barrell, Bernard. A pageant of pieces: for viola and piano: [op. 100] / Bernard Barrell. London: Stainer & Bell, c1986.
Barrell, Joyce. Three fours: viola and piano, op. 45 / Joyce Barrell. London: Barry Brunton Music Publisher, c1986.
Bartok, Bela, 1881-1945. Concerto for viola and orchestra, op. posth / London ; New York : Boosey & Hawkes, c1949.
Bartok, Bela, 1881-1945. Drakdans: for piano och viola / Bartok; Allgen. [1955?].
Bartok, Bela, 1881-1945. Este a szekelyeknel; Tot legenyek tanca: klarin’etra (vagy m’elyhegedure) ‘es zongor’ara = Ein Abend am Lande; Tanz der Slowaken: fur Klarinette (oder Viola) und Klavier = An evening in the village; Slovak peasent’s dance: for clarinet (or viola) and piano / Budapest : Zeneműkiadó Vállalat, 1964, c1957.
Bartos, Jan Zdenek, 1908-. Sonatina: viola e piano, op. 46 / Jan Zdenek Bartos; rev. Antonin Hyska a Jiri Berkovec. Prague: Orbis, c1950.
Bass, Jeffery. composer. Sonata for viola and piano Ann Arbor : Jeffery Bass, [1982]
Bass, Philip. Four lyric movements: viola and piano. Ayrshire, Scotland: Piper Publications, c1988.
Bass, Philip. Viola walkways: 7 elementary pieces for viola and piano. Ayrshire, Scotland: Piper Publications, 1988.
Bassett, Leslie. Sonata for viola and piano / Leslie Bassett. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1957.
Bates, David S. Suena: gestures and interludes one for viola and piano / by David S. Bates. Fresno, Calif.” APR Publishers, 1975.
Bates, David S., 1936-1974. Suena: gestures and interludes one: for viola and piano / by David S. Bates. Fresno, Calif.: APR Publishers, c1975.
Bauer, Ross. Chin music: viola and piano. New York: C. F. Peters, c1993.
Bax, Arnold. Phantasy for viola and orchestra / Vista, Calif. : Lauren Publications, [2008]
Bax, Arnold. Sonata for viola & piano / London ; New York : Chappell ; Bryn Mawr : distributor, T. Presser, c1943.
Bazelon, Irwin. Duo for viola and piano / Borough Green, Kent : Novello, c1981.
Beat, Janet. Equinox rituals, autumn: fur Viola und Klavier(1996) / Kassel : Furore-Edition, c1998.
Beale, James. Ballade: for viola and piano, op. 23 / James Beale. [New York: American Composers Alliance, 1958]
Beale, James, 1924-2010, composer. Ballade : for viola and piano : opus 23 [New York] : [American Composers Alliance], [1958]
Beale, James. Sonata for viola and piano; op. 44. New York: American Composers Alliance, [1985?].
Beall, John. Sonata for viola and piano, 2003 / [Morgantown, Va.? : J. Beall], c2003.
Beamish, Sally. Sonata for viola and piano (2001) / Glasgow : Scottish Music Centre, [2002], c2001.
Beamish, Sally, 1956- composer. Merula perpetua : for viola and piano London : Peters Edition Ltd, [2016]
Beath, Betty. From a quiet place: three pieces for viola and piano / Perth, W.A. : Keys Press, 1999.
Beck, Conrad. Sonatine fur Viola und Klavier / Mainz ; New York : Schott, c1981.
Becker, Rene L. 4 pieces pour alto et piano / Sampzon : Delatour France, 2012.
Beer, Leopold Josef. Concertino in E minor, op. 47 : I position / Leopold J. Beer. Cologne, Germany: Bosworth, 1925.
Beethoven, Ludwig van. Grand duo pour piano et viola / Leipzig : Au Bureau de Musique de C.F. Peters ; Londres : J.J. Ewer & Co. ; St. Petersbourg : M. Bernard, [1853?]
Beethoven, Ludwig van. Notturno pour piano-forte et alto: oeuv: 42 / Francfort : Chez Fr. Ph. Dunst, [183-?]
Beethoven, Ludwig van. Serenade… tiree de l’op: 8 / A Paris : Chez S. Richault, [1841?]
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. Sonata in F major, opus 17 : for viola and piano / New York : International Music Co, ©1952.
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. Sonate, F dur = F major = Fa majeur : für Pianoforte und Horn, op. 17 : für Viola und Pianoforte / Leipzig : Breitkopf & Härtel, [1917]
Beethoven, Ludwig van. Sonate fur Viola und Klavier, F-Dur, op. 17 / Winterthur : Partitura Verlag, c2009.
Beezhold, Frank. Concerto for viola and orchestra in D minor, op. 21 / [Illinois] : [Frank Beezhold], [1989]
Beffa, Karol, 1973-. 5 pieces pour violon ou alto et piano = for violin or viola and piano / Paris : G. Billaudot, c2008.
Beffa, Karol, 1973-. Manhattan : pour alto et piano = for viola and piano / Paris : Billaudot, c2010.
Behrens, Albert. Drei Stucke, fur Viola alta (Altgeige): mit Begleitung des Pianoforte: op. 4 / Leipzig : Fr. Kistner, [1887?]
Belyi, Viktor Arkad’evich, 1904-. Poema; dlia al’ta i fortepiano / v. Belyi = Poeme: pour alto et piano / V. Bely. Moskva: Gos. izd-vo muz. sektor; Wien: Universal Edition, 1929.
Benary, Peter. Kleine Kammermusik fur Bratsche und Cembalo / Peter Benary. Wolfenbuttel: Moseler Verlag, 1972.
Benda, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich, 1745-1814. Konzert : für Viola, 2 Hörner ad lib., Streicher und Basso continuo : F-Dur = for viola, 2 horns ad lib., strings and basso continuo : F major / F majeur / Mainz ; New York : Schott ; Milwaukee : Distributed by Hal Loenard, c1996, c1968.
Benda, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich, 1745-1814. Violakonzert Nr. 1 F-Dur : concerto per la viola concertata, violino I, II, corno I, II, viola, violone e basso continuo / Offenburg : Edition Offenburg, 2014, c2014.
Benda, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich, 1745-1814. Violakonzert Nr. 3 Es-Dur : concerto per la viola concertata, 2 violini, 2 oboi o flauti, fagotto obligato, 2 corni, viola e basso : Ausgabe für Viola und Klavier / Offenburg : Edition Offenburg, [2014]
Benejam, Lluís, 1914-1968. Sonata, viola i piano : Moments musicals :[(1952)] / Barcelona : Clivis, 1997.
Benfall, Stephan. Blues at eleven: music for violin or viola with piano / Claremont, Western Australia : Hovea Music Press, [c1996].
Ben-Haim, Paul, 1897-. Three songs without words / P. Ben-Haim; [viola and piano]. Tel-Aviv: Israeli Music Publications; New York: Leeds Music, c1953.
Ben-Haim, Paul, 1897-. Three songs without words / P. Ben-Haim; [for viola and piano]. Tel-Aviv: Israeli Music Publications, c1953.
Benjamin, Arthur, 1893-1960. Mattie rag : for viola or violin and piano / [USA] : [publisher not identified] [2013?]
Benjamin, Arthur, 1893-1960. Sonata: for viola and pianoforte / Arthur Benjamin. London; New York: Boosey and Hawkes, 1947.
Bennett, Richard Rodney. Six country dances for viola & piano / London : Novello ; Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk : Exclusive distributors, Music Sales Ltd., ©2003.
Benninghoff, Ortwin. Tre fogli: fur Viola und Klavier: (1992) / Berlin : Verlag Neue Musik, c1998.
Berauer, Johannes. Passacaglia für Violoncello (Viola) und Klavier = Passacaglia for cello (viola) and piano / [Vienna, Austria] : Doblinger, [2015]
Berezowsky, Nicolai, 1900-1953. Concerto for viola and orchestra, op. 28 / London : Boosey & Hawkes, Ltd., [1941]
Bergman, Erik. Now=Nu: for viola and piano, op 126 / Helsinki : Edition Fazer, c1996.
Bergsma, William, 1921-1994. Fantastic variations on theme from Tristan : for viola and piano New York : Galaxy Music, ©1963.
Berkowitz, Sol. Introduction and scherzo : (Blues and dance) : for viola and piano / Bryn Mawr, Pa. : T. Presser, c1974.
Berlyn, A. Nocturne pour alto ou violoncello avec accomp. d’orchestre ou de piano, op. 161 / par A. Berlyn. Offenbach: Jean Andre, 190-?
Bernaud, Alain. Contrastes: pour alto et piano / Alain Bernaud. Paris: Editions Rideau Rouge, 1968.
Bernstein, Leonard, 1918-1990. West Side story instrumental solos : Intermediate to advanced level : viola and piano / [New York, New York] : Leonard Bernstein Music Publishing Company, LLC [2013]
Berry, Wallace. Canto lirico : viola and piano / New York : C. Fischer, c1970.
Bestor, Charles. Five sketches: for viola and piano / [Amherst] : Charles Bestor, c1996.
Beuger, Antoine. La part du peu : für Geige (Bratsche) und Klavier / Antoine Beuger. Berlin : Edition Wandelweiser, 1992. Quarto M 221 .B48 P37 1992
Beytelman, Gustavo. 5 piezas para viola y piano = für Viola und Klavier / Darmstadt : Tonos, c1999.
Bezrukov, Georgii. Tri legkie pesy dlia alta i fortepiano / G. Bezrukov. Moskva: Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1950.
Birk, Reinhold. Rhapsodie zwölftönig : Fassung für Viola und Klavier (1996) / Köln : Dohr, c1996.\
Biscardi, Chester. The viola had suddenly become a voice : viola and piano / [United States] : Biscardi Music Press, c2005.
Blake, Benjamin, 1751-1827. First suite for viola and cello / Bristol, CT : Rarities for Strings, c2000.
Blendinger, Herbert. Sonate, op. 13 : Viola & Cembalo (Klavier) / Wien : Doblinger, c1990.
Bleuse, Marc. Alternative: pour alto et piano / Paris : Heugel, c1974.
Bliss, Arthur, Sir, 1891-1975. Sonata dlia al’ta i fortepiano / A. Bliss. Moskva: Muzyka, 1975.
Bliss, Arthur, 1891-1975, composer. Sonata for viola and pianoforte Oxford : Music Department, Oxford University Press, [2016]
Bloch, Ernest, 1880-1959. Meditation and processional: for viola and piano / by Ernest Bloch. New York/London: G. Schirmer, c1954.
Bloch, Ernest, 1880-1959. Suite for viola and piano or orchestra / by Ernest Bloch. Viola and piano. New York: G. Schirmer, c1948.
Bloch, Ernest, 1880-1959. Suite for viola and piano or orchestra / by Ernest Bloch. Viola and piano. New York; London: G. Schirmer, [1960?], c1948.
Bloch, Ernest, 1880-1959. Suite for viola and piano or orchestra / by Ernest Bloch. Viola and piano. New York: G. Schirmer, [1980?], c1948.
Bloch, Ernest, 1880-1959. Suite hebraique: for viola (or violin) and piano / Ernest Bloch. New York: G. Schirmer, [196-?], c1953.
Bloch, Ernest. Meditation and processional: for viola and piano / by Ernest Bloch. New York: G. Schirmer, 1954.
Boccadoro, Carlo, 1963- composer. Sonata per viola e pianoforte (2012) Milano : Ricordi, [2018]
Boccherini, Luigi, 1743-1805. Concerto no. 3 in G major : for violoncello and orchestra / New York : G. Schirmer, [1950]
Boccherini, Luigi. Sonata in do minore per viola e pianoforte / Milano : Carisch, [1962], c1959.
Boeck, Auguste de, 1865-1937. Deux esquisses / Aug. De Boeck. Bruxelles: Schott Freres, [193-?].
Boetje, Joseph. Viola music for concert and church: (with piano accompaniment) / Boston : Boston Music, c1981.
Boisdeffre, René de, 1838-1906. Berceuse: for viola and piano, op. 23 / Rene de Boisdeffre. Melville, N.Y.: Belwin Mills, [197-?]
Boisdeffre, René de, 1838-1906. Mélodie pour alto ou violon solo, avec accompagnement de piano : op. 6 / À Paris : Legouix, [1875?]
Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de, 1689-1755. Sonata c-moll für Violoncello (Fagott, Viola) und Basso continuo, op. 50 Nr. 5 = c-minor for violoncello (bassoon, viola) and continuo / Hamburg : Simrock, c1978.
Bolcom, William. Graceful ghost rag : concert variation : adaptation for viola and piano / Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, [2014]
Bonet, Narcis. Sonatina d’estiu: viola i piano / Barcelona : Editorial de Música Boileau, c2006.
Bornum, Hans. Poem for viola och piano, op. 30 / Stockholm : STIM, Svensk Musik, Swedish Music Information Centre, [200-?].
Borris, Siegfried, 1906-. Kleine Suite: fur Bratsche und Klavier / Siegfried Borris. Berlin: Sirius-Verlag, c1966.
Borroff, Edith. Five pieces for viola and piano, 1989 / [S.l. : s.n.], c1989.
Borstlap, John. Night music: for viola and piano, 1993 / Amsterdam : Donemus, 1999.
Bortolotti, Mauro. Combinazioni libere: improvvisazione per viola e pianoforte / Mauro Bortolotti. Milano: Ricordi, 1968.
Bottje, Will Gay. Fantasy sonata / Will Gay Bottje. New York: American Composers Alliance, [1959?]
Bournonville, Armand. Danse pour Katia : pour flute (ou alto) et piano / Paris : G. Billaudot, [199-?], c1929.
Bournonville, Armand. Lamento: pour violoncelle et piano ou alto et piano / Paris : Costallat, c1929.
Bowen, York, 1884-1961. Melody on the C string: for viiola and piano: op. 51, no. 2 / Iowa City, Iowa : Linnet Press Editions, c2007.
Bowen, York, 1884-1961. composer. Phantasy for viola and piano op. 54 London : Josef Weinberger Limited, [1997]
Bowen, York, 1884-1961, composer. Piece in E-flat (1960) for viola and piano Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications Ltd., [2017]
Bowen, York, 1884-1961. Rhapsody for viola and piano / London : J. Weinberger, c1998.
Bowen, York, 1884-1961. Romance in A Major / London : Weinberger, c2009.
Bowen, York, 1884-1961. Sonata I, C moll, viola und piano / York Bowen. London: Edition Schott, 1972.
Bowen, York, 1884-1961. Sonata II, F dur, viola und piano / York Bowen; [bezeichnet von] (Lionel Tertis). Mainz: B. Schott’s Sohne, c1911.
Bowen, York, 1884-1961. Sonata no. 1 in C minor, for viola and piano / York Bowen. Melville, N.Y.: Belwin Mills, [19–?]
Bower, Neville. Dance of life, op. 28 : for viola and piano / Staffordshire, England : Neville Bower, [1986]
Boykan, Martin. Sonata for viola and piano / [New York] : American Composers Alliance, Inc., 2015.
Bozza, Eugene. Improvisation burlesque: pour alto et piano / par E. Bozza. Paris: A. Leduc, 1968.
Bracsamuzsika = Musik fur Viola = Music for viola / szerkesztette es kozreadja Szeredi S. Gusztav. Budapest: Editio Musica, 1984.
Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897. Clarinet sonata in F minor, op. 120, no. 1: clarinet & piano or viola & piano / Brahms; [edited by Lionel Tertis]. Viola & piano. London: Augener, c1951.
Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897. Intermezzo, op. 117, no. 1 / Vista, Calif. : Lauren Publications, [2008], 1893.
Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897.
Brahms, Johannes. Sonata e flat major, clarinetta & piano [or] viola & piano, op. 120 no. 2 / London : Simrock, [197-?], c1895.
Brahms, Johannes. Sonate fur klarinette (Viola) und Klavier Nr. 2, Es-dur= Sonata for clarinet (viola and piano no. 2 in E flat major: op 120 Nr. 2 / Wiesbaden : Breitkopf & Härtel, [1990?]
Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897. Sonatensatz (Scherzo): for violin (or viola) and piano: op. posth. / Johannes Brahms. New York: G. Schirmer, [c195-?].
Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897. Zwei sonaten fur Klarinette [oder Bratsche] und Klavier, Op. 120 / Brahms; mit einer Violin-und Viollastimme hrsg. von Carl Herrmann; Klarinettenstimme von Heinrich Bading. Leipzig: C. F. Peters, [1942?].
Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897. Zwei Sonaten fur Klarinette und Klavier, Opus 120 / Johannes Brahms; Ausg. fur Klarinette und Klavier von Heinrich Bading: Ausg. fur Viola und Klavier von Carl Herrmann. Frankfurt; New York: C. F. Peters, [197-?].
Brahms, Johannes. Sonata in E-flat, op. 120, no. 2, for viola and piano / Johannes Brahms; edited by William Primrose. New York: G. Schirmer, 1979.
Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897. Sonaten in f und Es : für Viola und Klavier = Sonatas in F minor and E-flat major for viola and piano, op. 120 / Kassel : Bärenreiter, [2016]
Brahms, Johannes. Sonata in F: op. 120, no.1, for viola and piano / Johannes Brahmes; edited by William Primrose. New York: G. Schirmer, 1979.
Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897. Sonaten für Klavier und Klarinette oder Viola, opus 120 / München : Henle, c1974.
Brahms, Johannes. Two sonatas for viola and piano : opus 120 / Johannes Brahms ; originally composed for clarinet, transcribed for viola by the composer. [New York] : Kalmus ; Miami : CPP Belwin, [199-?] M 226 .B73 op.120 1990
Bray, Charlotte, 1982-. Invisible cities : for viola and piano / [Chipping Norton] : Composers Edition, [2011]
Bresgen, Cesar, 1913-. Sonate fur Bratsche und Klavier / von Cesar Bresgen. Heidelberg: Musikverlag Willy Muller, c1939.
Bridge, Frank. Allegro appassionato / London : Stainer & Bell, c1908.
Bridge, Frank. Pensiero / London : Stainer & Bell, c1908.
Bridge, Frank. Romance and valse Russe: for viola and piano / London : Stainer & Bell, [2011], 2001.
Bridge, Frank. Two pieces for viola and piano / Frank Bridge.
Bridge, Frank. Two pieces for viola and piano / Frank Bridge. Miami Lakes, Fla.: Masters Music, [1989]
Bridge, Frank. Viola sonata [for] viola and piano / [Fort Lauderdale] : Thames Publishing : Trade distribution, William Elkin Music Services, c1995.
Bridges, Robert, composer. Carmen fantasy : for viola and piano Houston, Tex. : RBP Music Publishers, [2003]
Brings, Allen. Sonata for viola or clarinet in A & piano / New York : Seesaw Music, c1975.
Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976. Lachrymae: reflections on a song of Dowland: for viola and piano: [op. 48] / Benjamin Britten; the viola part edited by William Primrose. London: Hawkes & Son; New York: sole selling agents, Boosey & Hawkes, c1951.
Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976. Lachrymae: reflections on a song of Dowland: for viola and piano / Benjamin Britten; the viola part edited by William Primrose. London; New York: Boosey & Hawkes, c1951.
Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1967. Portrait no. 2 “E.B.B” : from Two portraits for strings : for viola and piano / London : Chester Music, [2013]
Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976. Reflection : for viola & piano / London : Faber Music, [1997]
Brotons, Salvador. Sonata per a viola i piano : [(1982)] / Barcelona : Clivis, 1996, c1986.
Brouwer, Margaret. Rhapsodic sonata for viola and piano / New York : Brouwer New Music Publishing, [2012]
Brown, James Clifford. The first set of polychordia viola solos / London : Stainer & Bell ; New York : sole agents, Galaxy Music, c1926.
Brown, James Clifford. The second set of polychordia viola solos / London : Stainer & Bell ; New York : G. Ricordi, c1930.
Brown, Newel Kay, 1932-. Be still and know: eleven hymns that testify and strengthen faith / [Utah] : LDS Harp Works, 2008.
Brown, Newel Kay, 1932-. Be still and know : inspiring hymns that testify and strengthen faith : eleven advanced duets – cello or viola – and harp or piano / [Utah] : LDS Harp Works, 2008.
Browne, Philip. David of the white rock = Dafydd y garreg wen : [Welsh air] arranged for viola and piano / London : J. Williams ; New York : Mills Music, c1953.
Broz, Frantisek, 1896-. Jarni sonata: ro violu a klavir / Frantisek Broz. Praha: Orbis, c1951.
Brumby, Colin. Abendlied: for viola and piano / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, c2001.
Brumby, Colin. Viola concerto : tre aspetti di Roma (1990) / Grosvenor Place, N.S.W. : Australian Music Centre, c1997.
Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo. Six duos concertants pour violon et alto / Braunschweig : H. Litolff’s Verlag ; Boston : Arthur P. Schmidt, [192-?]
Brustad, Bjarne. Norsk suite = Norwegian suite: for viola and
Bucci, Thomas V. Concertante for viola and piano / Lakewood, Co. : Young World Publications, c1975.
Bunch, Kenji. Suite for viola and piano / [New York] : Kenji Bunch Music Publishing, [2009?]
Bunin, Revol’ Samoilovich, 1924-. Sonata dlia al’ta i fortep’iano, [Soch. 26] / R. Bunin; redaktsiia partii al’ta Rudolfa Barshaia. Moskva: Sovetskii kompozitor, 1957.
Bunin, Revol Samoilovich. Sonate fur Viola und Klavier, op. 26 / Revol Bunin; Bezeichnung der Violastimme von Rudolf Barschai. Leipzig: Edition Peters, [1972]
Burt, George, 1929-2015, composer. “Boundaries” : movement for viola and piano. (1994) [Houston? : Rice University?, 1995?].
Busser, Henri, 1872-1973. Appassionato: pour alto (ou violon) avec accompagnement de piano, op. 34 (1931) / Paris : Enoch, [1931?], c1910.
Busser, Henri. Catalane: sur des airs populaires, pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / par Henri Busser. Paris: Henry Lemoine, 1926.
Busser, Henri, 1872-1973. Rhapsodie armenienne: (sur des themes populaires): pour alto et piano: [op. 81] / Henri Busser. Paris: Costallat, c1930.
Busser, Henri. Rhapsodie armenienne: (sur des themes populaires): pour alto et piano, [op. 81] / Henri Busser. Paris: Costallat, 1946, c1930.
Butler, Martin. Walden snow: for viola and piano / Oxford ; New York : Music Dept., Oxford University Press, c2008.
Butsko, IUriĭ Markovich. Sonate für Viola und Klavier, (1976) / Hamburg : Sikorski, [2005]
Butterley, Nigel. Forest I: for viola and piano / [Sidney] : Australian Music Centre, [200-?], c1990.
Butterworth, Arthur. Pastorale for viola and piano, op. 112 / Colne, Lancashire : Comus, c2001.
Byrnes, Garrett, 1971-. Devil in Moscow : for viola & piano / [Arlington, VA] : Musica Cosmopolita, [2012?]
Callhoff, Herbert. Lights and shadows : Vier Stücke für Viola und Klavier = Four pieces for viola and piano : 1992 / Herbert Carlhoff. Bad Schwaldbach : Gravis, c1992. M 226 .C34 L53 1992.
Calligaris, Sergio. Sonata per viola e pianoforte, opus 39 (1997) / Milano : Carisch, 2007, c1997.
Campagnoli, Bartolomeo. 41 caprices pour l’alto viola: oeuvre 22 / Leipsic : Chez Breitkopf & Härtel, [1842?]
Campagnoli, Bartolomeo. Temat z wariacjami na alt’owke i fortepian = Tema con variazioni per alto e pianoforte / Kraków : Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 1965.
Campana, José Luis. Trajectoires 1 : pour alto et piano / Paris : G. Billaudot, c1991.
Campbell, Bruce. Ballade for viola and piano / Delaware Water Gap, Pa. : Shawnee Press, c1981.
Canfield, David DeBoor, 1950-. Elegy for Terri : for viola and piano / [USA] : Jeanné Music Publications, [2015]
Capelletti, Daniel. Cryptogramme: pour violon, alto, violoncelle ou contrebasse= voor viool, alto, cello of snaarbas / Oostende, Belgie : Andel, 1988.
Capoianu, Dumitru. Sonata pentru viola si pian / Dumitru Capoianu. [Bucuresti]: Editura de Stat Pentru Literatura si Arta, [1955].
Carles, Marc. Intensites: pour alto et piano / Marc Carles. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1964.
Carlson, David. True divided light : for viola and piano / New York, NY : C. Fischer, c2006.
Carlson, Mark, 1952- composer. On the coming of war : viola & piano Los Angeles : Pacific Serenades Music, [2017?]
Carr, Paul. Viola air for viola & piano / Tewkesbury : Goodmusic, c2008.
Carse, Adam von Ahn, 1878-1958. A breezy story: for viola and piano / Adam Carse. London: Stainer & Bell, c1932.
Carter, Elliott, 1908-2012. Elegy for viola and piano New York : Peer International, ©1964.
Casadesus, Henri Gustave, 1879-1947. Concerto en si mineur pour alto avec accompagnement d’orchestre / Paris : Éditions Max Eschig, ©1924, [1972].
Casadesus, Henri Gustave, 1879-1947. Concerto en si mineur pour alto avec accompagnement d’orchestre / Paris : M. Eschig, [1969?], ©1924.
Casadesus, Henri Gustave, 1879-1947. Concerto en si mineur pour alto avec accompagnement d’orchestre / Paris : M. Eschig, ©1925.
Casadesus, Francis, 1870-1954. Deux pieces pour alto / Francis Casadesus. Paris: Henry Lemoine, c1947.
Casadesus, Robert, 1899-1972. Sonata for viola & piano, opus 12 / Robert Casadesus. New York City: International Music, c1989.
Cashian, Philip, composer. Night’s echo : for viola and piano. 2020 [Chipping Norton] : CE, Composers Edition, [2020].
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario, 1895-1968, composer. Suite 508 : “Greeting Cards”, op. 170 n. 21 : per viola e pianoforte = for viola and piano Milano : Edizioni Curci, [2019]
Celis, Frits. Episodes : per viola e piano, op. 10 B 1997 / Brussels : CeBeDeM, c1998.
Celis, Frits. Visioni: voor altviool en piano, op. 64 / Brussels : CeBeDeM, c1999.
Ceulemans, Ivo, 1905-. Capriccio per violino o viola e pianoforte / Ivo Ceulemans. Bruxelles: Schott Freres, c1971.
Chailley, Jacques, 1910-. Sonate pour alto et piano / J. Chailley. Paris; A. Leduc, c1942.
Chailley, Jacques, 1910-. Sonate pour alto et piano / J. Chailley. Paris: A. Leduc, c1950.
Challan, Henri, 1910-. Diptyque: pour alto et piano / Henri Challan. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1961.
Charpentier, Raymond (Louis Marie), 1880-1960. Sonate en trois parties enchainees: pour alto et piano / Raymond Charpentier. [S.1.: s.n., 193-?].
Chausson, Ernest. Pièce pour violoncelle (ou alto) et piano, op. 39 / Paris : Salabert, 2000, c1917.
Chaynes, Charles. Alternances: pour alto et piano / Charles Chaynes. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1966.
Chemberdzhi, Nikolai Karpovich, 1903-. Siuita dlia al’ta s fortepiano, op. 4 / N. Chemberdzhi = Suite pour viola et piano / N. Tchemberdchy. Moskva: Muzsektor Gosizdata; Wien: Universal-Edition, [1930?].
Chevillard, Camille. Quatre pièces pour piano et alto (ou violon) / Paris : Enoch Frères & Costallat, [1888].
Chihara, Paul. Sonata for viola and piano / New York : C.F. Peters, [2004], c1996.
Clarke, Henry Leland. Nocturne for viola & piano / Henry Leland Clarke. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1956.
Clarke, James. Taltos: for viola and piano: 1994 / Philadelphia : Kallisti Music Press, c1994.
Clarke, Rebecca, 1886-1979. Morpheus : for viola and piano / [New York] : Oxford University Press, c2002.
Clarke, Rebecca, 1886-1979. Passacaglia on an old English tune: for viola (or violoncello) and piano / by Rebecca Clarke. New York: G. Schirmer, c1943.
Clarke, Rebecca, 1886-1979. Shorter pieces for viola and piano / [New York] : Oxford University Press, c2002.
Clarke, Rebecca, 1886-1979. Sonata for viola (or cello) and piano / Rebecca Clarke; new introduction by Ann M. Woodward. New York: Da Capo Press, 1986.
Cleary, David. Self-portrait after Stubbs: for viola and piano / [U.S.] : D. Cleary, c1986.
Cleveland, OH.: Ludwig Music Publishing Co., 1981.
Colardo, Giuseppe. Cinque piccoli pezzi: per viola e pianoforte / [Italy] : Edipan, c1986.
Coleman, Dan. Midnight shakes the memory : viola and piano / [New York] : [Dan Coleman], [1995]
Coleman, David (David Robert), 1969-. 3 Charakterstücke für Viola und Klavier / Berlin : Ries & Erler, [2015]
Coletti, Paul. Three pieces for viola and piano / [New York] : Oxford University Press, c2003.
Colledge, Katherine. Fast forward : [a third book of 21 pieces for beginner viola players with piano accompaniment] / London ; New York : Boosey & Hawkes, c1993.
Coletti, Paul. Three pieces for viola and piano / [New York] : Oxford University Press, c2003.
Composers Facsimile Edition, 1956.
Concertstück : pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / Georges Enesco.Paris : Enoch, [1929?] MSC M 226 .E53 C64 1929 Quarto
Connesson, Guillaume. Constellation de la couronne boreale: pour alto et piano = for viola and piano / Paris : G. Billaudot, c2006.
Cooper, Paul. Canti: for viola and piano / New York : W. Hansen/Chester Music : Distribution, Magnamusic-Baton, c1983.
Cooper, Paul. Variants II: for viola and piano / Paul Cooper. [London]: Chester Music, [c1975].
Cooper, Paul. Variants II: for viola and piano / Paul Cooper. [London]: Chester Music, 1975.
Cordero, Roque. Tres mensajes breves: for viola and piano / Roque Cordero. New York: Peer International Corp., 1970.
Corelli, Arcangelo, 1653-1713. Cello sonata : in D minor / New York : International Music Company, [1944?]
Corrette, Michel. Sonata in B-dur für Viola und Basso continuo = Sonata in B flat major for viola and basso continuo / Michel Corrette ; herausgegeben von Bernhard Päuler ; Continuo-Aussetzung von Willy Hess. Winterthur, Schweiz : Amadeus, 1992. M 226 .C677 S66 1992
Cosma, Edgar. Sonatina, pentru corn (viola) si pian / Edgar Cosma. Bucuresti: Editura de Stat Pentru Literatura si Arta, 1955.
Couleurs pour une sonate imaginaire : pour alto et piano / Jacques Charpentier.Paris : A. Leduc, c1991. M 226 .C43 C68 1991
Couperin, Francois. Pieces en concert: pour violoncelle et quatuor ‘a cordes: reduction pour violoncelle et piano / Paris : A. Leduc, c1924.
Cowell, Henry, 1897-1965. Hymn and fuguing tune no. 7: for viola and piano / Henry Cowell. New York: Peer International, c1953.
Cox, Kenneth. Sonata for viola and piano, (opus 31) / by Kenneth Cox. London: B. Brunton, c1986.
Craig, Dale Alan. Autumn: rhapsodic interlude [for] viola and
Cramer, J. B. (Johann Baptist), 1771-1858. Walzer / J. B. Cramer; bearb. von H. Dessauer. Einzel Ausg. Klavierbegleitung. Mainz: B. Schott’s Sohne, c1914.
Craton, John. composer. Six easy pieces : for viola & piano Bedford, Indiana : Wolfhead Music, [2017]
Creston, Paul, 1906-. Suite, viola and piano / Paul Creston. New York: Pro-Arte Publications, c1938.
Creston, Paul, 1906-. Homage: for viola or violoncello and piano, op. 41 / by Paul Creston. Delaware Water Gap, Pa.: Shawnee Press, [c1950].
Creston, Paul. Suite, op. 13: viola and piano / Paul Creston. [S.l.]: Templeton Pub. Co.; Delaware Water Gap, Pa.: sole selling agent: Shawnee Press, 1938.
Cruft, Adrian. Impromptu: for clarinet or viola and piano, op. 22 / Adrian Cruft. London: Joad Press, 1982.
Cunningham, Michael Gerald Viola sonata, op. 106 Score & part. Verona, New Jersey : Seesaw Music, a division of Subito Music Corporation, [2018]
Cuomo, Douglas J.. A far playground : for viola and piano / New York : Schott Music, [2009]
Cutter, Benjamin, 1857-1910. Eine Liebes-Novelle = A love story: 5 Bagatellen fur Viola und Pianoforte: op. 20 / componirt von Benjamin Cutter. Boston: Arthur P. Schmidt, c1895.
Dahl, Ingolf, 1912-1970. Divertimento: for viola and piano / Ingolf Dahl. New York: G. Schirmer, c1951.
Dahl, Ingolf, 1912-1970. Divertimento : for viola and piano New York : G. Schirmer, ©1951.
Dale, Benjamin, 1885-1943. Phantasy for viola and pianoforte, op. 4 / composed by B. J. Dale. London: Schott; New York: Associated Music Publishers, c1912.
Dale, Benjamin, 1885-1943. Suite for viola and pianoforte, op. 2 / composed by Benjamin J. Dale; [phrased and fingered by Lionel Tertis]. London: Novello, [1913?].
Damase, Jean Michel, 1928-. Epigraphe : pour alto et piano / Paris : G. Billaudot, c1991.
Damase, Jean Michel, 1928-. Ostinato : pour alto et piano / Paris : G. Billaudot, c1991.
Damm, Sixten. Andante cantabile: for viola och piano/orgel / Stockholm : STIM, Svensk Musik, Swedish Music Information Centre, [200-?].
Damm, Sixten. Andante espressivo: for viola och piano/orgel / Stockholm : STIM, Svensk Musik, Swedish Music Information Centre, [200-?].
Danyew, Steve. Three fantasies for viola & piano / [Sandy Hook, CT] : S. Danyew, c2008.
Dávid, Gyula, 1913-1977. Sonatina per viola e pianoforte / Budapest : Editio Musica, 1971.
Davidson, Robert. Lento: for viola and piano / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
Davies, Max Charles. Latin themes : for viola / Mainz : Schott, [2008]
Defossez, René. Improvisation et fugato: pour alto et piano = voor altviool en piano. Brussels: CeBeDeM, 1978.
Del Campo, Conrado. Pequeña pieza : viola y piano, op. 6 / Conrado del Campo. Madrid : Editorial de Música Española Contemporanea, 1992. M 226 .C358 op.6 1992.
Delden, Lex van. Suite voor altviool en piano / Lex van Delden. Amsterdam: Donemus, c1949.
Deleuze, Jean-Pierre. Toccata éolienne : pour alto et piano / Bruxelles : CeBeDeM, c2003.
Delibes, Léo, 1836-1891. La paix : from Coppélia : for viola and piano / USA : AVS Publications, [2012]
Delius, Frederick. Caprice for cello and pianoforte / London ; New York : Boosey & Hawkes, [1934]
Delius, Frederick. Viola sonata / London : Boosey & Hawkes, c2011.
Denhoff, Michael. Champs de mars: Inventionen nach March Chagall, fur Viola und Klavier = Inventions based on Marc Chagall for viola and piano / Michael Denhoff. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1982.
Denhoff, Michael. Recitativ fur Viiola und Klavier, op. 132 / Ibbenbüren-Laggenbeck : Denhof, 1999.
Dessau, Paul, 1894-. Sonatine fur Viola und Klavier / Paul Dessau. Dresden: Dresdner Verlag, [194-?].
Deutschmann, Gerhard, 1933- . Sonatine für Viola & Klavier, DWV 139 / Köln : W.G. Haas, c2001.
Di Biase, Edoardo, 1924-. Reverie : viola and piano / New York : Carl Fischer, c1949.
Diemer, Emma Lou. Homage to Paderewski : for viola and piano / New York, N.Y. : Seesaw Music, c1997.
Diemer, Emma Lou. Lovely song : for viola and violin (one player) / Emma Lou Diemer. New York, N.Y. : Seesaw Music, c1993. M 226 .D54 L68 1993.
Dionisi, Renato. Sonatina: per viola e pianoforte / Renato Dionisi. Milano: Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, 1984.
Ditters von Dittersdorf, Karl, 1739-1799. Konzert in F-dur fur Viola und Orchester / Mainz : B. Schott’s Söhne ; New York : Schott Music Corp. : Associated Music Publishers, c1959.
Ditters von Dittersdorf, Karl, 1739-1799. Sonate Es-Dur fur Viola und Klavier / C. D. von Dittersdorf; hrsg. von Hans Mlynarczyk und Ludwig Lurmann. Leipzig: Friedrich Hofmeister, [n.d.].
Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von. Sonate für Viola und Klavier in Es-dur = Sonate pour alto et piano en Mi _-majeur = Sonata for viola and piano in E flat major / Dittersdorf (Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf) ; bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Hans Mlynarczyk, Ludwig Lürman. Frankfurt : Friedrich Hofmeister, c1929. M 226 .D57 K.216 1929b
Dittersdorf, Karl, Ditters von, 1739-1799. Sonate fur Viola und Klavier in Es-dur = Sonate pour alto et piano Mi (flat) majeur = Sonata for viola and piano in E flat major / Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf; bearb. und hrsg. von Hans Mlynarczyk, Ludwig Lurman. Leipzig: F. Hofmeister, [192-?].
Della-Bosca, Roxanne. Arc : over those who love me : for viola and piano / Grosvenor Place, N.S.W. : Reproduced and distributed by Australian Music Centre, [2001], c1997.
Dodgson, Stephen. Four fancies: for viola and piano / Stephen Dodgson. London: Chappell, 1964.
Dolinová, Milena. Čardáš VII : pour alto et piano / Paris : Editions Jobert, [2011]
Domazlicky, Frantisik. 5 bagatelle: per viola e pianoforte, op. 41 / Frantisek Domazlicky. Praha: Tisk Dilia, [196-?]
Donato, Vincenzo di. Variazioni: sopra un tema di R. Schumann / Vincenzo di Donato. Bologna: Edizioni Bongiovanni, 1921.
Dorati, Antal. Adagio fur Viola und Klavier / Bern, Switzerland : Müller & Schade, c2007.
Doyle, Patrick. Selections from Harry Potter and the goblet of fire: instrumental solos / Van Nuys, California : Alfred Publishing, c2006.
Draeseke, Felix, 1835-1913. Sonate fur Viola alta und Klavier, Nr. 1 (c-moll) / von Felix Draeseke. [Germany]: F. Draeseke Gesellschaft, [195-?].
Draeseke, Felix, 1835-1913. Sonate Nr. 1 fur Viola und Klavier / Felix Draeseke. Neuausg. nach dem Autograph. Munchen-Grafelfing: W. Wollenweber, 1985.
Draeseke, Felix, 1835-1913. Sonate Nr. 2 für Viola und Klavier, (WoO 26) = Sonata no. 2 for viola and piano, (WoO 26) / Gräfelfing : W. Wollenweber, 1996.
Driessler, Johannes. Funf Stucke fur Viola und Klavier: op. 24/3b / Johannes Driessler. Kassel: Barenreiter, 1953.
Dublanc, Emilio A. Sonata viola y piano, (1942) / Mendoza : Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Conservatorio de Música y Arte Escénico, 1946.
Dubois, Théodore, 1837-1924. Cantabile pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / Paris : Au Ménestrel : Henri Heugel, [1886?]
Dubugnon, Richard, 1968-. Die Laune AIOLOS : for viola & piano / [London] : Edition Peters, [2014]
Duck, Leonard. Three vignettes : for viola & piano / Barrhill, Ayrshire, Scotland : Piper Publications, c2001.
Dugger, James A. Bratschentanze: fur viola und klavier / Frankfurt : Robert Lienau Musikverlag, 2009, [2011].
Duhamel, Maurice, 1884-. Soniou an dous: les chants de la fiancee = Evit Gourrebed, pe isrebed, ha telen-stok: caneuon y briodferch: argyfer sawdgrwth, new alto, a pherdoneg / Maurice Duhamel. Paris: Rouart, Lerolle & Cie, [192-?].
Durbin, Jean. In memoriam; Melodie-impressions: pour alto (viola) et piano / Jean Durbin. [Odenthal, Germany?]: Centraton Musikverlag, 1983.
Duvernoy, Alphonse. Lied: pour alto avec accompt. le piano, op. 47 / Paris : J. Hamelle, [191-?].
Duxbury, Rosemary. Reverie : for viola and piano / [U.K.] : Charasound, [2009]
Dvořák, Antonín, 1841-1904. Sonatina, op. 100 : for viola and piano / [New York] : Carl Fischer, [2016]
Dydo, John Stephen. Fantasy and variations for viola and piano / Stephen Dydo. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1971.
Eastham, Clark. Introduction and allegro / New York City, N. Y. : Independent Music Publishers, [197-?]
Ebenhoh, Horst. Sonate, op. 19/2, Viola & Klavier / Wien : Doblinger, c1981.
Ebenhoh, Horst. 3. Sonate für Viola und Klavier, op. 99, 3 / Obernzell : Fr. Portius, c2007.
Ebenhoh, Horst. Zyklus fur Viola und Klavier, op. 19, 1 / Wegscheid : Musikverlag Hehenwarter, [2010]
Eberhard Werdin. Wien: Doblinger, 1984.
Eccles, Henry, fl. 1694-1735. Sonata / H. Eccles; [perelozhenie D. Lepilova]. Moskva: Gos. muz. Izd-vo, 1953.
Eder, Helmut. Sonatine fur Viola und Klavier, op. 34/2 / Wien : Doblinger, c1963.
edited by E. Verdi. New York: M. Witmark & Sons, 1946.
Edlund, Swante. Cavatina, opus 48: for viola och piano / Stockholm : STIM, Svensk Musik, Swedish Music Information Centre, [200-?].
Edmunds, Christopher, 1899-1990, composer. Four pieces for viola & piano London : Alfred Lengnick & Co., [1948]
Edmunds, Christopher, 1899-1990, composer. Sonata in D : for viola and piano London : Novello & Company, [1957]
Ehrensperger, Carlos, 1911-2001. Suite über französische Volkslieder : für Viola und Klavier = Suite on French folksongs : for viola and piano / Winterthur, Schweiz : Amadeus, 2005.
Eklund, Hans. Canto, presto, ostinato: per viola e pianoforte, (1975) / Stockholm : Svensk Musik, [200-?].
Elgar, Edward. Cello concerto, arranged for cello & piano (with solo part arranged for viola) : opus 85 / Borough Green, Kent : Novello, [1947]
Elgar, Edward. Pomp and circumstance – military march no. 1 : for viola and piano / Mainz : Schott, 2011.
Elgar, Edward. Violoncello concerto, op. 85 / London : Novello, [1956]
Elgar, Edward, 1857-1934, composer. Salut d’amour, op. 12 : for viola and piano New York : International Music Co., [2021]
Elna, Sherman. Sonata lyrica: for viola, or clarinet in B♭ and piano / New York : Independent Music Publishers, [1953].
Elo, Arpad. Sonata for viola and piano (1951) / [Danville, VT] : Arpad Elo, c1951.
Elter, Alvin. Sonata for viola and harpsichord / [U.S.] : Continuo Music Press ; [New York] : sole selling agent, A. Broude, c1973.
Endo, Tetsuji. Whisper of the wind = (Kazeno sasayaki) / Tokyo : Japan Federation of Composers, 1999.
Endre. Budapest: Editio Musica, 1958.
Enesco, Georges, 1881-1955. Concertpiece : for viola and piano New York : International Music, [195-?]
Enesco, Georges. Concertstuck: for viola and piano / Georges Enesco. Miami Lakes, Fla.: Masters Music, [1988?]
Enesco, Georges. Kontsertnala p’esa: dlla al’ta i fortepiano / Moskva : Muzgiz, 1963.
Erdmann, Dietrich. Prisma: fur Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano / Dietrich Erdmann. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Hartel, c1985.
Esterri, David, 1970-. Sonata : [per a viola i piano] / Sabadell (Barcelona) : La ma de guido, 2010.
Etevenon, Anne. Harold et moi: 4 pi’eces pedagogiques d’initiation a l’ecriture contemporaine: pour alto et piano, ou 2 altos ou alto seul = 4 pedagogical pieces by way of an introduction to contemporary music: for viola and piano, 2 violas or viiola solo / Paris : G. Billaudot, c2008.
Ėvalʹd, V. (Viktor). Romance, op. 2 : for viola and piano / Bedford, IN : Wolfhead Music, [2013]
Eval’d, Viktor Vladimirovich. Romance pour violoncelle ou pour alto, avec accompagnement de piano, op. 2 / Leipzig : M.P. Belaieff, 1894.
Evett, Robert, 1922-1975. Sonata for viola + piano / [Colorado] : [Composers Facsimile Edition] [1959]
Evett, Robert. Viola sonata / Robert Evett. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1959.
Exposition and developments : for viola and piano : opus 2 / Henri Broeren. Amsterdam : Donemus, c1993. MSC M 226 .B763 E97 1993 Quarto
Eyser, Eberhard. Divertimento 77: spelmusik efter 1600-tals-musik for luta: fritt transkriberad for viola och piano (harpa; cembalo) och eller violoncello, ad lib. flojt (violin), violon (oboe elle annat instrument i C) kontrabas (fagott, v. cello 2), gitarr / Stockholm : STIM, Svensk Musik, Swedish Music Information Centre, [200-?].
Eyser, Eberhard. Igomantra: sonata f. viola & piano / Stockholm : STIM, c1992.
Eyser, Eberhard. Pastorelles : pour heckelphone ou saxophone en mi♭/E♭ ou alto & piano / Stockholm : Edition Con Brio, c1992.
Eyser, Eberhard. Spanische Serenade: fur Viiola & Harfe oder Klavier / Stockholm : STIM, Svensk Musik, Swedish Music Information Centre, c1993.
Eyser, Eberhard. Trezza: for heckelphone or viola & pianoforte, 1983 / Stockholm : Svensk Musik, [200-?], c1983.
Faisst, Clara. Three transcriptions for viola and piano / Bryn Mawr, [Penn.] : Hildegard Music Publishing, c2009.
Fanshawe, David. The awakening: an intermezzo for cello or viola and piano / Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c1992.
Fantaisie caprice : pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / par Paul Rougnon. Paris : A. Leduc, c1922. MSC M 226 .R68 F34 1922 Quarto
Farber, Otto. Suite fur Viola und Klavier, [op. 58] / Brussel : Uitgeverij J. Maurer, c1959.
Farr, Gareth, 1968-. Meditation viola and piano / Wellington, N.Z. : Promethean Editions, 2012.
Fauré, Gabriel. Lamento for viola and piano / New York City : International Music, [1978].
Feld, Jindřich, 1925-2007. Koncert pro violu a orchestr = Konzert für Viola und Orchester = Concerto for viola and orchestra / Praha : Bärenreiter Praha, [2011]
Feld, Jindrich. Mala sonatina pro violu a klavir = Kleine Sonatine fur Viola und Klavier / Jindrich Feld & Zdena Prusiva. Praha: Supraphon, 1976.
Ferguson, Howard, 1908-. Four short pieces: for viola and piano / by Howard Ferguson. London; New York: Boosey & Hawkes, [1966?], c1937.
Ferguson, Howard, 1908-. Four short pieces: viola and piano / Howard Ferguson. London; New York: Boosey & Hawkes, [1966?], c1937.
Ferran, Jean-Michel. Philikos : pour alto et piano / Sampzon : Editions Delatour, c2005.
Ficher, Jacobo. Tres piezas para viola y piano, op. 76 / [S. l.] : J. Ficher, 1953.
Fievet, Paul. Chant elegiaque: alto et piano / Paul Fievet. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, c1919.
Filas, Juraj. Sonata, pro violu a klavir: (1978) / Juraj Filas. Praha: Panton, c1984.
Findlay, Stuart. Sonatine [i.e. Sonatina] for viola and piano / Glasgow : Dunedin, c1942.
Fine, Elaine. Sonata for viola and piano / New York, NY : Seesaw Music, c2003.
Finney, Ross Lee, 1906-. Second sonata, viola and piano / Ross Lee Finney; edited by Robert Courte. New York: C. F. Peters, c1971.
Finney, Ross Lee, 1906-. Sonata in minor, viola and piano / Ross Lee Finney; edited by Robert Courte. New York: C. F. Peters, c1971.
Finzi, Gerald, 1901-1956. Five bagatelles / London : Boosey & Hawkes ; Milwaukee : Hal Leonard, c2008.
Finzi, Graciane. Impression tango : pour violon ou alto ou violoncelle et piano ou accordéon / Paris : G. Billaudot, c2005.
Firket, Leon, 1839-. Concert Stuck: pour alto (viola) avec accompt. de piano / par Leon Firket. Bruxelles:L Schott Freres, [190-?].
Firtich, Georii. Sonata-fantazila: dlla al’ta i fortepiano = Sonata-fantasy: for viola and piano / Leningrad : Sov. kompozitor, 1990.
Fischer, Eric. Sept chevaux attaques par des poissons: alto et piano / Strasbourg : Editions François Dhalmann, c2008.
Fitelberg, Jerzy, 1903-1951. Serenade for violin or viola and piano / Jerzy Fitelberg. New York: Southern Music, c1954.
Flackton, William, 1709-1798. Drei Sonaten fur Viola und Generalbass (Klavier, Cembalo) (1960b) / Wien : Doblinger, c1960.
Flackton, William, 1709-1798. Sonata in C minor (1776) London : Alfred Lengnick ; New York : sole agent, Mills Music, ©1955.
Flackton, William, 1709-1798. Sonata in C for viola and piano (or harpsichord) op. II, no. 4 London : Schott ; New York : Associated Music Publishers, [1960?], ©1954.
Flackton, William, 1709-1798. Sonata in C for viola and piano (or harpsichord), op. II, no. 4 / William Flackton; [edited from the figured bass edition by Walter Bergmann]. London: Schott; New York: Associated Music Publishers, c1954.
Flackton, William, 1709-1798. Sonata in C for viola and piano (or harpsichord), op. II, no. 4 / William Flackton; [edited from the figured bass edition by Walter Bergmann]. London: Schott, [1960?], c1954.
Flackton, William, 1709-1798. Sonata in C for viola and piano (or harpsichord) op. II, no. 4 / William Flacton; [edited from the figured bass edition by Walter Bergmann]. London: Schott; New York: Associated Music Publishers, [1960?], c1954.
Flackton, William, 1709-1798. Sonata in G for viola and piano (or harpsichord) / William Flackton; [edited and continuo by W. G. Bergmann; viola part rev. and edited by Keith Cummings]. London: Schott; New York: Associated Music Publishers, [1950?], c1942.
Flackton, William, 1709-1798. Sonata no. 4 in C minor for viola and piano (or harpsichord), op. 2 no. 8 (1968) / London : Schott ; New York : Schott Music, c1968.
Fleischer, Hans. Sonate für Viola und Klavier, op. 11 / Wilhelmshaven : Heinrichshofen, [2012]
Fletcher, Grant. Zortzicos VI: viola and piano / Grant Fletcher. [U.S.: s.n., 197-?]
Fleury, H. Fantaisie pour alto (ou violon) avec accompagnement de piano, op. 18 / Paris : Enoch, [191-?].
Foerster, Joseph Bohuslav, 1859-1951. Zbirozska suita: pro violu a klavir: Op. 167 (1940) / Jos. B. Foerster; [violovy part revidoval, prstoklady a smyky opatril Antonin Hyksa]. Praha: Hudebni matice Umelecke besedy, 1943.
Foote, Arthur. Melody for viola and piano: op. 44a / [Dallas, TX] : AVS Publications, [2012]
Fongaard, Bjorn. Sonatina for viola and piano, op. 126, nr. 28 / Bjorn Fongaard. [Oslo]: Norsk Musikkinformajson, [197-?]
Forst, Rudolf. Homage to Ravel / New York : Edition Musicus, c1944.
Forsyth, Cecil, 1840-1941. Chanson celtique: pour viola et piano / par Cecil Forsyth. Mainz: B. Schott’s Sohne, [193-?].
Fortner, Wolfgang. Concertino fur Bratsche und kleineres Orchester / Mainz : B. Schott’s Söhne ; New York : Associated Music Publishers, c1934.
Fraczkiewicz, Aleksander. Sonatina na altowke i fortepian / Aleksander Fraczkiewicz; partie altowki przejrzala Kaja Danczowska; partie fortepianu przejrzal Janusz Zathey. Krakow: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 1977.
Franck, César, 1822-1890. Sonate arrangée pour piano et alto = Sonata arranged for piano und viola = Sonate bearbeitet für Klavier und Viola / Kassel : Bärenreiter, [2016]
Franck, César. Sonate für Viola und Klavier A-Dur / Winterthur : Partitura Verlag, 2014.
Franck, César. Sonate A-Dur für Violine und Klavier = A major for violin and piano / Frankfurt/M. ; New York : C.F. Peters, c2000.
Frescobaldi, Girolamo, 1583-1643. Toccata na altówke i fortepian = per viola e pianoforte / Kraków : Polskie Wydawn. Muzyczne, 1967.
Freudenthal, Otto, 1934-. Allegro, intermezzo e fine : für Viola und Klavier / Rimforsa : O. Freudenthal, [199-?]
Freudenthal, Otto, 1934-. Suite for viola and piano / [Sweden] : Bauta Classics, [199-?]
Fribbins, Peter, 1969-. Fantasias for viola and piano / London : Music Haven, [2014]
Frid, Geza. Vice versa II, op. 96: voor altviool en piano, 1984 / Geza Frid. Amsterdam: Donemus, 1984.
Frid, Grigoriĭ Samuilovich. Fedra : dli͡a solirui͡ushchego alʹta, dvukh skripok, violoncheli i fortepiano, [soch. 78 No 1] ; Vtorai͡a sonata dli͡a alʹta i fortepiano, [soch. 78 No 2] / Moskva : Sovetskiĭ kompozitor, 1989.
Fuchs, Robert. Phantasiestucke: fur Viola und Klavier, op. 117 / Robert Fuchs. Munchen-Grafelfing: W. Wollenweber, 1977.
Fuchs, Robert. Sechs Phantasiestücke für Viola und Klavier = Six fantasy pieces for viola and piano, op. 117 / Winterthur : Amadeus, [2013]
Fuchs, Robert, 1847-1927. Sonate für Viola und Klavier, op. 86 Winterthur : Amadeus, 1978.
Fuchs, Robert. Sonate fur Viola und Klavier: op. 86 / Robert Fuchs; nach der Erstausg. von 1909 hrsg. von Bernhard Pauler. Winterthur: Amadeus, 1978.
Fuerstner, Carl. Pavane for viola and piano / [California] : [Publisher not identified], [1943]
Fuleihan, Anis. Recitative and sicilienne: for violoncello (or viola) and piano / Anis Fuleihan. New York: Southern Music Pub. Co., 1945.
Fulkerson, Christopher. Capriccio for viola and piano / San Francisco : Christopher Fulkerson, [1980?].
Fulton, Norman. Sonata de camera: for viola and piano / by Norman Fulton; viola part edited by Watson Forbes. London: J. & W. Chester Ltd., 1952.
Furrer, Beat. A due: fur Viola und Klavier, 1997 / Kassel ; New York : Bärenreiter, 2007.
Fürst, Paul Walter. Sonatine für Viola und Klavier, op. 13 / Paul Walter Furst. Wien: Verlag Doblinger, 1966.
Fürst, Paul Walter. Sonate für Viola und Klavier, op. 33 / Wien : Doblinger, c1964.
Gade, Niels W. (Niels Wilhelm), 1817-1890. Vier Fantasiestücke für Klarinette oder Viola und Klavier, op. 43 = Four fantasy pieces for clarinet or viola and piano / Winterthur, Schweiz : Amadeus, 2005.
Gal, Hans. Impromptu pour alto et piano / Mainz ; New York : Schott, c2008.
Gal, Hans. Sonata for viola & pianoforte, op. 101 / London : N.Simrock, c1973.
Gal, Hans. Suite for viola & pianoforte, op. 102a / London : N. Simrock, c1973.
Galante, Carlo, composer. Spettri d’Europa : sonata per viola e pianoforte. 2017 Milano : Casa Musicale Sonzogno, [2019].
Gamburg, Grigorii. Dva napeva; dlia al’ta s fortepiano = zwei Fragmente: fur Viola und Klavier: op. 5, no. 2: aus dem “Hohen Lied” / Gr. Gamburg. Moskva: Muzsektor Gosizdata; Vena: Universalnoe Izd-vo, 1928.
Gamburg, Grigorii. Napev: dlia al’ta s fortepiano, op. 5, no. 1: aus dem “Hohen Lied” / Gr. Gamburg. Vena: Universalnoe Izd-vo; Moskva: Muzsektor Gosizdata, 1928.
Gange, Kenneth. Homage to the baroque: sonata in G major for viola and keyboard / Kenneth Gange. Stone, England: Piper Publications, 1985.
Gann, Kyle, composer. Apparition : for viola and piano (1999/2016) Lebanon, NH : Frog Peak Music, [2016]
García, Orlando Jacinto. Fragmentos congelados : for viola and piano / London : United Music Publishers, [2002], c1994.
Garcin, Jules Auguste. Concertino pour alto ou violoncelle: avec accompagnement de piano, op. 19 / J. Garcin. Paris: Henry Lemoine, [190-?]
Gardner, Maurice. Micrologus : sonata for viola and piano / Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. : Staff Music, c1983.
Gardner, Maurice. Serenade for viola and piano : from the Concertino for string quartet / Ft. Lauderdale, FL : Staff Music, c1990.
Gardner, Maurice. Sonata no. 4 for viola and piano / Fort Lauderdale, Fla. : Staff Music Publishing, c1993.
Gárdonyi, Zoltán. Sonate Nr. 2 für Bratsche & Klavier (1950) / Magdeburg : Edition Walhall, [1998], c1997.
Garrop, Stacy, 1969- composer. Torque : for viola and piano King of Prussia, PA : Theodore Presser Company, [2018]
Gattermeyer, Heinrich. Sechs Grotesken: fur Viola und Klavier, op. 108/1 / Heinrich Gattermeyer. [Wien]: Verlag Doblinger, 1977.
Gawronski, Wojciech, 1868-1910. Sonata na altowke i fortepian, op. 22 / Wojciech Gawronski; glos altowki opracowal Mieczyslaw Szaleski. Krakow: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 1953.
Geisler, Christian. Sonate for viola og klaver, op. 10 / Kjöbenhavn : Skandinavisk musikforlag, [193-?]
Geissler, Fritz, 1921-1984. Sonate fur Viola und Klavier / Fritz Geissler. Leipzig: Edition Peters, 1971.
Geissler, Fritz, 1921-1984. Sonatine für Viola und Klavier / Leipzig : Breitkopf & Härtel, c1954.
Genzmer, Harald, 1909-. Sonate fur Bratsche und Klavier / von Harald Genzmer. Berlin: Ries & Erler, c1940.
Genzmer, Harald. Sonatine fur Viola und Klavier / Harald Genzmer. Frankfurt: Henry Litolff’s Verlag; New York: C.F. Peters, 1973.
Genzmer, Harald, 1909-. Zweite sonate fur Bratsche und Klavier: (1955) / Harald Genzmer. Kassel: Barenreiter, 1958.
Gerber, Steven R. Viola concerto: piano score / Maryland Heights, MO : Keiser Classical ; Milwaukee, SI : Exclusively distributed by H. Leonard, [2012], c1996.
Gershwin, George, 1898-1937. 3 preludes : for viola and piano = für Viola und Klavier / Mainz : Schott, [2013]
Gerster, Ottmar, 1897-1969. Sonate fur Viola und Klavier / Ottmar Gerster. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, c1955.
Gethen, Felix. Suite for viola / [Sydney] : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
Ghent, Emmanuel. Entelechy: a concert-piece for viola and piano. New York: Oxford University Press, 1963.
Giampieri, Alamiro, 1893-1963. Fantasia, per viola e pianoforte / A. Giampieri. Milano; New York: G. Ricordi, 1939.
Giampieri, Alamiro. Fantasia per viola e pianoforte = Fantasie pour viole et piano = Fantasia for viola and piano = Fantasie für Viola und Klavier = Fantasía para viola y piano Milano ; New York : G. Ricordi, 1953, ©1939.
Giardini, Felice. Solo per alto viola : “The billiard sonata” : for viola and keyboard / New York : International Music, c1998.
Gideon, Miriam, 1906-. Sonata for viola & piano / Miriam Gideon. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1957.
Gideon, Miriam, 1906-1996, composer. Sonata for viola and piano New York, NY : American Composers Alliance, 2017.
Gilbert, Anthony, composer. Duologue : for viola and piano. Oxfordshire : Composers Edition, [2020]
Giorni, Aurelio. Sonata for violoncello and piano, with alternate part for viola / New York, G. Schirmer [1925]
Gistelinck, Elias. Song for Beatrice : for viola or violoncello and piano, opus 54, 1993 / Elias Gistelinck. Bruxelles : CeBeDeM, c1993. M 226 .G57 S66 1993.
Glanert, Detlev. 3 Stucke fur Viola und Klavier / Detlev Glanert. Berlin: Bote & Bock, 1986.
Glasunov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich. Elegie fur Viola und Klavier = Elegy for viola and piano, op. 44 / Alexander Glasunov. Frankfurt: M.P. Belaieff, [197-?]
Glazer, Robert. Album of transcriptions for the intermediate violist : Bach, Schubert, Haydn, Schumann, Rimsky-Korsakow, Clementi / Charlotte, N.C. : Brodt Music Company, [1980]
Glazunov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich. Élégie Opus 44 Für viola und klavier = élégie for viola and piano, op. 44 / München : G. Henle Verlag, [2014]
Glazunov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich, 1865-1936. Elegie for viola and piano, op. 44 / Alexander Glazunov. Urtext ed. New York: Belwin Mills, [196-?].
Glazunov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich, 1865-1936. Élégíe : for viola and piano, opus 44 / Bedford, Indiana : Wolfhead Music, [2013]
Glazunov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich, 1865-1936. Elegy, op. 44, for viola and piano / Glazunov; [edited by Joseph Vieland]. New York: International Music, c1953.
Glazunov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich. Elegy; op. 44, for viola and piano. New York: International Music, 1943.
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich, 1804-1857. Neokonchennaia sonata dlia al’ta i fortepiano / M. Glinka. Moskva: Izd-vo Muzyka, 1977.
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich. Neokonchennaia sonata: dlia al’ta (ili klarneta) i fortepiano / M. Glinka; redaktsiia V. Borisovskogo. Moskva: Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1949.
Glukh, Mikhail. P’esy dlia al’ta s fortepiano. Leningrad: Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1956.
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich, 1804-1857. Sonata for viola (or violin) and piano / Boca Raton, Fla. : Masters Music, [1998?]
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich, 1804-1857. Sonata (neokonchennala) dlla al’ta (ili skripka) i fortepiano / Moskva : Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1932.
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich, 1804-1857. Sonate in d-Moll für Viola und Klavier = Sonata in D minor for viola and piano / Winterthur : Amadeus, 2002.
Girard, Anthony. Lever du jour: pour alto et piano / Paris : Billaudot, c2011.
Gobbato, Gianfranco. Elegia : per viola e pianoforte / Padova : Armelin Musica, [2014]
Gobbato, Gianfranco. Sonata no. 3 : per viola e pianoforte/ Padova : Armelin Musica, 2015.
Godfrey, Daniel S. Five character pieces: for viola and piano / by Daniel Godfrey. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1976.
Goeb, Roger. Concertant IIIc for solo viola and piano / Roger Goeb. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1952.
Goehr, Alexander, 1932-. Hymn to night : for viola with piano accompaniment, op. 87 / 1 score (20 pages) + 1 part (9 pages) ; 31 cm
Goehr, Alexander, 1932-. Sur terre, en l’air : op. 64 : three pieces for viola and piano (1997) / Mainz ; New York : Schott, c1999.
Golestan, Stan, 1875-1956. Arioso et allegro de concert: pouor alto et piano / Stan Golestan. Paris: Salabert, 1933.
Golovin, A. (Andre ). Sonata breve: dlia al’ta i fortepiano; [redaktsiia partii al’ta Iu. Bashmeta]. Moskva: Sovetski kompositor, 1982.
Goltermann, Georg, 1824-1898. Grand duo: pour piano et violoncello ou viola, op. 25. / compose par Georg Goltermann. Leipzig: C. F. Peters, [1880?].
Goossen, J. F. Sonata for viola and piano / New York : Independent Music Publishers, [1958?]
Gorli, Sandro. Rondò per viola e pianoforte. Milano: Ricordi, 1987, c1986.
Gotkovsky, Ida. Invocation lyrique: pour alto et piano / Ida
Gotkovsky. Paris: Gerard Billaudot, 1983.
Gotlibovich, Yuval, composer. Viola sonata : for viola and piano left hand Osaka, Japan : Osaka Mozart Kyoukai-Da Vinci Edition, [2017]
Gouvy, Th. (Théodore), 1819-1898. Sérénade vénitienne : pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / Mayence : Chez les Fils de B. Schott, [1875?]
Gouvy, Th. (Théodore), 1819-1898, composer. Sérénade vénitienne : für Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano Mainz : Ponticello Edition, [2018]
Gow, David, 1924. Nocturne and capriccio, op. 31: for viola and piano / by David Gow; the viola part edited by Watson Forbes. London: Augener, 1957.
Gow, David. Nocturne and capriccio, op. 31: for viola and piano / by David Gow; the viola part edited by Watson Forbes. London: Augener, 1957.
Gower, John H., 1855-1922. There is a green hill far away : viola solo with piano accompaniment / [Salt Lake City, Utah] : Holy Sheet Music, [2005]
Grabner, Hermann, 1886-1969. Sonate f-moll fur Viola (od. Violine) und Klavier, op. 47 / Hermann Grabner. Leipzig: Kistner & Siegel, [193-?].
Grabner, Hermann, 1886-1969. Sonate g-moll für Viola (od. Violine) und Klavier, op. 47 Leipzig : Kistner & Siegel, [193-?]
Grahn, Ulf. Tre miniatyrer: for viola och piano / Stockholm : STIM, Svensk Musik, Swedish Music Information Centre, [200-?], c1966.
Grant, James. Chocolates : viola + piano / [Louisville, Kentucky] : Potenza Music, [2013]
Grant, James, 1954-. Waltz for Betz : viola + piano / [Louisville, KY] : Potenza Music Publishing, [2014]
Graue, C. D. Menuetto scherzando, op. 27 / C. D. Graue. Leipzig: Fr. Kistner, [1895?].
Grauel, Markus Heinrich, -1799. Konzert für Viola, Streicher und Basso continuo Es-Dur : Fassung für Viola und Klavier / Beeskow, Germany : Ortus Musikverlag, [2015]
Graugaard, Lars. Between two : for viola and piano, op. 14 / Lars Graugaard [Kobenhavn] : Engstrøm & Sødring Musikforlag, [1984?]. M 226 .G723 op.14 1984
Graun, Johann Gottlieb, 1702 or 1703-1771. Erste Sonate für Viola und Cembalo (Klavier) mit Violoncello / Leipzig : Breitkopf & Härtel, [1956], c1937.
Graun, Johann Gottlieb, 1702 or 1703-1771. Erste Sonate in B-Dur fur Viola oder Viola da gamba und Cembalo (Klavier) mit Violoncello ad lib. / Leipzig : Breitkopf & Härtel, [1961], c1937.
Graun, Johann Gottlieb, 1702 or 1703-1771. Sonata in f major : for flute or violin, viola and harp / Los Angeles : Fatrock Music, 2010.
Grebol, Armand. Vols fer el favor d’escoltar-ho!!: viola i piano (1997) / Barcelona : Clivis, 2003, c2002.
Grech, Pawlu. Oppositions : viola and piano, 1984 / Bradwell, Essex : Anglian Ed., c1984.
Green, George. Sparkles from the wheel : (Whitman) / [1967]
Greenbaum, Matthew. Untimely observations: for viola & piano / Tunbridge, VT : Tunbridge Music, c2002.
Greenbaum, Stuart, 1966- . An angel bowed backward : for viola and piano / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
Gregh, Louis, 1843-1915. Chant du Bûcheron / Paris : Louis Gregh, c1904.
Grenz, Artur, 1909-1988. Fantasie für Bratsche und Klavier, op.12 / Hamburg : Hans Sikorski, [c1953]
Grgic, Stjepan. Za violu i klavir: sveska I / Stjepan Grgic. Knjazevac, Yugoslavia: Muzicko izdavacko preduzece, 1974.
Grgić, Stjepan compiler. Za violu i klavir. Sveska I Knjaževac, Yugoslavia : Muzičko izdavačko preduzece, 1974.
Griebling-Haigh, Margaret. Bocadillos panoramicos : for viola and piano / Cleveland Heights, OH : Musicalligraphics, [2002].
Grief, Olivier. Na pari tomai: pour alto et piano. Paris: Editions Max Eschig, c1978.
Grieg, Edvard. Poema, soch. 43 n. 5 / Moskva : Gos. muz. izd-vo , 1950.
Grimm, Friedrich Karl, 1902-. Nordische Erzahlung Nr. 1: (nach Knut Hammsums Erzahlung “Viktoria”): fur Bratsche oder Violine und Klavier: opus 54 / Friedrich Karl Grimm; hrsg. von Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Altmann. Wolfenbuttel: Verlag fur Musikalsiche Kultur und Wissenschaft, 1936.
Gritton, Patsy. Four character pieces: for viola and piano / Cambridge : SJ Music, c2006.
Groslot, Robert. Concerto for viola and orchestra / Antwerpen : GroslotMusic Editions, [2013]
Gross, Eric, 1926- . Euphonism I B : for viola and piano, op. 230 / Sydney : Australian Music Centre, c1998.
Gross, Eric, 1926- . Invention no. 1 for viola and piano, op. 216/1A / Sydney, NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, c1998.
Grosser, Alfons. Notturno fur Englisch Horn (oder Viola) mit Klavier- (Orch.) Begleitung, op. 52 / Alfons Grosser. [S.l.: s.n., 194-?]
Gruodis, Juozas, 1884-1948. Dvi pjeses altui su fortepijonu / J. Gruodis; St. Simkus. Vilnius: Vaga, 1966.
Guidobaldi, Alberto, 1967- composer. Fantasia : for viola and piano [Minnesota] : Jeanné Music Publications, [2016]
Guillou, Rene. Elegie: pour alto (ou cor anglais) et piano / par Rene Guillou. Paris: Henry Lemoine, 1927.
Gurlitt, Cornelius, 1820-1901. Scherzino, op. 207, no. 4 / Boston : A.P. Schmidt, c1949.
Gutman, Delilah. 7 canti d’acqua = 7 songs of water : for viola and piano / Bologna : Ut Orpheus, 2015.
Haag, Hanno. 12 Miniaturen: fur Viola und Klavier, op. 24 / Hanno Haag. Wolfenbuttel: Moseler Verlag, 1984.
Haag, Hanno. Impromptu fur Viola und Klavier, op. 32A / Berlin : Astoria, c2007.
Haakman, J. Jacques. Dix melodies faciles: pour alto ou violon avec accompagnement de piano, op. 26 / London : Schott, [191-?].
Haas, Georg Friedrich. Duo fur Bratsche und prapariertes Klavier / Wien : Ariadne, c1991.
Habersack, Karl. Konzert in C moll fur Bratsche und Klavier, op. 75/1 / [S.l. : s.n., 1963?]
Habersack, Karl. Sonate fur Bratsche und Klavier, op. 61/1 / von Karl Habersack. [S.l.: s.n., 194-?]
Habersack, Karl. Thema mit Variationen und Fuge fur Viola und Klavier / Wien : K. Habersack, [196-?].
Hadjaje, Paul. Quatre petites pièces : pour alto et piano / Paris : G. Billaudot, [199-?], c1979.
Haflioi, Hallgrimsson. Notes from a diary: for viola and piano, op. 33 / London : Chester Music ; Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk : Exclusive distributors, Music Sales Ltd., [2010], c2005.
Hagerty, Mark, 1953- composer. Intermezzo I for viola and piano [United States] : Mark Hagerty, [2017]
Hagerty, Mark, 1953- composer. Intermezzo II for viola and piano [United States] : Mark Hagerty, [2017]
Hagerup Bull, Edvard Duo pour alto et piano / Oslo : Norsk Musikkinformasjon, [199-?].
Hahn, Reynaldo, 1875-1947. Soliloque et forlane: pour alto et piano / Reynaldo Hahn. Paris: Editions Max Eschig; New York: Associated Music Publishers, c1937.
Haidmayer, Karl. Bratschen-Sonate / Karl Haidmayer. Graz : Eigenverlag des Komponisten, [1968?] M 226 .H335 S65 no.1 1968
Haidmayer, Karl, 1927- Sonata I für Viola und Klavier = Sonata I for viola and piano Kassel : Bärenreiter, ©1971.
Haiku : for viola and piano : opus 92 / Jo van den Booren. Amsterdam : Donemus, c1994. M 226 .B66 H35 1994
Hailstork, Adolphus C. Fantasy piece : for viola and piano / [King of Prussia, Pa.] : Theodore Presser Company, [2013]
Hailstork, Adolphus C. Sanctum: rhapsody for viola and piano / [King of Prussia, Pa.] : T. Presser, c2008.
Hakim, Naji, 1955- composer. Fantasia for viola and piano = für Viola und Klavier = pour alto et piano Mainz : Schott Music GmbH & Co. KG, [2019]
Hall, Thomas G. Concerto per violetta prencipale / [California] : T. Hall, [2009?]
Haller, Hermann. Trois Nocturnes: fur Viola und Klavier / Hermann Haller. Locarno: Edizioni Pegasus, 1977.
Hallnas, Eyvind. Sonatin for viola och piano / Stockholm : Svensk Musik, Swedish Music Information Centre, [200-?].
Halm, Anton. Grosse Sonate fur Pianoforte und Violoncell (oder Viola): 52tes Werk / Wien : A. Diabelli et Comp., [between 1825 and 1858].
Hamann, Erich, 1898-. Sonate für Viola und Klavier, op. 33 / Wien : Doblinger, c1952.
Hamblen, Bernard, 1877-1962, composer. Reverie [New York] : Boosey & Hawkes, [1949]
Hamilton, Iain, 1922-. Sonata for viola and piano, op. 9 / Iain Hamilton. London: Schott, c1954.
Hammer, Xaver. Sonata in D major for viola and piano / New York : Edition Musicus, [195-?]
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Largo = Ombra mai fù : aus der Oper Xerxes = from the opera Xerxes : für Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano / Mainz : Schott, 2014.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Sonata in G minor for viola da gamba (or viola) and harpsichord (or pianoforte) / London : Schott, c1950.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Sonate für Viola da Gamba und Cembalo concertato / Mainz : B. Schott’s Söhne, [194-?]
Hanesyan, Harutyun. Elegie per viola (ou violoncello e pianoforte) / Harutyun Hanesyan. [Paris: Edition Max Eschig, 193-?].
Hanesyan, Harutyun. Nocturne per viola (ou violoncello e pianoforte) / Harutyun Hanesyan. [Paris: Edition Max Eschig, 193-?].
Hanesyan, Harutyun. Pastorale et rondo pour alto et piano / H. Hanesyan. Paris: Editions Max Eschig, c1960.
Hannenheim, Norbert von, 1898-1945, composer. Sonate Nr. 1 : für Viola und Klavier Berlin : Boosey & Hawkes : Bote & Bock, [2019]
Hannenheim, Norbert von, 1898-1945, composer. Sonate Nr. 2 für Viola und Klavier Berlin : Boosey & Hawkes : Bote & Bock, [2019]
Hanselmann, Jurg. Lamentationes: fur Viola und Klavier / Bern : Müller & Schade, c2009.
Harbach, Barbara. Rustic scene : for viola and piano / [St. Louis, Mo.] : Vivace Press, c2004.
Harberg, Amanda. Prayer : for viola and piano / [King of Prussia, Pennsylvania] : Theodore Presser Company, [2016]
Harding, Kenneth. Moonlit apples: for viola and piano / Colne, Lancashire : Comus Edition, c2009.
Harding, Kenneth. Poem, for viola and piano / Colne, Lancashire : Comus Edition, c2009.
Harris, Roy, 1898-1979. Soliloquy and dance: for viola and piano / by Roy Harris. New York: G. Schirmer, c1941.
Harris, Russell G. Variations for viola and piano: op. 30 / Russell G. Harris. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1948.
Harrison, Sadie, 1965- composer. Molto viola! : a small sonata for viola and piano (2017) Heslington : University of York Music Press, [2017]
Harsanyi, Tibor, 1898-1954. Sonate pour alto et piano / Tibor Harsanyi. Paris: Heugel, c1958.
Harsányi, Tibor. Sonate pour alto et piano. Paris: G. Billaudot, c1991.
Hartley, Walter S. (Walter Sinclair), 1927-2016. Sonata : for viola and piano / Exton, PA : Wingert-Jones Publications, [2015]
Harutʻyunyan, Alekʻsandr Grigori, 1920-2012. Sonata “retro”: dlia al’ta i fortepiano = Sonata “retro”: for viola and piano / A. Arutyunyan. Moskva: Sovetskii Kompozitor, 1988.
Hauke, Harder. 80/120 BPM: “Rainer Grodnick hadn’t stopped painting”: for viola & piano / Kiel : Material Press, [200-?].
Hauser, Michele. Quattro romanze senza parole: per viola con accompagnamento di pianoforte / M. Hauser; trascritte da Enrico Polo. Milano; New York: G. Ricordi, 1927.
Hauta-aho, Teppo. Tuokioita alttoviululle ja pianolle = Moments for viola and piano / Teppo Hauta-aho; om. Viekolle ja Marketalle. Helsini: Suomalaisen Musiikin Tiedotuskeskus, [1975?]
Hawkins, John. Urizen: for viola and piano / London ; New York : Boosey & Hawkes, c1995.
Haxby, Leon, 1993-. A walk on the wild side / [London?] : [publisher not identified] [2015]
Hedges, Anthony, 1931-. Sonatina for viola and piano, [op. 91] / Anthony Hedges. Beverley: Westfield Music, c1982.
Heggie, Jake, 1961-. Orcas Island ferry : suite for violin/viola and piano / [San Francisco, CA] : Bent Pen Music, Inc., 2012.
Heilmann, Harald. Sonata serena: fur Klarinette in B oder Viola und Klavier / Harald Heilmann. Heidelberg: Willy Muller, c1987.
Heimir Sveinsson. Reykjavik, Iceland: Islenzk Tonverkamidstod, [197-?]
Heinrich Simbriger. [S.l.: s.n., 194-?]
Hellstenius, Henrik. The golden shield : for viola and piano : 1996 / Oslo : Norsk Musikkinformasjon, [1996].
Henderson, Keith. Sonata for viola and piano / [Sydney] : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
Henderson, Moya. Tracker’s song: (from Act III of Lindy): for viola and piano / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
Hennessy, Swan, 1866-1929. Quatre morceaux pour saxophone alto ou alto et piano, op. 71 / Swan Hennessy. Paris: Editions Max Eschig, c1929.
Hennessy, Swan, 1866-1929. Sonate celtique: pour piano et alto: (op. 62) / par Swan Hennessy. Paris: Editions Max Eschig, c1924.
Hermann, F. Sechs Stücke für Viola und Klavier, op. 15 = Six pieces for viola and piano / Winterthur : Amadeus, [2014]
Herrmann, C. Variation uber eine ernste Weise: fur Bratsche (Viola) und Klavier, op. 5 / Leipzig : Jul. Heinr. Zimmermann, [1924?]
Herrmann, C. Zwei Stücke für Bratsche (Viola) und Klavier, op. 6 / Leipzig : Zimmermann, [1924].
Herzmansky), 1939.
Herzogenberg, Heinrich von. Legenden: fur Viola und Klavier, op. 62 / Heinrich von Herzogenberg; hrsg. von Bernhard Pauler. Winterthur: Amadeus; New York: Edition Eulenburg, 1976.
Herzogenberg, Heinrich von. Legends: for viola and piano / H. Herzogenberg. London: Musica Rara, 1975.
Hess, Daniel. Wenn man mude ist, und andere Stucke: fur Viola oder Cello und Klavier, 1996 / [Aarau] : Musikedition Nepomuk, c1997.
Hessenberg, Kurt, 1908-. Sonate fur Bratsche und Klavier, op. 94 / Kurt Hessenberg. Mainz: B. Schott’s Sohne; New York: Schott Music Corp., c1976.
Hetu, Jacques. Concerto pour alto: opus 75 / Saint-Romuald, Quebec : Éditions Doberman-Yppan, ©2010.
Higdon, Jennifer, 1962-. Sonata for viola and piano / [United States] : Lawdon Press, c1990.
Hill, Anthony Herschel. Two pieces for viola and piano / Anthony Herschel Hill. London: Stainer & Bell, 1982.
Hill, Wilhelm. Notturno, Scherzo und Romanze fur Viola und Klavier, op. 18 / Winterthur : Amadeus, 2009.
Hindemith, Paul, 1895-1963. Meditation : aus dem Tanzspiel “Nobilissima visione” / Mainz : B. Schott’s Söhne ; New York : Schott Music, c1966.
Hindemith, Paul, 1895-1963. Meditation : aus dem Tanzspiel “Nobilissima visione” Mainz : B. Schott’s Söhne ; New York : Assoc. Music Publ., ©1938.
Hindemith, Paul, 1895-1963. Sonate fur Bratsche und Klavier / von Paul Hindemith. Mainz: B. Schott’s Sohne; New York: Ass. Music Publishers, c1940.
Hindemith, Paul. Sonate für Bratsche und Klavier, 1939 / Mainz : B. Schott’s Söhne ; New York : Schott & Co, c1940.
Hindemith, Paul, 1895-1963. Sonate fur Bratsche und Klavier, opus 11, Nr. 4 / Paul Hindemith. Mainz: B. Schott’s Sohne; New York: Schott Music Corp., c1949.
Hindemith, Paul, 1895-1963. Sonate für Bratsche und Klavier, op. 25, no. 4 : (1922) Mainz : B. Schott’s Söhne ; New York : Schott Music Corp., ©1977.
Hindemith, Paul, 1895-1963, composer. Sonate für Bratsche und Klavier, opus 11/4 = for viola and piano Mainz : Schott, 2019.
Hindemith, Paul. Sonate, Bratsche und Klavier; Op. 11, Nr. 4. Mainz: B. Schott’s Söhne; New York: Associated Music Publishers, c1922.
Hindemith, Paul. Sonate, Bratsche und Klavier; Op. 11, Nr. 4. Mainz: B. Schott’s Söhne, 1922.
Hindemith, Paul, 1895-1963. Sonata : for viola and piano : opus 11, no. 4 / Paul Hindemith New York : Associated Music Publishers, Inc., [1922]
Hindson, Matthew, 1968- . Prelude and estampie : for viola and piano / Burwood, N.S.W. : Jean-Luc Napoleon III Press, c1996.
Hodkinson, Sydney. Introit, elegie et danse macabre: for viola and piano / Theodore Presser, sole representative ; Bryn Mawr, Pa. : Merion Music, [2011?], c1983.
Hoegelnad, Eilert. Sonatine for viola og klaver / Eilert Hœgeland. Oslo : Norsk Musikkinformasjon, [1993?] M 226 .H3343 S66 1993
Höffer, Paul. Bratschen-Musik mit Klavier. Halle: Mitteldeutscher, [1950].
Hoffmeister, Franz Anton. Concerto in D major for viola and piano / New York : International Music, c1981.
Hoffstetter, Roman. Concerto in Es fur Bratsche und Kleines Orchester = for viola and small orchestra / Heidelberg : Willy Müller/Süddeutscher Musikverlag, c1968.
Holland, Dulcie, 1913-2000. Sonatina for viola and piano / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
Holland, Dulcie, 1913-2000. Summer afternoon: for viola and piano / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
Holland-Moritz, Thomas, 1948-. Capriccietto für Viola und Klavier / Remscheid : Waldkauz, [2004?]
Holloway, Damien. Duo for viola and piano / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
Holstein, Jean Paul. 5 épisodes de la vie d’un altiste: pour alto et piano. Paris: G. Billaudot, c1986.
Holt, Patricia Blomfield, 1910-2003. Metamorphosis : for viola and piano / Canada : Berandol, c1985.
Holzer, Johann, 1753-1818. 3 sonatines faciles, op. 9 : for piano and viola / Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, [2014]
Honegger, Arthur, 1892-1955. Sonata dlia al’ta i fortepiano / A. Onegger; redaktsiia F. Druzhinina. Moskva: Muzyka, 1967.
Honegger, Arthur, 1892-1955. Sonate pour alto et piano / Arthur Honegger. Paris: M. Eschig, [1978?], c1921.
Honnore, Leon. Morceau de concert: pour alto avec accompagnement de piano, op. 23 / Paris : Editions Marcel Mercier, [1904?].
Hoover, Katherine. Shadows: viola & piano / New York, NY : Papagena Press, [2010], c2001.
horn or violin / Greg Adkins. Cleveland: Ludwig Music
Horusitzky, Zoltan. Sonata per viola e pianoforte / Horusitzky Zoltan. Budapest: Editio Musica, c1974.
Hough, Stephen, 1961-. Sonata for viola and piano / London : Josef Weinberger, [2015]
Hovhaness, Alan, 1911-. Campuan sonata: for viola and piano opus 371 / Alan Hovhaness. [S.1.]: Published by Lim Chong Keat in conjunction with A. Hovhaness, c1983.
Howells, Herbert, 1892-1983. Elegy for viola & piano or viola, string quartet & string orchestra / London : Boosey & Hawkes, [2015]
Hoyer, Karl, 1891-1936. Sonate fur Viola & Klavier, op. 30 / von Karl Hoyer. Berlin: N. Simrock; New York: T. B. Harms Co., c1923.
Hübschmann, Heinrich, 1848-1908. Variations pour viola avec accompagnement de l’orchestre ou de pianoforte / À Leipsic : Chez Breitkopf & Härtel, [1830?]
Hüe, Georges, 1858-1948, composer. Thème varié, for viola and piano Boca Raton, Fla. : Masters Music, [2000]
Huhn, Ernst Joachim. Sonatine fur Viola und Klavier, Werk 50 / Ernst Joachim Huhn. Leipzig: Selbstverlag, [193-?].
Hummel, Bertold. Albumblatt: viola and piano / Bertold Hummel. Hamburg: N. Simrock, 1989.
Hummel, Bertold. Elegie fur Viola und Klavier: nach op. 103b / Mainz ; New York : Schott, [2012]
Hummel, Bertold. Kleine Suite = Little suite: viola & piano: op. 19c / Hamburg : N. Simrock, c1990.
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, 1778-1837. III. Sonate fur Pianoforte und Viola obligato / von Iean [sic] nep. Hummel; neu revidiert von Paul Gunther. [S.I.: s.n., 195-?].
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, 1778-1837. Potpouri op. 94: (Fantasie) fur Viola und Orchester / München : G. Henle, c2007.
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, 1778-1837. Sonata for viola and piano / Johann Nepomuck Hummel; edited by Louise Rood. 3rd ed. [New York]: McGinnis & Marx, 1976, c1957.
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, 1778-1837. Sonate Es-dur fur Viola und Klavier, op. 5, Nr. 3 / Johann Nepomuk Hummel; [hrsg. von] Paul Doktor. Wien: Verlag Doblinger, c1960.
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, 1778-1837. Sonate pour le piano avec accompagnement d’alto ou violon oblige: ouev. 19 /
Hunfeld, Xander. Tripiek: sonatinw voor altviool en piano 2006 / Amsterdam : Donemus, c2007.
Hurlstone, William Yeates. Four characteristic pieces: for viola and piano / London : Novello ; New York : H. W. Gray, sole agents for the U.S.A., [190-?]
Husa, Karel. Suite for viola and piano, opus 5 / New York, NY : Associated Music Publishers, [2012?]
Husmann, Mathias. Fantasia funebre: fur Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano: (1978/2007) / Bad Schwalbach : Edition Gamma, c2008.
Huybens, Gilbert, composer. Sonate : Hommage aan Matthias Vanden Gheyn : viola & piano Heverlee : Euprint ed., 2016.
Huydts, Sebastian. Sonata no. 1 : for viola and piano. op. 45/1 / [USA] : Jeanné Music Publications, [2015]
Huydts, Sebastian. Sonata no. 2 : for viola and piano. op. 45/2 / [USA] : Jeanné Music Publications, [2015]
Huydts, Sebastian. Sonata no. 3 : for viola and piano : op. 45/3 / [USA] : Jeanné Music Publications, [2015]
Hyde, Miriam, 1913-2005. Canzonetta for viola and piano / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
Hyde, Miriam, 1913-2005. Sonata for viola and piano (1937) / Perth, W.A. : Keys Press, 1999.
Hymns for instruments: favorite LDS hymns transposed and adapted for instruments for use with the 1985 edition of the LDS hymn book: viola edition / Orem, UT : Hymnplicity : Jackman Music, c2000.
Impressions d’Orient. Devant une stèle funéraire : pour viola-alta ou violon avec accompagnement de piano : op. 35 / par Frank Choisy. Paris : A. Leduc, c1922. MSC M 226 .C488 op.35 1922 Quarto
Ince, Kamran. Road to Memphis : for viola and piano or harpsichord / New York : Schott, [2014]
Inghelbrecht, D. E. (Desire Emile), 1880-1965. Prelude et saltarelle: pour alto et piano / D. E. Inghelbrecht. Paris: A. Z. Mathot, [1907?].
Inghelbrecht, D. E. (Desire Emile). Impromptu pour alto et piano / par D.E. Inghelbrecht. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1922.
Inghelbrecht, D. E. (Desire Emile). Nocturne pour piano et violoncelle (ou violon, ou alto) / Paris : A. Z. Mathot, c1922.
Inghelbrecht, D. E. (Désiré Émile), 1880-1965, composer. Prélude et saltarelle : for viola and piano Boca Raton, FL : Masters Music, [2001?]
Invocation, dance and meditation : for viola and piano / Robert Saxton.London : Chester Music ; Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk : Music Sales, distributor, c1995. M 226 .S29 I58 1995
Ippolitov, Pavel Afanas’evich. Nepreryvnoe divzhenieL dlla al’ta i fortepiano / Frankfurt : Russian Music Archive, 2007.
Ireland, John, 1879-1962. Sonata in A minor : for viola & piano / London : Boosey & Hawkes, 2012.
Irtel, Ernst. Instrumental-Miniaturen / Karlsruhe : MusikNoten-Verlag Latzina, 2003.
Israel-Meyer, Pierre. Sept inventions: pour alto et piano / Pierre Israel-Meyer. [S.1.]: A. Alain Gelfmann, 1964.
Istvan, Miloslav, 1928-. Ronda pro violu a klavir / Miloslav Istvan; revidoval Prof. Antoniin Hyksa. Praha: Statni Nakladatelstvi Krasne Literatury, Hudby a Umeni, 1960.
Ivanov-Radkevich, N. (Nikolai Pavlovich), 1904-1962. Sonata-poema: dlia al’ta i fortepiano / N. Ivanov-Radkevich. Moskva: Gos. muzykal noe izd-vo, 1947.
Jacob, Gordon, 1895-1984. Air and dance: for viola and piano / Gordon Jacob. London: Oxford University Press, 1957.
Jacob, Gordon, 1895-1984. Concerto : for viola and orchestra : arrangement for viola and piano / London : Oxford University Press, [1926]
Jacob, Gordon, 1895-1984. Sonatina: for viola or clarinet and piano / Gordon Jacob. London: Novello, c1949.
Jacobi, Frederick. Fantasy for viola and piano / New York : C. Fischer, c1943.
Jacobson, Maurice, 1896-1976. Berceuse: for viola and pianoforte / by Maurice Jacobson; [viola part edited by Watson Forbes]. London: Oxford University Press; New York: Carl Fischer, 1946.
Jacoby, Hanoch, 1909-. King David’s lyre: violin or viola and piano / H. Jacoby. Tel-Aviv: Israeli Music Pub.; New York: Leeds Music Corp., sole representative for the Western Hemisphere, c1953.
Janowski, Max, composer. Avinu Malkeynu fantasy : our father, our king : high holy days : for viola and piano Chicago, Illinois : Friends of Jewish Music, [1988]
Jansa, Leopold. Cantilene: fur Viola und Klavier / Frankfurt : Laurentius-Musikverlag, c2006.
Jansa, Leopold. Cantilene : für Viola und Klavier, op. 84 = Cantilene for viola and piano / Winterthur : Amadeus, 2013.
Janszen, Matthew. Cheremoya: for viola and piano / Kansas City, Mo. : Pure Slate Music, c2006.
Jaques-Dalcroze, Emile. Deux pieces pour violon (alto ou violoncelle) avec accomp. de piano, op. 2 / Paris : E. Baudoux, [190-?].
Jansen, Pierre. 3 caractères : pour alto et piano / Sampzon : Editions Delatour, 2007, c2006.
Jensen, Walther. Sonate for bratch og klaver, op. 21: 1956 / af Walther Jensen. Kobenhavn: Samfundet til udgivelse af dansk musik, [198-?].
Jeremias, Jaroslav. Sonata, op. 3, viola e piano / Praha : Orbis, [c1950]
Jevtic, Ivan. Preludes pour alto et piano = for viola and piano / Paris : Billaudot, c2007.
Joachim, Joseph, 1831-1907. Hebraische Melodien: nach Eindrucken der Byronschen Gesange: fur Viola und Pianoforte: op. 9 / Joseph Joachim. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, c1913.
Joachim, Joseph. Hebräische Melodien : nach Eindrücken der Byron’schen Gesänge : op. 9 / Joseph Joachim. Leipzig : Breitkopf & Härtel, [c191-?] MSC M 226 .J62 op.9 1910
Joachim, Joseph. Variationen über ein eigenes Thema : für Viola und Pianoforte, op. 10 / Joseph Joachim. Leipzig : Breitkopf & Härtel, [193-?] MSC M 226 .J62 op.10 1930
Jockisch, Reinhold, 1848-1906. Drei lyrische Stucke fur Viola oder Viola alta mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, op. 4 / komponiert von Reinhold Jockisch. Leipzig: Siegel, [190-?].
Johns, Terence. Midnight blue: viola and piano / London : Broadbent & Dunn, c1998.
Jolas, Betsy. Quatre duos pour alto et piano / [France] : Heugel ; Paris : Reprʹesentation exclusive pour le monde entier, A. Leduc, c1979-1981.
Jolivet, André. Chant d’oppression: pour piano et alto. Paris: Editions Salabert, c1993.
Jones, Douglas. Three pieces for viola [and piano]. London; New York: Schott, c1977.
Jongen, Joseph. Allegro appassionato : pour alto et piano : op. 79 / Joseph Jongen. Paris : A. Leduc, [1949], c1925. M 226 .J65 op.79 1949
Jongen, Joseph. Andante espressivo: pour alto et piano, 1900 / Brussels : CeBeDeM, c2003.
Jongen, Joseph. Introduction etdanse pour et piano / Paris : Editions Max Eschig, c1935.
Jonsson, Josef. Fantasia elegiaca: viola och piano / Stockholm, Sweden : Edition Suecia, c1992.
Joplin, Scott, 1868-1917. Ragtime favourites : position 1-4, viola / [London] : Fentone Music, [2004]
Jora, Mihail. Sonata pentru viola si pian, op. 32 / Mihail Jora. [Bucuresti]: Editura de Stat Pentru Literatura si Arta, 1956.
Joubert, Claude-Henry. Ballade de Thʹeophile : pour alto avec accompagnement de piano très facile / Mâcon Cʹedex, France : Editions Robert Martin, c1991.
Joubert, Claude-Henry, composer. Melodie et marche : alto a cordes et piano Macon Cedex : Editions Robert Martin, [1982]
Joubert, Claude-Henry. Menuet de l’argyronete: pour alto et piano / Cl.-H. Joubert. Macon Cedex, France: Editions Robert Martin, c1985.
Joubert, Claude-Henry. Quatre fables : pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / Paris : Combre, c2001.
Joubert, Claude-Henry. Un beau mariage! : pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / Charnay-Lès-Mâcon : R. Martin, c1996.
Jullien, Rene. Concertstuck: pour alto et orchestre: op. 19 / Berlin : N. Simrock, c1912.
Julstrom, Clifford A. Andante programmatic: for viola and piano / Macomb, IL : Julstrom Enterprises, c1992.
Julstrom, Clifford A. Fantasy for viola with piano / Macomb, IL. : Julstrom Enterprises, c1992.
Jung, Fredo. Wechselsaitiges: fur Viola und Klavier, op. 47 / Leipzig : Friedrich Hofmeister, c2009.
Juon, Paul, 1872-1940. Schwedische Tanzklange: fur Viola und Klavier, op. 36 Nr. 8 / Salzgitter : ostinato-musikverlag, [2012]
Juon, Paul, 1872-1940. Sonatas, viola, piano, op. 15, D major. Sonate fur Bratsche und Klavier, op. 15 / von Paul Juon. Berlin: Verlag der Schlesinger’schen Buch & Musikhandlung, (Rob. Lienau), 193-?
Juon, Paul, 1872-1940. Sonatas, viola, piano, op. 82a, F major. Sonate fur Viola und Piano, op. 82 A / von Paul Juon. Berlin: Verlag der Schlesinger’schen Buch & Musikhandlung (Rob. Lienau), c1924.
Juon, Paul, 1872-1940. Sonate fur Bratsche und Klavier, op. 15 / Paul Juon. Berlin: Verlag der Schlesinger’schen Buch & Musikhandlung, [191-?].
Juon, Paul, 1872-1940. Sonate für Viola und Piano, op. 82 A / Berlin : Verlag der Schlesinger’schen Buch-& Musikhandlung (Rob. Lienau), c1924.
Juon, Paul, 1872-1940. Sonate in D-Dur für Viola und Klavier op. 15 = Sonata in D major for viola and piano / Winterthur/Schweiz : Amadeus Verlag, 2012.
Kalabis, Viktor, 1923-2006, composer. Sonate für Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano, op. 84 (1997) Praha : Schott Music Panton, [2018]
Kalinowska, Bella. Miriam’s Song: Werke von judischen Komponistinnen fur Viola und Klavier / Kassel : Furore, c2011.
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel, 1801-1866. Sechs Nocturnes fur Viola und Pianoforte, Op. 186 / von J. W. Kalliwoda. Leipzig: C. F. Peters, [192-?].
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel, 1801-1866. Sechs Nocturnes fur Viola und Pianoforte, Op. 186 / von J. W. Kalliwoda. Leipzig: C. F. Peters, [1959].
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel. Sechs Nocturnes fur Viola und Klavier, op. 186 / Johannes Wenzeslaus Kalliwoda. Frankfurt; New York: C.F. Peters, [197-?]
Kanitz, Ernest. Sonatina for viola and piano / [S.I. : s.n.], c1956.
Kapustin, Nikolaĭ, 1937- composer. Sonatina (2015) for viola and piano = für Viola und Klavier = dli͡a alʹta i fortepiano : opus 158 Authorized edition. Mainz ; New York : Schott, [2018]
Karaev, Kara. 5 p’es: skripka iakhud alt ila ochun kochurma / G. Garaev. Baky: Azerbaijan Dovlat Musigi Nashriiaty, 1952.
Karkoff, Ingvar. Meditationer: tre stycken for viola & piano / Stockholm : STIM, [1992?]
Karkoff, Maurice. Liten romans: for violin (eller viola) och piano / Stockholm : STIM, Svensk Musik, Swedish Music Information Centre, [200-?].
Karkoff, Maurice. Orientaliska bilder: per violino [o] viola e pianoforte: op. 66 b-c / Stockholm : STIM, Svensk Musik, Swedish Music Information Centre, [200-?].
Karpman, Laura. Rounds : viola and piano (2000) / St. Louis, MO, : MMB Music, c2000.
Kaspar, Olivier, 1962-. Bal(l)ades : 7 pi`eces pour alto et clavecin ou piano = 7 pieces for viola and harpsichord or piano / Paris : G. Billaudot, c2006.
Kauder, Hugo, 1888-1972. composer. Sonate in D für Viola und Klavier 1953 Score & part. Verona, New Jersey : Seesaw Music, a division of Subito Music Corporation, [2018]
Kauder, Hugo, 1888-1972, composer. Sonata (in G) for viola and piano Verona, NJ : Seesaw Music, a division of Subito Music Corporation, [2018]
Kaufmann, Armin, 1902-1980. Sonate fur Viola und Klavier, op. 84 / [1963?].
Kaufmann, Armin, 1902-1980. Sonatine, op. 53/2, für Viola und Klavier / Wien : Doblinger, c1970.
Kauffmann, Leo Justinus, 1901-1944. Kleine Suite: fur Bratsche und Klavier / von Leo Justinus Kaufmann. Mainz: B. Schott’s Sohne; New York: Ass. Music Pub., c1939.
Keldorfer, Robert. Sonate fur Viola und Klaver, 1964 / Robert Keldorfer. Wien: Verlag Doblinger, 1966.
Keller, Homer. Sonata for viola and piano / New York : American Composers Alliance, [1955?].
Kelterborn, Rudolf. Neun Momente: fur Bratsche und Klavier: (1973) / Berlin : Bote & Bock, c1973.
Kelterborn, Rudolf, 1931-. Neun Momente : für Bratsche und Klavier : (1973) / Berlin : Bote & Bock, ©1973.
Kent, Norman, composer. Sonatina no. 1 [for] viola and piano Dover : Broadbent & Dunn, [2005]
Kent, Norman, composer. Sonatina no. 2 [for] viola and piano Dover : Broadbent & Dunn, [2005]
Kerr, Louise Lincoln. Five character pieces: for solo viola and piano / Scottsdale, AZ : Classics Unlimited Music, c2001.
Kerr, Louise Lincoln, 1892-1977. Five character pieces : for solo viola and piano / Scottsdale, AZ : Classics Unlimited Music, ©2001.
Kerr, Robert, 1967-. Biography : a viola sonata in three movements : for viola and piano / Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, [2015]
Kerry, Gordon. Caritas: for viola and piano (2001) / [Sidney] : Australian Music Centre, [2001?].
Kerry, Gordon, 1961-. Caritas : for viola and piano (2001) / [Sidney] : Australian Music Centre, [2001?].
Kerry, Gordon. Paradi: for viola and piano / Ben Lomond, NSW : Grevillea Editions, 1996, c1988.
Kerry, Gordon, 1961-. Paradi : for viola and piano / Ben Lomond, NSW : Grevillea Editions, 1996, ©1988.
Kessler, Wolfgang, 1945- . Fantasia rhapsodica : für Trompete in C/B, Viola (Violine), Keyboard, KessWV 11 / Köln : Haas, 2013, c2013.
Kessner, Daniel. Sonatina bassa: version for viola and piano / New York : D. Kessner, c2008.
Khachaturian, Aram Ilich, 1903-1978. Andantino / A. Khachaturian. Etiud / D. Kabalevskii. [Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal’noe, 195-?].
Khachaturi︠a︡n, Aram, 1903-1978. Произведения для альта и фортепиано и альта соло = Works for viola and piano and viola solo / Хачатурян = Khachaturyan. / Москва : Музыка, 2011.
Khandoshkin, Ivan Evstafʹevich, 1747-1804. Концерт до мажор для альта с оркестром =|bConcerto in C major for viola and orchestra /|cИван Хандошкин ; переложение для альта и фортепиано И. Ямпольского = Ivan Khandoskin ; arranged for viola and piano by I. Yampolsky. / Sankt-Petersburg : Kompozitor, 2014.
Khitsunov, Serhii Ipolytovych, 1912-. Sonatas dlia al’ta i forte piano / S. Khitsunov. Kiiv: Sovetskii Kompozitor, 1961.
Khitsunov, Serhiĭ Ipolytovych, 1912-. Sonatas dli͡a al’ta i forte piano / Kiiv : Sovetskiĭ Kompozitor, 1961.
Khozak, Rafail Matveeich. Marsel’ Marso i ego videmiia: Siuta dlia al’ta i fortepiano = Marcel Marceau and his visions: suite for viola and piano / R. Khozak. Moskva: Sovetskii Kompozitor, 1988.
Khozak, Rafail Matveevich. Marsel’ Marso i ego videmii͡a : Si͡uta dli͡a al’ta i fortepiano = Marcel Marceau and his visions : suite for viola and piano / Moskva : Sovetskiĭ Kompozitor, 1988.
Khrestomatiia dlia al’ta: VII klass detskoi muzykal’noi shkloy:
Kiel, Friedrich, 1821-1885. Sonate, fur Pianoforte und Viola (oder fur Pianoforte mit Violoncello oder Violine), op. 67 / Friedrich Kiel. Ausgabe fur Pianoforte und Viola. Berlin: Ed. Bote & G. Bock, [190-?].
Kiel, Friedrich. Drei Romanzen, op. 69, fur Viola und Klavier / Friedrich Kiel. Adliswil-Zurich: Amadeus, 1972.
Kiel, Friedrich. Sonate in g-moll, op. 67 fur Viola und Klavier / Friedrich Kiel. Adliswil-Zurich: Amadeus, zu beziehen durch Edition Eulenburg, 1972.
Kiel, Friedrich. Three romances, op. 69, for viola and pianoforte / Friedrick Kiel. London: Musica Rara, 1972.
Kiepert, Max. Romanze: fur Cello oder Bratsche, op. 22 / Max
Kiepert. Wilhelmshaven: Heinrichshofen’s Verlag, 1958.
Killmayer, Wilhelm. Die Schönheit des Morgens : fünf Romanzen für Viola und Klavier = five romances for viola and piano : 1994 / Mainz ; New York : Schott, c1996.
Kimber, Michael, composer. Two pieces in Spanish style = Dos piezas en estilo Español : for viola and piano Iowa City : Soundpoint Music, [2017]
Kirkor, G. (Georgi ). Dve p’esy dlia al’ta i fortepiano. Moskva: Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1953.
Kirkor, Georgii Vasil’evich, 1910-. Kontsertnaia fantaziia dlia al’ta i fortepiano, [soch. 26] / G. Kirfor. Moskva: Muzyka, 1967.
Kittler, Richard. Sonatine fur Viola und Klavier, 1959 / Wien : Doblinger, c1959.
Kjeldaas, Arnljot. Sonate for bratsj og klaver i G moll, op. 15 : (Quasi fantasia) / Oslo : Norsk Musikkinformasjon, [199-?].
Klaas, Julius, 1888-. Sechs Tondichtungen: fur Viola und Klavier = Six poems: for viola and piano = Six poemes: pour alto et piano: opus 14 / Julius Klaas. Magdeburg: Heinrichshofen’s Verlag, c1940.
Klaas, Julius, 1888-. Sonate, op. 40: fur Viola und Klavier / Julius Klaas. Wilhelmshaven: Heinrichshofen’s Verlag, 1965.
Klaas, Julius. Sonate, op. 40 fur Viola und Klavier / Julius Klaas. Wilhelmshaven: Heinrichshofen’s Verlag, 1965.
klavir = fur Viola und Klavier / Janez Maticic. Ljubljana: Druistvo Slovenskih Skladateljev, 1976.
Klemmstein, Eberhard. Sonate für Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano / Leipzig : Friedrich Hofmeister, [2013]
Klengel, Paul, 1854-1935. Drei Romanzen fur Viola und Klavier, op. 46 / von Paul Klengel. Leipzig: Fr. Kistner, c1912.
Klengel, Paul, 1854-1935. Sechs Stucke fur Bratsche und Klavier = Six pieces for viola and pianoforte = Six pieces pour alto et piano: op. 39 / Paul Klengel. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, c1910.
Klengel, Paul, 1854-1935. Serenade fur Violine und Viola op. 45 / Paul Klengel. Leipsig; New York: Breitkopf & Hartel, c1911.
Klengel, Paul, 1854-1935. Vier Phantasiestucke fur Viola und Klavier, op. 48 / Leipzig : Fr. Kistner, c1912.
Klingler, Karl. Sonatas, viola, piano, D minor. Sonate fur Bratsche und Pianoforte / von Karl Klingler. Berlin: N Simrock, c1909.
Klingler, Karl. Sonate fur Bratsche und Pianoforte / Berlin : N Simrock, c1909.
Knigge, Wilhelm baron. Deux morceaux de salon : pour alto et piano our accompagnement de deux violon, violoncello et contrebass, op. 86 / par B. Polak-Daniels, pseud. Potschappel : Bellman & Thumer, [192-?]
Koch, Erland von. Larghetto fur Violoncello oder Viola und Klavier = for violoncello or viola and piano / Hamburg : Peer Musikverlag ; New York : Southern Music, c1967.
Koch, Erland von. Lyrisk episod: op. 29: for viola och piano / Stockholm : STIM, Svensk Musik, Swedish Music Information Centre, [200-?].
Koch, Erland von. Scherzo fur Violoncello oder Viola und klavier= for violoncello or viola and piano / Hamburg : Peer Musikverlag ; New York : Southern Music, c1967.
Koch, Frederick. Caprice for viola and piano / Cleveland : Barrow Press, c1986.
Kochan, Gunter. Sonate fur Viola und Klavier / Gunter Kochan. Berlin: Verlag Neue Musik, 1988.
Kœchlin, Charles. Sonate pour piano et alto; op. 53. Paris: M. Senart, c1923.
Kœchlin, Charles. Sonate pour piano et alto, op. 53 / Paris : M. Senart, c1923.
Kohler, Moritz. Elegie: pour viola avec accompagnement de piano: op. 31 / par Moritz Kohler. Moscou: P. Jurgenson, [192-?].
Kohn, Karl, 1926- composer. Iterations : for viola and piano (2019) Pomona : Karl Kohn, [2019]
Kohn, Karl, 1926- composer. Violaria 2017 : for viola and piano [Pomona, California] : Karl Kohn, 2017.
Kouyoumdjian, Mary, 1983- composer. A boy and a makeshift toy : from Children of Conflict : for viola and piano : 2015 New York, NY : Schott, 2019.
Kolb, Barbara. Related characters: for viola and piano / Barbara Kolb. [New York?]: Boosey & Hawkes, c1985.
Ḳompaneyets, Zinoṿi, 1902-1987. Poema-monolog: dila al’ta i fortepiano / Moskva : Muzyka, 1965.
Kopac, Peter. Particularite: za violo in klavir = for viola and piano / Ljubljana, Slovenija : Edicije DSS, c2005.
Koplow, Philip. Sonata in memoriam Martin Luther King Jr. : for viola and piano / Cincinnati : Liben Music, c1996.
Koringer, Franz, 1921-. Sonata profana 7: Viola & Klavier / Franz Koringer. Wien: Doblinger, c1987.
Koringer, Franz, 1921-. Sonatine fur Viola und Klavier, (1949) / Wien : Doblinger, c1967.
Kornauth, Egon, 1891-1959. Sonate cis-moll fur Viola (oder Klarinette) und Klavier, op. 3 / Egon Kornauth. Wien: Ludwig Doblinger, 1913.
Kornauth, Egon. Sonate cis moll für Viola (oder Klarinette) und Klavier; Op. 3. Ausg. für Viola und Klavier. Wien: Ludwig Doblinger, 1913.
Kornauth, Egon. Sonate cis moll für Viola (oder Klarinette) und Klavier; Op. 3. Leipzig: Lodwig Doblinger, c1913.
Kornauth, Egon, 1891-1959. Sonatine für Flöte (Violine) oder Bratsche und Klavier, op. 46a / Wien : Doblinger, c1959
Kornauth, Egon, 1891-1959. Drei Stucke fur Violoncello (oder Bratsche) und Klavier, op. 47 / Wien : Doblinger, c1955.
Kosmala, Jerzy. Cztery utwory kompozytorów polskich / Kraków : Polskie Wydawn. Muzyczne, 1981.
Kotzwara, Franz. Sonate C-Dur fur Viola and Basso continuo, op. 2, No. 2 / Mainz : B. Schott’s Söhne ; New York : Schott Music, c1973.
Kovalev, V. Poema: dlia al’ta i fortepiano / V. Kovalev. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal’noe Izd-vo, 1952.
Kovalev, V. Proizvedehila sovetskikh kompozitorov: dlla al’ta s soprovozhdeniem fortepiano / Moskva : Muzyka, 1968.
Kozlovskii, Aleksei Fedorovich, 1905-1977. Sonata dlia al’ta i fortepiano / A. Kozlovskii. Moskva: Vsesoiuznoe Izd-vo Sovetskii Kompozitor, 1970.
Kratochwil, Heinz. Sonate für Viola und Klavier / Wien : Doblinger, c1971.
Krein, Aleksandr Abramovich, 1883-1951. Prolog / A. Krein; redaktsiia V. Borisovskogo. Moskva: Sovetskii Kompozitor, 1962.
Krein, IU. (IUlian Grigor’evich). Sonata / IU. krein. Sonata: dlia al’ta i fortepiano / G. Buzogly. Moskva: Sov. kompozitor, 1979.
Kreisler, Fritz. Praeludium und Allegro im Stile von Gaetano Pugnani: fur Viola und Klavier / Mainz : Schott, c2009.
Krenek, Ernst. Sonate fur Viola und Klavier, op. 117 (1948) / Wien : Universal Edition, c2009.
Kreuz, Emil, 1867-1932. Sketch: Op. 13e, no. 3 / E. Kreuz. London: Augener, [191-?].
Kreuz, Emil. Sonate in a moll für Viola und Klavier = Sonata in A minor for viola and piano; Op. 13 Nr. 6; nach dem Erstdruck hrsg. von = ed. from the original ed. by Bernhard Päuler. Winterthur: Amadeus, 1987.
Kriukov, V. (Vladimir Nikolaevich), 1902-1960. Dve p’esy dlia skripki (ili al’ta, ili violoncheli) i fortepiano / V. Kriukov. Moskva: Gos. muzykal’noe izd-vo, 1950.
Kriukov, V. (Vladimir Nikolaevich), 1902-1960. Pi͡atʹ pʹes dli͡a skripki (ili alʹta ili violoncheli) i fortepʹi͡ano / Moskva : Gos. Muz. Izd-vo, 1959.
Kriukov, V. (Vladimir Nikolaevich), 1902-1960. Sonata dlia al’ta i fortep’iano / Vladimir Kiukov = Sonata for viola and piano: [Op. 15] / Vladimir Kryukov. Novaia red. = New ed. 1958. Moskva: Gos. muzykal’noe izd-vo, 1959.
Kriukov, V. (Vladimir Nikolaevich), 1902-1960. Sonata dlia fortep’iano i al’ta = Sonata for piano and viola: op. 15 / Vladimir Kriukov. Moskva: Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1946.
Kruez, Emil, 1867-1932. Der violaspieler: Sammlung von progressiv geordneten Stucken fur Viola und Klavier: op. 13 / von Emil Kreuz. Mainz: B. Schott’s Sohne, [194-?].
Kubizek, Augustin. Sonatine, op. 5a, fur Bratsche und Klavier oder Violoncello und Klavier oder Klarinette und Klavier / Wien : Doblinger, c1963.
Kudelski, Carl Matthias, 1805-1877 Fantasie für Viola mit Begleitung des Pianoforte : op. 10 / Hamburg : Fritz Schuberth, [1842?]
Küffner, Joseph, 1776-1856. Divertissement pour pianoforté et cor en Fa ou alto ou violoncelle : opus 231 / A Paris : Chez les fils de B. Schott, [1829?]
Kugel, Michael. Suite in memoriam Shostakovich : for viola and piano / Brussels, Belgium : Nouvelle Musique consonante, c1999.
Kuhn, Siegfried, 1893-1915. Sonate (h-moll) fur Bratsche und Klavier, op. 7 / von Siegfried Kuhn. Berlin: Ries & Erler, [190-?].
Kühnl, Claus. Morceau ’95 : für Viola und Klavier (Flügel) / Hofheim : F. Hofmeister, c1996.
Kummer, Friedrich August, 1797-1879. Trois morceaux faciles pour le piano et violoncelle (ou alto), sur des thèmes favoris de l’opéra: Le postillon de Lonjumeau d’Adolphe Adam : oeuv. 37 / Dresde : Chez Guillaume Paul, [1840?]
Kunc, Pierre. Sonate pour alto piano / Paris : Buffet-Crampon, c1924.
Kunits, Luigi von, 1870-1931, composer. Sonata for viola and piano Toronto, ON : Canadian Music Centre, [between 2010 and 2019]
Kupferman, Meyer. Quiet play: for viola and piano (1987) / [Rhinebeck, NY] : Soundspells Productions ; Verona, NJ : exclusive distrubutor, Subito Music, 2008, c1987.
Kupferman, Meyer, 1926-2003 composer. Phantom sonata : for viola and piano (1979) [Rhinebeck, N.Y.] Soundspells Productions, [2018]
Kupkovic, Ladislav. Scherzo fur Viola und Klavier / Wien : Universal Edition, 1984, c1980.
Kurek, Michael. Sonata for viola and piano / [Nashville] : Michael Kurek, c2003.
Kutavi¯cus, Bronius. Sonata dlia al’ta i fortepiano = Sonate, altui ir fortepionui. [Moskva: Sovetski kompozitor, 197-?].
Kutavicius, Bronius. Sonate fur Viola ud Klavier = Sonata for viola and pinao: (1968) / Bronius Kutavicius. Leipzig: Edition Peters; New York: C. F. Peters [distributor], c1984.
Kvandal, Johan. Sonata for viola and piano, op. 81 / Oslo : Norsk Musikforlag, c1999.
Kwiatkowski, Ryszard. Legenda: na altowke i fortepian = for viola and piano = pour alto et piano = fur Viola und Klavier / Kraków : Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, c1977.
Kwiatkowski, Ryszard. Sonata per viola e pianoforte / Ryszard Kwiatkowski. Krakow: Polskie Wydawn. Muzycczne, [1984], 1983.
La Montaine, John. Conversations : op. 44 Hollywood, Ca. : Fredonia Press, 1977.
Labroca, Mario, 1896-1973. Suite per viola e pianoforte / Mario Labroca: Milano : Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, c1950.
Laburda, Jiří, 1931-. Vinalia rustica : Sonatine für Viola und Klavier (2000) / Köln : Edition Dohr, c2005.
Lachartre, Nicole, 1934-. Sonate pour alto et piano / [Between 1960 and 1979]
Lachert, Piotr, 1938- . 4e sonate pour alto et piano : 1991 / Bruxelles : CeBeDeM, c1994.
Ladyzhensky, Pyotr, 1946-. Sonata no. 2, dila al’ta i fortepiano, soch. 43 = Sonata No. 2, for viola and piano, Op 43 / Sankt-peterburg : Izdatel’stvo kompozitor, [2012]
Lalo, Edouard. Concerto en re / Berlin : Ed. Bote & G. Bock, [189-?]
Lamb, Marvin, 1946-. Fantasy for viola and piano / [New York] : Carl Fischer, [2014]
Lamote de Grignon, Ricardo. Scherzino para viola y piano / Barcelona : Clivis, 2000, c1975.
Lampe, K. Erinnerungen eines Greises: fur Viola und Klavier / K. Lampe. [S.l.: s.n., 195-?]
Lane, Richard. Sonata no. 2 for viola and piano, (1997, DD 406) / Vuarmarens : Editions Bim, c2006.
Langer, Hans-Klaus, 1903-. Thema mit Variationen fur Viola und Klavier / Hans-Klaus Langer. Berlin: Astoria Verlag, c1958.
Lapeyere, Charlotte. Souvenir: pour alto et piano / Paris : Éditions Combre, c2006.
Lapeyere, Charlotte. Un soir: pour alto et piano / Paris : Editions Combre, c2006.
Lavin, M. Duchesne. Six Papua New Guinea folk songs : for violin or viola & piano / [S.I.] : Wits’ End Music, c1996.
Leistner-Mayer, Roland, composer. Sonate für Viola und Klavier, op. 156 Schweinfurt : Vogt & Fritz, [2018]
Levy, Ernst, 1895-1981, composer. Sonate für Viola und Klavier = Sonata for viola and piano Erstdruck = First edition. Winterthur, Schweiz : Amadeus Verlag, 2018.
Levy, Frank, 1930-2017. Concerto no. 2 : for viola & string orchestra (piano reduction) / Verona, New Jersey : Seesaw Music, [2013]
Levy, Frank, 1930-2017. Sonata no. 2 : for viola & piano / Verona, New Jersey : Seesaw Music Corporation, [2010]
Lawrence, Bruce. Elegy for violin, viola or cello and piano / [Sidney] : Australian Music Centre, [200-?].
Lazarof, Henri. Five poems : for viola and piano / King of Prussia, PA : Merion Music : T. Presser, sole representative, c2004.
Le Beau, Luise Adolpha. Drei Stücke für Viola, op. 26, mit Klavierbegleitung / Kassel : Furore Verlag, c2000.
Le Beau, Luise Adolpha. Sonate, op. 17, for viola and piano: transcribed from the Sonate for cello and piano / [Bryn Mawr, Pa.] : Hildegard Pub. Co., c2009.
Lebermann, Walter, editor. Concerto, viola, string orchestra, E♭ major (Landesbibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Mus. 329); arranged Hamburg : N. Simrock, [©1976]
Lebic, Lojze. Meditacije za dva: za violo in violoncello = Meditations for two: for viola and violoncello / Lojze Lebic. [Ljubljana]: Drustva slovenskih skladateljev, 1972.
Le Borne, Fernand, 1862-1929. Rêverie : pour alto avec accompagnement de piano, op. 55 / Paris : L. Grus, c1910.
Lebsanft, Stephen, composer. Elegy : for viola and piano Wollongong, NSW, Australia : Wirripang New Composition, [2019]
Leclair, Jean Marie. Sonata for viola and piano : Le tombeau / [New York?] : Kalmus ; Miami, Fla. : Warner Bros. Publications, [2002].
Lee, Gordon. Sonata #1 for viola and piano : 5 meditations on the Tarot / 1989
Lee, Gordon. Sonata #2 for viola & piano / 1996
Lee, Thomas Oboe, composer. Duo concertante : for viola and piano Cambridge, Mass. : Departed Feathers Music, [2020]
Lee, William F. Scherzo, viola solo with piano accompaniment / Melville, N.Y. : Belwin Mills, c1979.
Leek, Stephen. Goombungee: for violin (or viola or cello) and piano / [Sidney] : Australian Music Centre, [200-?].
Legley, Vic. Elegisch lied, op. 7: voor altviool en piano = pour alto et piano / Brussels : CeBeDeM, [2006], c1958.
Legley, Vic. Sonate pour alto et piano, op. 13 / Bruxelles : CeBeDeM, c1955.
Lehmann, Hans Ulrich. Without words: seven songs for viola and piano, 2011 / Bad Schwalbach : Edition Gamma, c2011.
Leigh, Walter. Sonatina for viola and piano / Colne : Comus Edition, c2004.
Leighton, Kenneth. Fantasia on the name Bach: for viola and piano, op. 29 / by Kenneth Leighton.[London]: Novello, 1957.
Leistner-Mayer, Roland. Augennacht : op. 52, für Viola und Klavier / Schweinfurt : Vogt & Fritz, c2000.
Leitermeyer, Fritz. 12 [i.e. Zwolf] Episoden: fur Viola und Klavier, op. 36 / Vienna : Fritz Leitermeyer, c1967.
Levina, Zara. Poema: dlla al’ta s fortepiano / Moskva : Muzsektor gosizdata ; Vena : Universalʹnoe izd-vo, [1930].
Levinas, Michael. Arcades: pour alto et piano / Paris : Editions Salabert, c1982.
Les toits gris : pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / Pascal Proust. Paris : Combre, c1994. M 226 .P78 T65 1994
Lesieur, Emile. Automne: pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / Emile Lesieur. Paris: M. Combre, c1985.
Lessle, Adolf. Capriccioso / von Adolf Lessle. Stettin: Baltischer Musikverlag; Mainz: Eigentumer der Verlags- und Auffuhrungsrechte, B. Schott’s Sohne, [191-?].
Levitch, Leon. Sonata for viola and piano, op. 11 / Hollywood, Calif. : Cameo Music Reproduction, [1957?].
Lhotka, Fran, 1883-1962. Sljepacka; za violu i klavir / F. Lhotka; obradio: L. Miranov. Zagreb: Muzicka Naklada, [1960].
Liashenko, Hennadi Ivanovych. Preliudiia, arieta 1, tanets’: dlia al’ta z fortepiano / H. Liashenko. Kyiv: Muzychna Ukraina, 1971.
Liebesbilder : 3 Stücke für Viola und Pianoforte, op. 5 / componirt von Emil Kreuz.London : Augener, [1885?] M 226 .K753 op.5 1885
Liebesbilder : für Viola und Klavier = Pictures of love : for viola and piano : op. 5 / Emil Kreuz ; herausgegeben von Bernhard Päuler. Winterthur : Amadeus, 1995. M 226 .K753 L54 1995
Lied : pour alto & piano : opus 36 / Rene Jullien. Paris : M. Eschig, c1938. M 226 .J84 op.36 1938
Lilburn, Douglas, 1915-2001. Salutes to seven poets : for viola and piano (1952) / Wellington : Waiteata Music Press, 2010.
Limbert, Frank L. Sonate (C moll) fur Pianoforte und Viola, op. 7 / componirt von Frank L. Limbert. Frankfurt a/Main: Steyl & Thomas; New York: G. Schirmer, [190-?].
Linjama, Jyrki. Deux chansons: pour le piano et la viole = Kaksi laulua: pianoile ja alttoviululle, 1991 / Helsniki : Suomalaisen Musiikin Tiedotuskeskus, 1995.
Linkola, Jukka. Dark dance: for viola and piano, 1990 / Helsinki : Suomalaisen Musiikin Tiedotuskeskus, 1995.
Liptak, David. Duo for viola and piano / [Maryland Heights, MO] : Keiser Classical, [2016]
Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886. Izbrannye pʹesy /F. List ; obrabotka dli͡a alʹta i fortepiano V. Borisovskogo. / Избранные пьесы /Ф. Лист ; обработка для альта и фортепиано В. Борисовского. / Selected Pieces /F. Liszt; processing for viola and piano by V. Borisov. / Moskva : Muzgiz, 1963.
Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886. Romance oubliee = (Vergessene Romanze) / composee par Franz Liszt. Pour viola & piano. Hannover: Chr. Bachmann, [c189-?].
Liszt, Franz. Romance oubliée: mélyheged ure (vagy klarinétra) és zongorára = für Viola (oder Klarinette) und Klavier; [közreadta] Temesváry, Balassa. Budapest: Zenem ukiadó, 1956.
Loblov, Bela. Rococo / New York : Whitney Blake, c1945.
Locatelli, Pietro Antonio, 1695-1764. Sonata da camera, G moll = G minor = Sol mineur : für Violine mit beziffertem Baß : für Viola und Klavier / Leipzig, Germany : Breitkopf & Härtel, [1930]
Loeffler, Alfred. Sonata for viola and piano / Chico, Calif. : Avera Music Press, c1996.
Loewe, Carl. Duo espagnola : für Viola und Klavier / Niedernhausen : Edition Kemel, 2008.
Loewe, Carl, 1796-1869, composer. Duo espagnôla : für Viola und Klavier Erstdruck nach einer zeitgenössischen Abschrift / herausgegeben von Cord Garben im Auftrag der Internationalen Carl-Loewe-Gesellschaft Löbejun. Wilhelmshaven : Florian Noetzel Verlag, [2017]
Lombardo, Robert, 1932-. Compressions II : five pieces for viola & piano / [USA] : [publisher not identified] / [2010?]
London, Edwin. Sonatina for viola and piano: (1962) / Edwin London. Northampton, Mass.: New Valley Music Press, c1965.
London: Stainer & Bell, [1981], c1908.
Longo, Alessandro, 1864-1945. Suite per viola e pianoforte, Op. 53 / di Alessandro Longo. Milano; New York: G. Ricordi, c1911.
Lopez Garcia, Jose Luis. Sonatine para viola y piano / Valencia : Musicvall, [2011]
Luedeke, Raymond. Sonata for viola and piano / by Raymond Luedeke. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1975.
Lunden, Lennart. Romans: for viola och piano / Stockholm : STIM, Svensk Musik, Swedish Music Information Centre, [200-?].
Lysight, Michel. Chronographie VIII: for viola or violoncello and piano / Brussels : Alain Van Kerckhoven, c2005.
Maasz, Gerhard, 1906-. Musik fur Bratsche und Klavier / Gerhard Maasz. Kassel: Barenreiter, 1949.
MacBride, David. Fourth way: for viola and piano / David MacBride. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1971.
Machavariani, Alekseĭ. Romans dli͡a al’ta i fortepiano = Romance : for viola and piano / Mosvka : Sovetskii Kompozitor, 2008.
Mack, Dieter, 1954-. Aneh: fur Viola und Klavier / Dieter Mack. [Freiburg: Mack, 1987].
Maconchy, Elizabeth, 1907-1994. Sonata for viola and piano / London : Chester Music ; Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk : Exclusive distributors, Music Sales, ©2015.
Maderich, Robert J. Suite for viola and piano / Melville, N.Y. : Pro Art Pubs., [1982?].
Madsen, Trygve. Sonata for viola and piano, op. 33 / Trygve Madsen. Oslo: Musikk-Husets Forlag, c1987.
Magdic, Josip. 5 satiricnih anekdot: za violo in klavir = 5 anecdotes satiriques: pour alto e piano / Josip Magdic. Ljubljana: Drustvo Slovenskih Skladateljev, 1967.
Magidenko, Olga. Einatmen-Ausatmen: fur Viola und Klavier / Kassel : Furore, [2011]
Mai, Peter. Neun kleine Stücke : für Bratsche und Klavier = Nine little pieces : for viola and piano / Leipzig : F. Hofmeister, c2005.
Maillard, Rene. Sonate no. 1, pour alto et piano: [op. 5, 1952, revision 2009] / Sampzon : Editions Delatour, c2009.
Maintz, Philipp, 1977- composer. Thränenbenezt : für viola und klavier (2015) Kassel : Bärenreiter, [2018]
Mainz ; New York : Schott, c1994. M 226 .M85 op.10 1994 Mullich, Hermann. 7 Dialoge: sowohl fur Violoncello und Klavier wie fur Viola und Klavier / Hermann Mullich. Rhein: P.J. Tonger Musikverlag, 1975.
Majorelle, Philippe. Sonate pour alto et piano, op. 1 / Philippe Majorelle. Paris: G. Billaudot, c1971.
Mamlok, Ursula. Above clouds : for viola and piano / Berlin : Boosey & Hawkes/Bote & Bock, [2015]
Mansuryan, Tigran, 1939-. Vier hayren : für Viola und Klavier ; bearbeitung der 4 Hayren für Mezzosopran und Klavier = Four hayrens for viola and piano ; arrangement of 4 Hayrens for mezzo-soprano and piano / Mainz : M.P. Belaieff, [2011]
Mara, Ignaz, 1709-1783, composer. Konzert für Viola, Streicher und Basso continuo Es-Dur Beeskow : Ortus Musikverlag, [2018]
Marais, Marin, 1656-1728. Pièces pour violes / Paris : H. Lemoine, c1949, [1950 printing].
Marais, Marin, 1656-1728. Sarabande / Paris : A. Durand, [1893?].
Marcello, Benedetto, 1686-1739. 2 sonatas in C major and in G major: for viola and piano / Marcello; [viola part edited by Joseph] Vieland. New York: International Music Co., c1966.
Marcello, Benedetto, 1686-1739. Sonate G-Dur fur Viola und Klavier / Mainz : B. Schott’s Söhne ; New York : Associated Music Publishers, [194-?], c1911.
Marechal, Henri. Elegie pour alto et piano / Paris : Maurice Senart, c1931.
Marković, Adalbert, 1929-. Muzika za violu i klavir = Music for viola and piano / Zagreb, Croatia : Hrvatsko društvo skladatelja, 1992.
Maros, Miklos. Partite for viola and piano / Stockholm : Svensk Musik, [1991].
Marteau, Henri. Chaconne fur Bratsche und Klavier, op. 8 / Berlin : N. Simrock, c1910.
Martinaitis, Algridas. Anabasis: altui ir fortepijonui = for viola and piano, 2000 / Vilnius : Muzikos Informacijos ir Leidybos Centras, 2006.
Martinček, Dušan. Hudba pre violu a klavir / Dusan Martincek. Bratislava: Slovensky Hudobny Fond, 1978.
Martini, Manlio. Buon natale! / Ancona : M. Martini, [1993?].
Martini, Manlio. Canto natalizio 1995: per flauto (o violino), (o viola) e pianoforte (od organo) / Ancona : M. Martini, 1995.
Martini, Manlio. Canto pastorale: per viola e pianoforte / Ancona : M. Martini, [1996?].
Martini, Manlio. Largo e spigliato: per viola e pianoforte / Ancona : M. Martini, [1981?].
Martini, Manlio. Ode alla musica: per viola e pianoforte / Ancona : M. Martini, [1973?].
Martini, Manlio. Ritorno al passato: per viola e pianoforte / Ancona : M. Martini, [1996?].
Martini, Manlio. Saggio monoseriale: per viola e pianoforte / Ancona : Manlio Martini, [1968?].
Martini, Manlio. Studio dialogato: viola e pianoforte / Ancona : M. Martini, [1996?].
Martini, Manlio. Tre melodie per viola e pianoforte / Ancona : M. Martini, 1995.
Martino, Donald. Three sad songs : for viola and piano / Newton, Mass. : Dantalian, c1997.
Martinon, Jean, 1910-1976. Rapsodie 72: pour alto et piano / par Jean Martinon. Paris: G. Bilaudot, 1972.
Martinu, Bohuslav, 1890-1959. Sonata no. 1 for viola and piano / Bohuslav Martinu; viola part edited by Lillian Fuchs. New York: Associated Music Publishers, c1958.
Martinu, Bohuslav, 1890-1959. Sonata no. 1 for viola and piano / Bohuslav Martinu; viola part edited by Lillian Fuchs. New York: Associated Music Publishers, [197-?], c1958.
Masson, Thierry. Mes premiers pas : pour alto et piano / Paris : H. Lemoine, c1996.
Maticic, Janez. Deux poemes: pour alto et piano = za viola in
Matthews, Colin. Calmo & oscuro : for viola and piano / London : Faber Music, c2003.
Matthews, Colin. Four moods : for viola and piano (1999/2006) / London : Faber Music, c2010.
Matthews, Rachel. Dreams, for viola and piano / London : Ourtext, c2010.
Maugue, J.M.L. Cantilene et danse: pour alto et piano / J.M.L. Maugue. Paris: Henry lemoine, 1928.
Mayr, Giovanni Simone, 1763-1845, composer. Concertpiece for viola and strings / Johann Simon Mayr ; revision and reduction for viola and piano by Nico Bertelli. Massa, Italy : Nico Bertelli Edizioni Musicali, 2011.
Mayer, Rudolf. Kleine Suite: fur Bratsche und Klavier / von Rudolf Mayer. Wien: Ludwig Doblinger, c1939.
Mazas, F. (Féréol), 1782-1849. Elegie, opus 73, pour alto et piano / F. Mazas ; [révision Jean-Philippe Vasseur]. Paris : Editions Calao, c1981. M 226 .M397 op.73 1981
Mazas, F. (Féréol), 1782-1849.La consolation, seconde élégie composée pour l’alto, avec accompagnement d’orchestre ou piano : opéra 29 / Paris : Chez C. Heu, [1835?]
Mazas, F. (Féréol), 1782-1849. Le songe : fantaisie sur La favorite, op. 92 (oeuvre posthume) : pour alto et piano / Paris : G. Billaudot, c1995.
Mazellier, Jules. Nocturne et rondeau: pour alto et piano / Paris : Editions Costallat ; New York : M. Baron Co., c1934.
McCarthy, Daniel William. Testament : solo viola w/ piano accompaniment / Greensboro, NC : C. Alan Publications, c2003.
McDonald, Marshall. Sacred hymns for solo instrument & piano: vol. 1 / Sandy, Utah : Maywood Music, c2008.
McKimm, Barry. Andante tranquillo: for solo viola and piano / Warrandyte, Australia : Yarra Yarra Music, c1997.
McKimm, Barry. Concert piece: for viola and piano / [Sydney] : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
McLaughlin, Marian. Romantic piece for viola and piano / Marian McLaughlin. [1959?].
Medins, Jekabs, 1885-. Tri miniatiury: dlia al’ta i fortepiano / Iakov Medyn. [Leningrad: Sovetskii Kompositor, 1969?].
Melville, N.Y.: Belwin Mills, [198-?]
Mellers, Wilfrid Howard. Sonata for viola & piano / London : A. Lengnick, c1949.
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847. Sonate c-moll für Bratsche und Klavier / Leipzig : Deutscher Verlag für Musik, 1974, c1966.
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847. Sonate c-moll für Viola und Klavier = Sonata in C minor for viola and piano/ München : G. Henle Verlag, [2011]
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-1847. Two songs without words / London : J. & W. Chester, [1956]
Mereaux, Max. Invocation: pour alto et piano / Paris : Editions Combre, c2002.
Merighi, Vincenzo, 1795-1849. Concertino per viola o violoncello e piano-forte / Milano : R. Stabilimento Ricordi, [1831?]
Metratone, Alexandre. 23 chasons pour l’alto en duos, en trios, avec accompagnement de piano / Paris : ʹEditions Combre, c2000.
Metratone, Alexandre. Quatre pièces pour les jeunes altistes : alto et piano / Paris : Combre, c2005.
Meulemans, Arthur. Sonate pour alto et piano / Brussels : CeBeDem, c1956.
Meyer, Clemens, 1868-1958. Alte Meister des Violaspiels: (18, Jahrhundert): fur den praktischen Gebrauch / Leipzig : C.F. Peters, 1966.
Meyer, Clemens, 1868-1958. Wiegenlied / Cl. Meyer. Heilbronn: C. F. Schmidt, [193-?].
Meyer, Ernst Hermann, 1905-. Sonate fur viola und Klavier, 1979 / [Ernst H. Meyer]. Leipzig: Edition Peters; New York: C. F. Peters [distributor], c1984.
Meyer-Olbersleben, Max, 1850-1927. Sonate fur Clavier und Viola (alta), op. 14 / componirt von M. Meyer-Olbersleben. Leipzig: Fritz schuberth, [1883?].
Meyer-Olbersleben, Max. Sonate in C-Dur für Viola und Klavier, op. 14 = Sonata in C major for viola and piano / Max Meyer-Olbersleben ; herausgegeben von Berhard Päuler. Winterthur, Schweiz : Amadeus, 1993.
Meyer-Selb, Horst. Ricordanza = (Erinnerung) : Musik für Bratsche und Klavier / Hofheim : F. Hofmeister, c1997.
Miaskovsii, N. (Nikolai), 1881-1950. Sonata no. 2 dlia violoncheli (ili al’ta) i fortepiano = Sonata no. 2 for violoncello (or viola) and piano / N. Miaskovskii; redaktsiia partii violoncheli M. Rostropovicha; pererabotka partii violoncheli dlia al’ta B. Borisovskogo. Moskva: Gos. muzykal’lnoe izd-vo, 1960.
Michans, Carlos. Trois étoffes anciennes : for viola and piano, 2003 / Amsterdam : Donemus : Muziek Centrum Nederland, c2004.
Michel, Winfried. Sonata in Es-dur für Viola und Klavier = Sonata in E-flat major for viola and piano / Winterthur : Amadeus, 2005.
Mihalovici, Marcel, 1898-1985. Sonate pour alto et piano Paris : Heugel, ©1948.
Mihalovici, Marcel, 1898-. Textes: pour alto et piano / Marcel Mihalovici. Paris: Heugel, 1975.
Milandre, Louis Toussaint. Suite en re pour viole d’amour et clavecin ou alto et piano = Suite in D, viola d’amore and harpsichord or viola and piano / Paris : Editions Costallat : Éditions Billaudot, c1921.
Milano: Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, 1950.
Milburn, Ellsworth. Entendre: viola and piano: (1982). Playing score. St. Louis, Mo.: MMB Music, c1982.
Miletic, Miroslav. Rapsodija za violu i klavir = Rapsodie pour alto et piano / Zagreb : Edition Pax, c1988.
Miletic, Miroslav. Fantazija za violu i glasovir na teme B. Brittena = Fantasia for viola on themes by [B. Britten] = fur Viola uber Themen von B. Britten / Zagreb, Croatia : M. Miletić, [199-?].
Miletic, Miroslav. Iz kajdanke A. Dobronica: prisjecanje na djecje zborove: za viola i klavir = From notebook of A. Dobronic: reflections on children choirs: viola & piano / Zagreb : M. Miletić, [1997].
Miletic, Miroslav. Male skadbe: za violu i klavir = Miniatures: for viola and piano / Zagreb : Z. Kolarić, [1999?]
Miletic, Miroslav. Uspavanka = Lullaby = Komoriuta / Zagreb : Miroslav Miletić, 2001.
Milhaud, Darius. I ere sonate pour alto et piano: sur des themes inedits et anonymes du XVIIIe siecle / Darius Milhaud. Paris: Heugel, [1975], 1968.
Milhaud, Darius. 2eme sonate pour alto et piano / Darius Milhaud. Paris: Heugel, 1946.
Milhaud, Darius. 2eme sonate pour alto et piano / Darius Milhaud. Paris: Heugel, [1948?], 1946.
Milhaud, Darius. 2eme sonate pour alto et piano / Darius Milhaud. Paris: Heugel, [197?], 1946
Milhaud, Darius, 1892-1974. 4 visages: pour alto et piano / Darius Milhaud. Paris: Heugel, c1946.
Milhaud, Darius, 1892-1974. 4 visages : pour alto et piano Paris : Heugel, 1976-77 printing, c1946.
Milhaud, Darius, 1892-1974. 4 visages: pour alto et piano / Darius Milhaud. Paris: Heugel, 1983-84 printing, c1946.
Milhaud, Darius. Quatre visages: pour alto et piano / Darius Milhaud. Paris: Heugel, 1946.
Milosevic, Vlado. Sonata za violu i klavir / Vlado Milosevic; prijatelju Miroslavu Mileticu, kompozitoru i violisti autor; redakciju notnog teksta izvrsio Miroslav Miletic. [Zagreb]: Udruzenje Kompozitora Bosne i Hercegovine, [1967].
Missal, Joshua. Reverie : viola and piano / Atlanta, Ga. : Castle Enterprises, c1999.
Montsalvatge, Xavier. Pregaria a Santiago: per a viola i piano / Barcelona : Tritó, 2001, c1999.
Moore, J. H. Elegy for viola and piano / London : Stainer & Bell, ©1911.
Moortel, Arie Van de. Sonate pour alto et piano: voor altviool en klavier / Arie Van de Moortel. Jette: Bij de Componist – Chez l’Auteur, [1955?].
Moraweck, Lucien. Elegy for viola and piano / [S.l.] : Lucien Moraweck, [196-?].
Moraweck, Lucien. March of fate: for viola and piano / [S.l] : Lucien Moraweck, [196-?].
Mork, Kjell. Sonata nova : for bratsj og piano : Opus 101 / Kjell Mørk Karlsen. Oslo : Norsk Musikkinformasjon, [1992] M 226 .K377 op.101 1992
Morozov, Nikolai. Sonnet: pour alto et piano / Nyon : HG Editions, c2007.
Morrill, Dexter. Dance bagatelles : for viola & piano (1994) / Hamilton, N.Y. : Chenango Valley Music Press, c1994.
Morris, Valarie. Serenade / El Sobrante, CA : Sandscape Publications, c2001.
Mortensen, Finn. Sonatine for viola og klaver, op. 18 / Finn Mortensen. Oslo : Norsk Musikkinformasjon, [1959?] M 226 .M67 op.18 1959
Mourant, Walter. Fantasy for viola and piano / Walter Mourant. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1952.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Adagio / London : Augener & Co., [19–?].
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Conzert fur Viola und Orchester G-Dur / Winterthur : Partitura Verlag, c2008.
Móži, Aladár. Rapsódia na záhorácke motívy : pre violu a klavir / Bratislava : Slovenský Hudobný Fond, 1962.
Muhly, Nico. Drones & viola : for piano & viola / New York : St. Rose Music Publishing, [2013]
Mulder, Herman. Sonate voor altviool en piano / Amsterdam : Donemus, c1960.
Müller-Zürich, Paul, composer. Concerto für Viola und kleines Orchester, op. 24 = Concerto for viola and small orchestra Klavierauszug = Piano score. Winterthur : Amadeus Verlag, 2015.
Mulsant, Florentine, 1962- composer. Sonate pour alto et piano, op. 63 no. 2, 2017 : für Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano Kassel : Furore Verlag, [2017]
Münchhausen, August Baron v. Sonate für Viola und Klavier C-Dur = for viola and piano C major : op. 10 / August Baron v Münchhausen; herausgegeben von Ulrich v. Wrochem.
Murgier, Jacques, 1912-. Moda 2: pour violon (ou alto) a la 2eme et piano / Jacques Murgier. Paris: Editions Musicales Translantiques, c1981.
Murray, Eleanor and Tate, Phyllis. Tunes old and new : eight short pieces with exercises and study suggestions : for viola and piano / by Eleanor Murray and Phyllis Tate. London : Oxford University Press, 1958. M 1393 .M96 T85 1958
Murray, Eleanor. The new viola books: easy original pieces / Eleanor Murray and Phyllis Tate. London: Oxford University Press, 1962.
Murrill, Herbert. Four French nursery songs: for viola (or violoncello) and piano / London : Chester Music, c1942.
Murto, Matti. Runoelma alttoviululle ja pianolle: sinisia hetkia = Poem for viola and piano: blue moments, 2006 / Kokkola : Modus Musiikki, c2006.
Musik für Bratsche und Klavier, op. 27 / Konrad Rötscher. Berlin : Bote & Bock, c1954. MSC M 226 .R677 op.27 1954
Musik fur Viola = Music for viola = Musique pour alto: Originalkompositionen der Gamba- und Viola-Literatur / redigiert und hrsg. von Gustav Szeredi-Saupe. Budapest: Editio Musica, c1986.
Nanni, Stefano. Sonata in G per viola e pianoforte / Milano : Sonzogno, 2013.
Naoumoff, Emile, 1962-. Sonata for viola and piano / Mainz : Schott, [2011]
Naoumoff, Emile, 1962-. Petite suite: pour alto et piano = fur Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano / Emile Naoumoff. Mainz; New York: Schott, c1984.
Napoli, Carlo. Ouverture per viola e pianoforte / Carlo Napoli. Milano: G. Ricordi, 1975.
Nardini, Pietro. Sonata in F minor for viola and piano / Pietro Nardini. Melville, N.Y.: Belwin Mills, [198-?]
Nathan, Eric, 1983-. Dreamcatcher / Larchmont, NY : Nathan Arts, [2014]
Naumann, Ernst. Drei Fantasie-Stucke fur Viola od. Violine und Pianoforte, op. 5 / Leipzig : J. Rieter-Biedermann, [1878?]
Neun Momente : für Bratsche und Klavier / Rudolf Kelterborn.Berlin : Bote & Bock, c1973. MSC M 226 .K455 M66 1973
Newton, Jon. Fantasy on a western theme: for viola and piano / [S.l.] : Lifelike Music, c2002.
Noe, Artur. Trauermarsch fur Viola und Klavier / von Artur Noe. [S.l.: s.n., 197-?]
Norman, Ludvig. Sonate in g-moll fur Viola und Klavier, op. 32 = Sonata in G minor for viola and piano / Ludvig Norman; hrsg. von Bernhard Pauler. Winterthur, Schweiz: Amadeus, 1985.
Norre, Dorcas. Espressioni : per violino o viola e pianoforte : 1981 / Stockholm : STIM, [1997?]
Norton, Christopher, 1953-. Microjazz for viola / Christopher Norton. London; New York: Boosey & Hawkes, c1989.
Nowak, Lionel. Duo for viola and piano / Lionel Nowak. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1985.
Nyman, Michael. Viola and piano / London : Chester Music, c1997.
Nytch, Jeffrey, 1964-. Lyric suite : reflections on Carl Sandburg : for viola and piano / [USA?] : Jeffrey Nytch, [1993]
Ohlendorff, Hans von. Andante fur Bratsche mit Klavierbegleitung / Niedernhausen : Edition Kemel, c2008.
Olafsson, Kjartan. Dimma: f. violu & piano / Reykjavik : Iceland Music Information Centre, [1985?]
Onslow, Georges, 1784-1853. Sonata A-Dur für Klavier und Viola, op. 16/3 / Wien : Doblinger, c1997.
Onslow, Georges, 1784-1853. Sonate fur Viola & piano, op. 16, no. 3 / Georges Onslow; rev.; Walter Hockner. Hamburg: N. Simrock, c1963.
Onslow, Georges, 1784-1853. Sonate in c-Moll fur Viola und Klavier, op. 16/2 = Sonata in C minor for viola and piano / Winterthur : Amadeus, 2006.
Onslow, Georges, 1784-1853.Sonate in F-Dur fur Viola und Klavier, op. 16/1 = Sonata in F major for viola and piano / Winterthur : Amadeus, 2006.
Orr, Robin. Sonata for viola and piano / Robin Orr; viola part edited by Watson Forbes. London: Oxford University Press, c1949.
Osorio-Swaab, Colaco. Sonate voor altviool en piano : [no. 3] / Colaço Osorio-Swaab. Amsterdam : Donemus, c1952. M 226 .C59 S66 no.3 1952
Ott, Joseph. Sonate for viola / [U.S. : s.n., 1968?].
Ott, Joseph. Suite for viola and piano 1961 / [U.S. : Joseph Ott, 1961?].
Otten, Ludwig. Zeven vroege stukken : voor altviool en piano, 2002 / Amsterdam : Donemus, 2002.
Ouzounoff, Alexandre, composer. Madrigal : pour alto et piano = for viola and piano Paris : Billaudot, [2017]
Overman, Meta, 1907-1993. Sonata for viola and pianoforte / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
Overton, Hall. Sonata for viola and piano / [by] Hall Overton. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1960.
Owens, David. Fantasy on a Celtic carol : for viola and piano / David Owens. Holliston, Mass. : Andrea Press, c1991. M 226 .O93 F36 1991.
Paccione, Paul, composer. Five pieces for viola and piano Lebanon, NH : Frog Peak Music, [2018]
Paganini, Nicolò, 1782-1840. Caprices / London : Hinrichsen, [1953]
Pagotto, Mario. Reigen : per viola e pianoforte / Adliswil : Pizzicato Helvetia, c1997.
Pagotto, Mario. Sonata “Quai jayr” : per viola e pianoforte / Adliswil : Pizzicato Helvetia, c2002.
Palaschko, Johannes. Jagdstuck, op. 36 no. 20: [mit Klavierbegleitung] / Leipzig : Fr. Kistner, [190-?].
Palej, Norbert, composer. Cantilena – veni creator spiritus : for viola and piano (2008) Toronto : Canadian Music Centre, [2008]
Pannain, Guido. Concerto per viola e orchestra / Milano : Edizioni Curci, c1958.
Papandopulo, Boris. Sonata za violu i klavir = Sonata pour alto et piano / Boris Papandopulo. [Zagreb]: Saveza kompozitora Jugoslavije, [1963]
Parik, Ivan. Meditacia: pre violu a klavir / Ivan Parik. Bratislava: Slovensky Hudobny Fond, 1977.
Parotti, Sergio. Sonata no 1, op. 60, para viola y piano / [Buenos Aires, Argentina] : S. Parotti, [1990?].
Parris, Robert. Sonata for viola and piano / Robert Parris. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1957.
Pärt, Arvo. Fratres: fur Viola und Klavier (1997, 2003) / Wien ; New York : Universal Edition, 2004, c2003.
Partos, Oedoen, 1907-1977. Oriental ballad Tel Aviv : Israeli Music Publications, ©1958.
Partos, Oedoen. Yiskor = (In memoriam) : for viola (or violin, or violoncello) and piano / New York : Leeds Music Corp., [1959]
Pascal, Andre. Chant sans paroles: imploration: pour alto et piano / Paris : A. Durand, c1926.
Passacaglia del’ addio : pour alto et piano / Tony Aubin.Paris : A. Leduc, [1979?], c1977. M 226 .A83 P37 1979
Passani, Emile, 1905-. Sizain: six morceaux faciles pour violon ou alto et piano / par Emile Passani. Nice: Georges Delrieu, [c1963].
Patterson, Paul. Viola concerto for solo viola and string orchestra: op. 101: reduction for viola & piano / London : Josef Weinberger, 2011.
Pearson, William. Two carols for viola and piano / William Pearson. London : Hinrichsen Edition, c1942. MSC M 226 .P41 C37 1942
Pehrson, Joseph. Levitations : for viola and piano / New York : Seesaw Music, c2004.
Pellegrini, Ernesto. Movement VI: variazioni for viola and piano, (1993) / [United States] : Ernesto Pellegrini, c1993.
Pentland, Barbara. Duo for viola & piano / [Toronto : Canadian Music Centre, 1960?]
Perera, Ronald. Fanfare for viola and piano / Leeds, MA : Pear Tree Press [2015]
Perera, Ronald. Sonatina : for viola and piano (1986) / Massachusetts : Pear Tree Press; Verona, NJ : Subito Music, 1996, [2015].
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista. Sinfonia for viola & piano / Giovani Battista Pergolesi; edited by Franco Sciannameo. [Rocky Hill, Conn.]: Rarities for Strings Publications, 1977.
Perilhou, A. Scenes agrestes / A. Perilhou. Paris: Heugel, c1923.
Perkinson, Coleridge-Taylor. Lament : for viola & piano / Maryland Heights, Mo. : Lauren Keiser Music ; Milwaukee, Wis. : Exclusively distributed by Hal Leonard, [2010?], c2008.
Perkowski, Piotr. Poeme: na altowke i fortepian / Gdynia : Eufonium, c2009.
Peron, Paul. Elegie: alto et piano: [op. 7] / par Paul Peron. Paris: E. Gallet, [192-?].
Pesy frantsuzskikh kompozitorov: perelozhenie dlia alta i fortepiano / V. Borisovskogo. Moskva: Muzyka, 1981, c1980.
P’esy russkikh kompozitorov: perelozhenie dlia al’ta i fortepiano / sostaviteli i redaktory L. Gushchina i E. Stoklitskaia. Moskva: Muzyka, 1986.
Pésy sovetskikh kompozitorov dlia al’ta i fortepiano / Moskva : Sovetskii Kompozitor, 1976-
p’esy, proizvedeniia, krupnoi formy, ansambli / sostavitel’ i redaktor M. Reitikh. Izd. perer. Moskva: Izd-vo Muzyka, 1981.
Pesy, sovetskikh kompozitorov: dlia al’ta i fortepiano / [sostavlenie, obrabotka i perelozheniia V. N. Skibina]. Moskva: Sovetskii Kompozitor, 1987.
Peterson, John. At the still point : for viola and piano / Claremont, Western Australia : Hovea Music Press, 2000.
Philips, Julian, 1969-. Four characters : for viola and piano / [London] : Edition Peters, [2007]
piano / Bjarne Brustad. Drammen: Harald Lyche & Co., 1974.
piano / Dale Craig. [S.l.: s.n., 195-?]
Piazzolla, Astor. Le grand tango: per violoncello (o viola) e pianoforte / Ancona, Italia : Bèrben, [2008], c1982.
Pigovat, Boris, 1953-. Sonata : for viola and piano / [USA?] : Boris Pigovat, 2012.
Piston, Walter, 1894-1976. Interlude for viola and piano / Walter Piston. New York: Boosey & Hawkes, c1952.
Piston, Walter, 1894-1976. Interlude for viola and piano / Walter Piston. New York: Boosey & Hawkes, [1976?], c1952.
Plagge, Wofgang. Sonata, viola & piano, op. 30 / Wolfgang Plagge. Oslo : Norsk Musikkinformasjon, 1987. M 226 .P58 op.30 1987
Podest, Ludvik. Suita pro violu a klavir, 1956 / Praha : Státní nakl. krásné literatury, hudby a umění : Artia, c1958.
Pogge, Hans. Sonate F-dur fur Klarinette (od. Bratsche) und Pianoforte, op. 14 / von Hans Pogge. Ausg. fur Bratsche und Pianoforte. Leipzig: Ernst Eulenburg, [193-?].
Polglase, John. Six miniatures : for viola and piano / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
Polo, F. Fleta. Cinc duos concertants. Nums. 6, 7, 8: viola i piano / Barcelona : Clivis, c2009.
Polo, F. Fleta. Cinc duos concertants. Nums. 9, 10: viola i piano / Barcelona : Clivis, c2009.
Pond, Sylvanus Billings, 1792-1871. Joseph Smith’s first prayer : arrangement for viola / [Salt Lake City, Utah] : Holy Sheet Music, [2005]
Popatenko, T. (Tamara Aleksandrovna), 1912-. Romanticheskaia sonata: dlia al’ta i fortepiano / T. Popatenko. Sonata: dlia al’ta i fortepiano / I. Kheifets. Moskva: Sovetskii
Porter, Quincy, 1897-1966. Speed etude : for viola and piano / [South Hadley, Mass.?] : Valley Music Press, c1957.
Porumbescu, Ciprian. Ballade: fur Viola und Klavier / Salzgitter : Ostinato, [2012]
Poser, Hans. Sonatina for viola and piano = Sonatine fur Bratsche und Klavier / Hans Poser. Hamburg: H. Sikorski, 1973.
Poser, Hans. Sonata for viola and piano = Sonate für Bratsche und Klavier; [Op. 6]. Hamburg: Sikorski, c1988.
Pott, Francis, 1957- composer. Sonata for viola and piano, 2013 [Chipping Norton] : Composers Edition, [2017]
Poulenc, Francis, 1899-1963. Pastourel : for viola or violin and piano / [USA] : [publisher not identified] [2013?]
Pousseur, Henri. Litanie du miel des nuits hivernales: per pianoforte e viola, (2003) / Milano : Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, 2006, c2004.
Povia, Frano. Elegija za klarinet (B) ili violu i klavir / [Yugoslavia] : Izdanje udruženja kompositora, 1957.
Price, Florence, 1887-1953. Adoration : for violin or viola and piano. New York, NY : G. Schirmer, Inc., 2020.
Prieto, Claudio. Sonata 5, viola y piano / [Madrid] : Arambol, [2007].
Procaccini, Teresa. Dialogo: per viola e pianoforte / Teresa
Procaccini. Roma: Edizioni EDI-PAN, 1982.
Proizvedeniia sovetskikh kompozitorov: dlia al’ta s soprovozhdeniem fortepiano / sostavlenie i redaktsiia S. Talaliana. Moskva: Muzyka, 1968.
Proizvedeniia sovetskikh kompozitorov : dli͡a alʹta i fortepiano i alʹta solo = Works by Soviet composers : for viola and piano and for solo viola / Moskva : Sovetskiĭ kompozitor, 1987.
Prokofiev, Sergey, 1891-1953. Ausgewählte Stücke aus dem Ballett “Romeo und Julia” = Selected pieces from the ballet “Romeo and Juliet” / Hamburg : Sikorski Musikverlage, [2007?]
Proust, Pascal. Airs de cour : pour alto et piano / Paris : Combre, c2005.
Proust, Pascal. La riviere blance: pour alto et piano / Paris : Combre, c2002.
Proust, Pascal. Un chant, une danse : pour alto et piano / Paris : G. Billaudot, c2002.
Publishing Co., 1971.
Puchhammer-Sédillot, Jutta, editor. Pièces de concours : issues du rèpertoire du Conservatoire de Paris : pour alto et piano = from the Paris Conservatoire repertoire : for viola and piano = aus dem Repertoire des Pariser Konservatoriums : für Viola und Klavier / Mainz : Schott, [2016-2017]
Puchhammer-Sédillot, Jutta, editor. Pièces de concours : issues du rèpertoire du Conservatoire de Paris : pour alto et piano = from the Paris Conservatoire repertoire : for viola and piano = aus dem Repertoire des Pariser Konservatoriums : für Viola und Klavier / Mainz : Schott, [2016-2017]
Purcell, Henry. Arie i tance: na altowke lub skrzypce i fortepianem / Kraków : Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 1954.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695. Old masters for young players : 12 easy classical pieces arranged after the originals for viola and piano (1st position) / London : Edition Schott, [1930]
Purcell, Henry. Suite for viola and piano / Purcell; [edited by Joseph] Vieland. New York: International Music Co., 1973.
R. Lamote de Grignon. Barcelona: Publicaciones Clivis, 1975.
Pütz, Eduard. Blues for Benni : for viola and piano = für Viola und Klavier / Eduard Pütz ; fingering by Benni von Gutzeit. Mainz ; New York : Schott, c1994. M 1366 .P87 B58 1994 Radnai, Milos, 1892-1935. Sonate fur Bratsche und Pianoforte / von Nikolaus Radnai. Leipzig: N. Simrock, c1913.
Pütz, Eduard. Sonate für Viola und Klavier / Darmstadt : Tonos, c1988.
Pütz, Eduard. Sonate : für Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano = pour alto et piano / Mainz, Germany : Schott, [2013]
Ramsier, Paul. The Boosey & Hawkes viola anthology: 13 pieces by 11 composers / [S.l.] : Boosey & Hawkes ; Milwaukee, WI : Distributed by Hall Leonard Corp., [2009?]
Raphael, Günter, 1903-1960. Sonate in Es dur fur Bratsche und Klavier, op. 13 / Gunther Raphael. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, c1926.
Raphael, Günter, 1903-1960. Sonate II: fur Bratsche und Klavier, op. 80 / Gunter Raphael. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1957.
Rapoport, Eda, 1890-1968, composer. Poem : viola and piano New York : Maxwell Weaner, [1939]
Raskatov, Aleksandr. Romans dlia al’ta i fortepiano / Moskva : Sovetskii Kompozitor, 2008.
Ratez, Emile Pierre, 1851-1934. Sonate pour alto et piano, (op. 48) / par A. Ratez. Paris: Rouart, Lerolle, [1907?].
Read, Thomas Lawrence, 1938- . Rondo fantasy: for viola and piano, 1967 / Thomas Read. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1977.
Rebikov, Vladimir. Pesnia bez slov / V. Rebikov ; perelozhenie dlia al’ta i fortepiano [D. Lepilova]. Moskva: Gos. Muz. Izd-vo., 1951.
Reed, William Henry. Rhapsody for viola & piano / London : Augener, [1937], c1927.
Reger, Max, 1873-1916. Romanze: fur Viola und Klavier, WoO 11/10 / Mainz : Schott, [2011]
Reger, Max, 1873-1916. Suite in g minor, op. 131d (1915), viola and strings / Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, c2009.
Reger, Max, 1873-1916. Sonate B-dur fur Klarinette (Bratsche) oder Violine und Kllavier, Op. 107 / Max Reger. Berlin: Ed. Bote & G. Bock, c1937.
Reher, Sven. Essay : for solo viola and string orchestra / Madrid : Unión Musical Española, c1986.
Reinecke, Carl. 10 Kleine Stücke : für Viola und Klavier = 10 little pieces : for viola and piano : opus 213 / Mainz ; New York : Schott, 2001.
Reinecke, Carl, 1824-1910. Drei Fantasiestücke für Klavier und Viola, op. 43 / Leipzig : Reinecke Musikverlag, [2009]
Reinecke, Carl. Drei Phantasiestucke fur Viola (Violine) und Klavier, op. 43 = Three fantasy pieces for viola (violin) and piano / Carl Reinecke; hrsg. von Bernhard Pauler. Winterthur, Schweiz: Amadeus, 1985.
Reinecke, Carl. Phantasiestucke: fur Viola und Klavier, op. 43 / Carl Reinecke. Munchen-Grafeling: Walter Wollenweber, 1974.
Reinecke, Carl, 1824-1910, composer. Drei Phantasiestücke : for viola and piano, op. 43 Boca Raton, FL : Masters Music, [2001]
Reiner, Karel. Sloky: pro violu a klavir / München : G. Ricordi, c2010.
Reinhold, Otto. Musik fur Bratsche und Klavier / Otto Reinhold. Kassel: Barenreiter-Verlag, [195-?]
Reis, Ferdinand. Sechs kleine leichte Vortagsstucke in der ersten Lage: fur Violine oder Viola / Warngau : Accolade Musikverlag, c2007.
Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb, 1798-1859. Trio brillant in g-moll : für Violine, Violoncello oder Viola und Klavier, op. 181 = Trio brilliant in g minor : for violin, violoncello or viola and pianoforte / Winterthur, Schweiz : Amadeus, 2000.
Reiter, Albert, 1905-1970. Sonate für Viola und Klavier / Wien : Doblinger, c1962.
Reitz, Heiner. Elegie fur Viola und Klavier / Winterthur : Amadeus, c2008.
Reuss, Heinrich, Prinz, 1855-1910. Sonate fur Pianoforte und Viola, op. 22 / von Heinrich XXVI. j.L. Prinz Reuss. Wien: C. Schimidl, [190-?].
Reuss, Heinrich, Prinz, 1855-1910. Sonate fur Viola und Klavier, Opus 22 / Heinrich XXIV. j.L. Prinz Reuss; nach dem Erstdruck neu herausgegeben. Munchen-Grafelfing: W. Wollenweber, 1986.
Reutter, Hermann, 1900-. Musik fur Bratsche und Klavier: (1951) / von Hermann Reutter. Mainz: B. Schott’s Sohne; New York: Associated Music Publishers, c1952.
Ribollet, Albert. Suite pour alto et piano / A. Ribollet. Paris: A. Leduc, c1924.
Ricci Signorini, A. (Antonio), 1867-. Tre espressioni liriche / A. Ricci Signorini. Milano: A. & G. Carisch, c1925.
Richardson, Alan, 1904-1978. Autumn Sketches: for viola and piano / Alan Richardson; viola part edited by Watson Forbes. London: Oxford University Press, 1949.
Richardson, Alan, 1904-1978. Rhapsody for viola and piano / Colne : Comus Edition, c1998.
Richardson, Alan, 1904-1978. Sussex lullaby / Alan Richardson; viola part edited by Watson Forbes. London: Oxford University Press, c1938.
Richardson, Alan, 1904-1978. Sussex lullaby : for viola (or cello) and piano / Colne, Lancashire, Great Britain : Comus Edition, c1995.
Ridky, Jaroslav, 1897-1956. Ukkolebavka = Berceuse – Schlummerlied = Lullaby: op. 26a / Jaroslav Ridky. Praha: Edition Sadlo, c1933.
Ridky, Jaroslav, 18997-1956. Adagio: viola & piano / Jaroslav Ridky. Praha: Edition Sadlo, c1932.
Ries, Franz, 1846-1932. Adagio / Franz Ries. [190-?].
Rios, Phelipe de los, approximately 1745-1801. Sonate in D-Dur für Viola und b.c., 1781 / Stuttgart : Cornetto, [2010]
Ritter, Alexander, 1833-1896. Tonstuck: fur Viola und Klavier / von Alexander Ritter; hrsg. und Bezeichnet von Prof. Hermann Ritter. Leipzig: J. Aibl; Wien: Universal-Edition, [1913?], c1901.
Ritter, Hermann, 1849-1926. Allegretto scherzando, op. 65, no. 2 / Hermann Ritter. Leipzig: Fr. Kistner, [1898?].
Ritter, Hermann, 1849-1926, composer. Concert-Phantasie, no. I : op. 35 Leipzig : Kistner & Siegel, [between 1880 and 1889?]
Ritter, Hermann, 1849-1926. Gesangsstuck fur Altgeige (Viola alta), op. 66 / Hermann Ritter. Heilbronn a/N.: C. F. Schmidt, [192-?].
Ritter, Hermann, 1849-1926. Im Traume, op. 32, no. 2 / Hermann Ritter. Leipzig: Fr. Kistner, [191-?].
Ritter, Hermann, 1849-1926. Introduktion und Mazurka op. 33, No. 2 / von Hermann Ritter. Leipzig: Fr. Kistner, [191-?].
Ritter, Hermann, 1849-1926. Italienische Suite, op. 37 / von Hermann Ritter. Leipzig: Fr. Kistner, [1886?].
Ritter, Hermann, 1849-1926. Jagdstuck: op. 17 / von Hermann Ritter. Berlin: N. Simrock, 1883.
Ritter, Hermann, 1849-1926. Pastorale und Gavotte, op. 32, no. 1 / Hermann Ritter. Leipzig: Fr. Kistner, [191-?].
Ritter, Hermann, 1849-1926. Rokoko: 2 Vortragsstucke: op. 73 / von Hermann Ritter. Leipzig: Fr. Kistner, c1907.
Ritter, Hermann, 1849-1926. Standchen, op. 70 / von Hermann Ritter. Leipzig: Fr. Kistner, c1905.
Rochberg, George. Sonata for viola and piano (1979) / Bryn Mawr, Pa. : T. Presser, 1980, c1979.
Rode, Pierre. Concerto no. 7, op. 9 / [1932].
Roger, Denise. Tableautin : pour alto et piano / par Denise Roger. Paris : M. Combre, c1983. M 226 .R6344 T33 1983
Roger, Kurt George, 1895-. Irish sonata: for viola and pianoforte, op. 37 / Kurt George Roger. London: Fancis, Day & Hunter, c1948.
Roger, Kurt George, 1895-. Suite for viola and piano, op. 84 (1955) / [S.I. : Kurt George Roger, 1955?].
Rogers, William Keith. Sonatina for viola and piano / Toronto : BMI Canada ; New York : Associated Music Publishers, U.S. sole selling agent, c1954.
Rogister, Jean. Fantaisie Concertante: pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / Bruxelles : Breitkopf & Härtel, [190-?]
Rohde, Kurt. Six character pieces : for viola and piano / New York : C. F. Peters, c2006.
Rolla, Alessandro, 1757-1841. Adagio e tema con variazioni : per viola e orchestra Milano : Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, [©1979]
Rolla, Alessandro, 1757-1841, composer. 6 “Parigne” sonate per viola e basso, WoBI. 51-55, BI. 324 : for viola and cello Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, [2020]
Rolla, Alessandro, 1757-1841. I sonata in mi bemolle maggiore per viola e pianoforte (BI 325) / Milano : Suvini Zerboni, c2001.
Rolla, Alessandro, 1757-1841. II sonata in re minore per viola e pianoforte, (BI. 324) / Milano : Suvini Zerboni, c2001.
Rolla, Alessandro, 1757-1841. Concerto in do maggiore, BI. 541 / Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, c2009.
Rolla, Alessandro, 1757-1841. Concerto in fa maggiore, BI. 549 : for viola e orchestra / Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, 2012.
Rolla, Alessandro, 1757-1841. Concerto in fa maggiore, Bl. 550 : viola e orchestra / Gainesville, Fla. : Gems Music Publications, c2011.
Rolla, Alessandro, 1757-1841. Concerto in mi bemolle maggiore, BI. 545 per viola e orchestra / Gainesville, Fla. : Gems Music Publications, c2011.
Rolla, Alessandro, 1757-1841. Concerto in mi bemolle maggiore, BI. 547, viola e orchestra / Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, c2011.
Rolla, Alessandro, 1757-1841. Concerto in re maggiore, BI. 543: viola e orchestra / Gainesville : Gems Music Publications, c2010.
Romza, Robert. Three miniatures : for viola and piano / Atlanta, Ga. : Castle Enterprises, c1998.
Rondel : für Viola und Klavier / Vivienne Olive. Darmstadt, W. Germany : Tonos, c1988. M 226 .O45 R66 1988
Rontgen, Julius. Sonata in Cminor for viola and piano, 1924 / Amsterdam : Nederlands Muziek Instituut : Donemus, c2006.
Rose, Michael Alec, 1959-. The pedagogy of grief : (third viola sonata) / [Nashville, TN] : [Vanderbilt University] ; [2005]
Rose, Michael Alec, 1959-. Songs of rest and unrest : (second viola sonata) / [Nashville] : Scorhill Music, [2011]
Rosen, Jerome. Five pieces for viola and piano / Jerome Rosen. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1969.
Roslavets, Nikolaĭ, 1881-1944. 2. Sonate für Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano / Mainz ; New York : Schott, c1993.
Roslawez, Nikolai. Sonate für Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano : 1926 / Nikolai Roslawez. Mainz ; New York : Schott, c1993. M 226 .R671 no.1 1993 Bach, Carl Phillip Emanuel. Sonata in G minor for viola and piano / Bach, C. P. E. ; realization of the figured bass by Giuseppe Piccioli ; edited by William Primrose. New York : International Music, c1955. M 228 .B31 H.510 1955b
Rosseau, Norbert. Sonatine pour alto et piano, op. 41 / Brussels : CeBeDeM, c1955.
Rota, Nino. Intermezzo per viola e pianoforte / Milano : G. Ricordi, 1983, c1945.
Rota, Nino. Sonata per viola e pianoforte / Milano : Ricordi 1983, c1945.
Rougeron, Philippe.Serenade pour alto a cordes et piano / Paris : G. Billaudot, c1979.
Rougnon, Paul, 1846-1934. Concertino romantique: pour alto (ou violon) avec accompagnement de piano: op. 138 / Paris : J. Hamelle, [191-?]
Rougnon, Paul Louis. Fantaisie-caprice: pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / par Paul Rougnon. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1946, c1922.
Rougnon, Paul, 1846-1934. 4e fantaisie de concert pour alto (ou violon) et piano / Paul Rougnon. Paris: Costallat, 1931.
Rougnon, Paul, 1846-1934. Fantaisie – caprice: pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / par Paul Rougnon. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1946, c1922.
Roussel, Albert, 1869-1937. Aria: pour alto (ou viola alta) et piano / par Albert Roussel; [transcrit et doigte pour l’alto (ou viola alta) par Paul-Louis Neuberth]. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1959.
Roussel, Albert. Aria pour alto (ou viola alto) et piano / par Albert Roussel. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1930.
Rowley, Alec. Aubade: no. 1 of four pieces for viola with piano accompaniment / London : J. Williams ; Boston : B. F. Wood Music, c1938.
Rowley, Alec. Scherzo: no. 2 of four pieces for viola with piano accompaniment / London : J. Williams ; Boston : B. F. Wood Music, c1938.
Rowley, Alec. Reviere: no. 3 of four pieces for viola with piano accompaniment / London : J. Williams ; Boston : B. F. Wood Music, c1938.
Rowley, Alec. Farandole: no. 4 of four pieces for viola with piano accompaniment / London : J. Williams ; Boston : B. F. Wood Music, c1938.
Royal Conservatory of Music, compiler. Viola level 1. Repertoire / Toronto : The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, 2013.
Royal Conservatory of Music, compiler. Viola level 2. Repertoire / Toronto : The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, 2013.
Royal Conservatory of Music, compiler. Viola level 4. Repertoire / Toronto : The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, 2013.
Royal Conservatory of Music, compiler. Viola level 5. Repertoire / Toronto : The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, 2013.
Royal Conservatory of Music, compiler. Viola level 6. Repertoire / Toronto : The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, 2013.
Royal Conservatory of Music, compiler. Viola level 7. Repertoire / Toronto : The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, 2013.
Royal Conservatory of Music, compiler. Viola level 8. Repertoire / Toronto : The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, 2013.
Royal Conservatory of Music, compiler. Viola preparatory level. Repertoire / Toronto : The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, 2013.
Rubinstein, Anton, 1829-1894. Drei Salonstücke : für Viola und Klavier, [op. 11] = Three salon pieces : for viola and piano / Winterthur, Schweiz : Amadeus, 2005.
Rubinstein, Anton. Romance / New York : Sam Fox, [1946]
Rubinstein, Anton, 1829-1894. Sonate F moll: fur viola und Pianoforte, op. 49 / A. Rubinstein. Leipzig; Breitkopf & Hartel, [193-?].
Rudin, Rolf. Erscheinungen II: Sonate für Viola und Klavier; Op. 12 (1989). Berlin: Bote & Bock, c1992.
Rudzinski, Witold. Sonata na altowke i fortepian = pour alto et piano / Witold Rudzin’ski. Cracow: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, c1949.
Rueff, Jeanine. Dialogues: pour alto et piano / Jeanine Rueff. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1970.
Ruegg, Mathias. Veni, vidi, vici: fur Viola und Klavier / Wien : Doblinger, [2012]
Russotto, Leo. Novelette: for viola and piano / Leo Russotto;
Russotto, Leo. Poeme: for viola and piano / Leo Russotto. New
Rust, Friedrich Wilhelm. Sonata in F-dur fur Viola und Basso = Sonata in F major for viola and basso / Winterthur, Schweiz : Amadeus, 1999.
Ryelandt, Joseph. Sonate, alto et piano, op. 73 / Bruxelles : CeBeDeM, c1958.
Sabatini, Renzo. Concerto per viola solista : 11 strumenti e percussioni / Napoli [Italy] : Ediz. E.M.C.D., [1930]
Sabin, Nigel, 1960- . Resting point : for viola or cello and piano / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
Sainton, Philip. Lament: for violin or viola with piano accompaniment / London : Augener, c1926.
Saita, Menotti. Nostalgic fiddle: serenade: viola [and] piano / New York : Mills Music, c1947.
Samama, Leo. Caged memories II: for viola and piano, opus 11b: 1981, revision 1982 / Leo Samama. Amsterdam: Donemus, [1984], c1981.
Samuel, Rhian. Blythswood: three pieces for viola and piano / London : Stainer & Bell, c1998.
Sancho, Manuel, approximately 1870-1931, composer. Solo en re para viola y piano (1908) Barcelona : Editorial de Música Boileau, [2017]
Sandby, Herman, 1881-1965. Romance for violin (viola) og orkester / Herman Sandby. Kobenhavn: Skandinavisk Musikforlag, 1945.
Santos, Joly Braga, 1924-1988. Canção : para viola e piano = Song : For Viola and Piano / Lisboa : AvA Musical Editions, [2011]
Sapp, Allen. First viola sonata (1948) / by Allen Sapp. [New York: American Composers Alliance], 1982.
Saroun, Jaroslav. Sonata, ballata e passacaglia: per viola e piano [1969] / Jaroslav Saroun. Praha: Cesky Hudebni Fond, 1982.
Multiple, Edited by Sassmannshaus, Kurt. Bäreneiter’s viola collection : Konyertstücke für Bratsche und klavier = Concert pieces for viola and piano/ Herausgegeben von = Edited by Kurt Sassmannshaus / Kassel : Bärenreiter, [2015]
Saxe, Ole. Tango Orientale / [Sweden] : Neptunus Musik Förlag, 2001.
Saygun, Ahmed Adnan. Viola concerto op. 59 : für Viola und Orchester = for viola and orchestra / New York : Peermusic Classical ; Milwaukee, WI : Exclusively distributed by Hal Leonard, [2006]
Scarmolin, Anthony Louis. Two pieces for viola and piano, opus 195 / New York : Independent Music Publishers, [196-?].
Schäfer, Gerhart, 1926-. Espressioni: viola & piano / Hamburg : N. Simrock, c1966.
Schäfer, Gerhart, 1926-. Vier kleine Stücke : für Viola und Klavier / Köln : Hans Gerig, c1958.
Scharwenka, Ludwig Philipp, 1847-1917. Sonate fur Viola mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, Op. 106 / Philipp Scharwenka. Leipzig; New York: Breitkopf & Hartel, c1899.
Schedl, Gerhard. Concertino: fur Viola & Klavier / Gerhard Schedl. Wien: Doblinger, 1984.
Schibler, Armin. Ballade fur Viola und Klavier op. 54 (1957) / Armin Schibler. Adliswil, Zurich, Switzerland: Edition Kunzelmann, 1984.
Schiff, Helmut, 1893-. Sonate fur Viola und Klavier / Helmut Schiff; hrsg. von Kulturamt der Stadt Linz. Wien: Dobinger, 1960.
Schlein, Irving. Petite suite: for viola and piano, (1940) / [Los Angeles] : P. Schlein, c2001.
Schlein, Irving. Sonata hebraica: for viola and piano, (1950) / [Los Angeles] : P. Schlein, c2001.
Schlein, Irving. Sonata for viola and piano / [Los Angeles] : s.n., 195-?]
Schlemuller, Hugo. Our soldiers : march : op. 12, no. 5 : (for four strings with use of four fingers) / Hugo Schlemüller. New York : Carl Fischer, c1934. M 226 .S3545 op.12 no.5 1934
Schmitt, Aloys. Cantabile pour violoncelle (ou alto) et pianoforte: op. 106 / Leipzig : Chez Frédéric Hofmeister, [1850?]
Schoenfield, Paul. Concerto for viola and orchestra / [USA] : Migdal Publishing, [1998]
Schollum, Robert. Chaconne, Viola und Klavier, op. 54a / Wien : Doblinger, c1956.
Schollum, Robert. Sonate fur Viola und Klavier: op. 42/2 / Robert Schollum. Wien: Doblinger, 1963.
Schollum, Robert. Sonatine für Viola und Klavier, op. 57/2 / Wien : Doblinger, c1962.
Schonzeler, Hans Hubert. Sonate op. 5: fur Bratsche und Klavier = Sonata op. 5 for viola and piano / Hans-Hubert Schonzeler. Adliswil-Zurich: Eulenburg, 1975.
Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828. Ave Maria, opus 52/6 : für Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano / Mainz, Germany : Schott, [2014]
Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828. Prayer / London : Oxford University Press, 1969.
Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828. Sonate für Arpeggione und Klavier, a-moll, D 821 / Wiesbaden : Breitkopf & Härtel [1986], c1980.
Schubert, Joseph, 1757-1837. Konzert, C-Dur für Viola und Orchester Mainz : B. Schott’s Söhne ; New York : Schott Music Corp., ©1967.
Schubert, Joseph, 1757-1837. Viola concerto in E-flat major / Middleton, Wis. : A-R Editions, c2013.
Schulman, Alan. A piece in popular style / New York : A. Shulman, c1987.
Schulman, Alan. Homage to Erik Satit: for violoncello or viola and piano / [S.l.] : A. Shulman, c1972.
Schultz, Andrew, 1960- . Duo variations for viola and piano / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
Schumann, Robert. Adagio und Allegro für Pianoforte und Horn (oder Violine, oder Viola, oder Violoncell), op. 70 / [Robert Schumann]. Braunschweig : H. Litolff’s Verlag ; Boston : Arthur P. Schmidt, [192-?]. M 257 .S396 op.70 1920
Schumann, Robert Alexander, 1810-1856. Adagio & allegro, op. 70, for horn (or cello or viola) and piano / Schumann; [edited by Isidor Philipp]. New York City: International Music Co., c1952.
Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856. Fairy tales: opus 113: for viola and piano / Schumann; [edited by] (L. Davis). New York City: International Music Co., c1980.
Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856. Marchenbilder = Contes fabuleux = Fairytale pictures: vier Stucke fur Viola (oder Violine) und Piano, op. 113 / von Robert Schumann; revidiert von Th. Laforge. Wien: Universal Edition, [1922?].
Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856. Marchenbilder = Fairy tales = Contes de fees: vier Stucke fur Viola (Violine) und Klavier, op. 113 / Robert Schumann. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, [193-?].
Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856. Marchenbilder = Pictures from fairyland: four pieces for viola (or violin) and piano: op. 113 / Robert Schumann; edited and fingered by Henry Schradieck. New York: G. Schirmer, c1926.
Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856. Marchenbilder: vier Stucke fur Klavier und Viola oder Violine / Robert Schumann; revidiert von Friedrich Hermann. Frankfurt; New York: C. F. Peters, [197-?].
Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856. Marchenbilder: vier Stucke fur Viola (Violine) und Klavier, op. 113 / Robert Schumann. Durchgesehene Neuauflage. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1986.
Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856, composer. Märchenbilder : für Viola (Violine) und Klavier = Fairy-tale pictures : for viola (violin) and piano : opus 113 (1851) Mainz : Schott, [2018]
Schumann, Robert. Märchenbilder: vier Stücke für Pianoforte und Viola (Violine ad libitum); Op. 113; revidiert von Friedr. Hermann. Leipzig: C. F. Peters, [192-?].
Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856. Märchenbilder : 4 Stücke für Viola und Klavier = Fairytale pictures : four pieces for viola and piano, op. 113 Winterthur : Amadeus, 2008.
Schwartz, Elliott. Suite, for viola and piano / Elliott Schwartz. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1964.Schwartz, Elliott. Suite for viola and piano (1964) / Elliott Schwartz. St. Louis, MO : MMB Music, c1988. M 226 .S393 S86 1988.
Sciau, Jean-Pierre, 1965-. Sonate pour alto et piano / Lyon, France : Symétrie, c2005.
Sculthorpe, Peter. A song for Fe: for viola and piano / London : Faber Music, [2011?]
Seel, Daniel N., 1970-. Sonate für Viola und Klavier / Berlin : Verlag Neue Musik, [2015]
Seitz, A. (Albert). Fantaisie de concert: pour alto ou violoncello et piano; op. 31. Paris: Gay, [1932].
Sekles, Bernhard, 1872-1934. Chaconne uber ein achttaktiges Marschthema: fur Bratsche und Klavier, opus 38 / B. Sekles. Leipzig: C. F. Peters, c1931.
Semënov, Andreĭ (Andreĭ Valerʹevich). Sonata no 1 ;|bSonata no 2 : dli͡a alʹta i fortepiano /|cA. Semënov = Sonata no. 1 ; Sonata no. 2, for viola and piano / A. Semenov. / Moscow : Muzyka, [2015]
Serly, Tibor. Rhapsody for viola and orchestra : (on folk songs harmonized by Béla Bartók) / New York : Southern Music, c1950.
Sharafyan, Vache. Luminous silhouette of a song : [for] viola and chamber orchestra, 2008 / Vuarmarens : Editions Bim, 2010, c2008.
Sharpiro, Alex. Of string and touch: for viola and piano / [Los Angeles] : Activist Music, c2006.
Sharpley, John. Song of love and lament: for viola and piano / [Singapore] : Sonic Design, [2005]
Shcherbakov, Ihor’. Magic fairy tale = Kazka : for viola and piano / New York : Carl Fischer, c2008.
Shebalin, Vissarion IAkovlevich, 1902-1963. Sonata dlia al’ta i fortepiano / V. Shebalin. Moskva: Gos. muzykal’noe izd-vo, 1956.
Shirinskii, Vasilii Petrovich, 1901-1965. Sonata = Sonate: op. 4 / V. Shirinskii. Moskva: [s.n., 193-?].
Shirinskii, Vasilii Petrovich, 1901-1965. Sonata dlia al’ta s fortepiano, soch. 4 / V. Shirinskii = Sonate pour viola et piano, op. 4 / W. Schirinsky. Moskva: Gos. Izd-vo Muzykal’nyi Sektor, 1926.
Shirinskii, Vasilii Petrovich. Sonata dlia al’ta s fortepiano = Sonate pour viola et piano / V. Shirinskii. Moskva; Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1932.
Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975, composer. Ėkspromt dli͡a alʹta i fortepiano, b/n soch. (1931) Экспромт для альта и фортепиано, б/н соч. (1931) / Дмитрий Шостакович ; пояснительная статья и расчифровка нотного автографа Ольги Дигонской = Impromptu for viola and piano, sans op. (1931) / Dmitri Shostakovich ; explanatory article and deciphering of the music manuscript by Olga Digonskaia. Izdanie pervoe = First edition. Moskva : Izdatelʹstvo “DSCH,” 2018.
Shostakovich, Dmitrii Dmitrievich, 1906-1975. Sonata: for viola and piano, op. 147 / Dmitri Shostakovich. New York: G. Schirmer, c1975.
Shostakovich, Dmitrii Dmitrievich. Sonata dlia al’ta i piano, op. 147 / Dmitrii Shostakovich. Moskva: s.n., 1975.
Shukailo, Liudmila Fedorovna. Rapsodiia dlia al’ta i fortepiano / L. Shukailo. Kyiv: Muzychna Ukraina, 1981.
Sibelius, Jean, 1865-1957. Be still my soul : arrangement for viola / [Salt Lake City, Utah] : Holy Sheet Music, [2005]
Sibelius, Jean, 1865-1957. Rondo for viola and piano : (1893) / Helsinki : F. Gehrman, 2005, c2002.
Siegl, Otto, 1896-. 1. Sonata Viola und Klavier: op. 41 / Otto Siegl. Wien: Doblinger, 1925.
Siegl, Otto, 1896-. Zweite Sonate (Es-dur) fur Bratsche und Klavier, op. 103 / Otto Siegl. Wien: Lvdwig Doblinger (Bernhard Herzmansky), c1939.
Siegl, Otto. 1. Sonata Viola und Klavier: op. 41 / Otto Siegl. Wien: Doblinger, 1925.
Siegl, Otto. Sonate fur Viola und Klavier, op. 41 / … Otto Siegl. Wien: Doblinger, c1925.
Siegl, Otto. Zweite Sonate (Es-dur) fur Bratsche und Klavier, op. 103 / Otto Siegl. Wien: Ludwig Doblinger (Bernhard
Siegrist, Th. Romanze fur Englischhorn [or] Viola und Klavier / [Germany] : Karthause, c1992.
Sierra, Arlene Elizabeth, 1970-. Four love songs : for viola and piano / London : Cecilian Music, [2016]
Sierra, Roberto. Sonata no. 1 : for viola & piano / [Verona, NJ] : Subito Music, [2016]
Simbriger, Heinrich. Sonate fur Bratsche und Klavier, op. 49 (1941)/
Simbriger, Heinrich. Variationen fur Bratsche und Klavier, op. 116 / Heinrich Simbriger. [S.l.: s.n., 196-?]
Simonetti, Achille. Allegretto romantico: for viola & piano / London : William E. Hill, c1897.
Simonetti, Achille. Two pieces for viola and piano / Achille Simonetti. Boca Raton, Fla. : Masters Music, 1990. M 226 .S565 A44 1990
Simonis, Jean Marie. Duetti: pour alto et piano, op. 15 / Jean- Marie Simonis. Bruxelles: CeBeDeM; Philadelphia: [representant], U.S.A. & Canada, H. Elkan, 1976.
Sitt, Hans, 1850-1922. [Fantasiestucke, villa, piano, op. 58, no. 1-3]. Drei Fantasiestucke fur Viola mit Pianoforte-Begleitung, op. 58 / componirt von Hans Sitt. Leipzig: Ernst Eulenburg, [1894].
Sitt, Hans, 1850-1922. Albumblatter: fur Bratsche (Viola) mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, op. 39 / von Hans Sitt. Leipzig: C. F. Peters, [193-?].
Sitt, Hans, 1850-1922. Elegie, op. 75, no. 1 / Hans Sitt. Leipzig: Bosworth, c1901.
Sitt, Hans, 1850-1922. Gavotte und Mazurka: fur Bratsche (Viola) und Klavier: Op. 132 I/II / Hans Sitt. Leipzig: Steingraber-Verlag, c1919.
Sitt, Hans, 1850-1922. Trois Morceaux: pour alto avec accompagnement de piano: op. 75: no. 1-3 / par Hans Sitt. Leipzig: Bosworth, c1901.
Sivic, Pavel, 1908-. Narodona: za violo in klavir = Im Volkston fur Viola und Klavier / Pavel Sivic. Ljubljana: Edicije Drustva Slovenskih Sjkadatekhev, 1975.
Sivic, Pavel. Narodna: za violo in klavir = Im Volkston fur Viola und Klavier / Pavel Sivic. Ljubljana: Edicije Drustva Slovenskih Sjkadatekhev, 1975.
Sixten, Fredrik, 1962-. Mesto : for viola and piano / Stockholm : Gehrmans Musikförlag, [2011]
Skibin, V. N. Pesy sovetskikh kompozitorov: dlla al’ta i fortepiano / Moskva : Sovetskii Kompozitor, 1987.
Skold, Yngve. Legend: op. 9 / Yngve Skold. [S.l.: s.n., 192-?].
Skold, Yngve. Sonata per viola e pianoforte, op. 62a / Stockholm : STIM, [200-?]
Skorzeny, Fritz. Sonate fur Viola uns Klavier, 1952 / Wien : Doblinger, c1959.
Sladek, Paul, 1896-. Elegy: from an old sketch book / Paul Sladek. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Volkwein Bros.; 1947.
Sladek, Paul. Fantasy for viola and piano / Paul Sladek. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Volkwein Bros., 1968.
Slonimskiĭ, Sergeĭ Mikhaĭlovich. Dve p’esy dlia al’ta s fortep’iano / S. Slonimskii. Leningrad: Muzgiz, 1960.
Slonimskiĭ, Sergeĭ Mikhaĭlovich. Suite for viola and piano / Sergei Slonimski. Melville, N. Y.: Belwin Mills Publishing Corp., [196-?].
Slonimskiĭ, Sergeĭ Mikhaĭlovich. Suite, fur Viola und Klavier / Sergej Slonimski. Frankfurt: Edition Peters, [1971?].
Slonimskiĭ, Sergeĭ Mikhaĭlovich. Tri gratsii : siuita v forme variatsii po motivam Bottichelli, Rodena i Pikasso : dli͡a alʹta i fortepiano / St. Petersburg : Kompozitor, 2002.
Slovenska violova tvorba = Slowakische Kompositionen for Viola und Klavier / revidoval Jan Albrecht. [Czechoslovakia]: Opus Bratislava, 1983.
Smallwood, Robert, 1958- . Relationships I : for viola (or ‘cello) and piano / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, [200-?], c1979.
Smith, Leland C. Sonata for heckelphon (or viola) and piano / Leland C. Smith. [New York: American Composers Alliance?], 1954.
Söderlundh, Lille Bror, 1912-1957. Zwei Inventionen für Klarinette oder Viola und Piano (ad lib. Orgel) = Two inventions for clarinet or viola and piano (ad lib. organ) / Lidingö, Sweden : H. Busch, c1978.
Soler, Josep. Sonata núm. 1 per a viola i piano : sobre un tema de Giuseppe Verdi / Barcelona : Clivis, 2009.
Soler, Josep. Variacions sobre un tema d’Alban Berg : viola i piano / Barcelona : Clivis Publicacions, c1986.
Sollberger, Harvey. Composition for viola and piano: in nine sections / by Harvey Sollberger. [New York: American Composers Alliance, 197-?]
Somervell, Arthur. School of melody: ten progressive tunes for viola with pianoforte accompaniment / London : Augener, c1931.
Sonata [für] Viola und Klavier / Alexander Raskatov. Bonn : Rob. Forberg/P. Jurgenson, c1996. M 226 .R368 S66 1996
Sonata for viola and piano / Easley Blackwood. Philadelphia : Elkan-Vogel, c1959. M 226 .B517 op.1 1959
Sonata für Klarinette (Viola) und Klavier Nr. 1 f-moll = Sonata for clarinet (viola) and piano no. 1 in F minor : op. 120 Nr. 1 / Johannes Brahms. Wiesbaden : Breitkopf & Härtel, [1990?] M 226 .B73 op.120 no.1 1990
Sonata no. 1 in F minor, opus 120, for viola and piano / Brahms ; [transcribed and edited by] Leonard Davis. New York : International Music, [1984?], c1981. M 226 .B73 op.120 no.1 1984
Sonate für Klarinette (Viola) und Klavier Nr. 2, Es-dur = Sonata for clarinet (viola) and piano no. 2 in E flat major : op. 120 Nr. 2 / Johannes Brahms. Wiesbaden : Breitkopf & Härtel, [1990?] M 226 .B73 op.120 no.2 1990
Sonate für Viola und Klavier / Wolf v. Aichelburg.Köln : P.J. Tonger, c1995. M 226 .A39 S66 1995
Sonate in B-Dur für Viola (Violine) und Pianoforte / Karl Stamitz ; herausgegeben von Gustav Lenzewski. Berlin/Lichterfelde : Chr. Friedrich Vieweg ; London : sole agents for Great Britain & Colonies, Musica Rara, [193-?] MSC M 226 .S72 S66 1930
Sonate in B-dur für Viola und Klavier : op. 36 / Henri Vieuxtemps ; herausgegeben von Franz Beyer. Adliswil/ZH : Edition Kunzelmann, c1974. M 226 .V54 op.36 1974
Sonate in D voor altviool en continuo / G. Ph. Telemann ; onder redactie van Hans Leerink uitgegeven bij. Amsterdam : Broekmans & Van Poppel, 1948. MSC M 226 .T45 TWV Anh.41:D1 1948
Sonate pour alto et piano / Fernand Quinet. Paris : Editions Maurice Senart, c1928. MSC M 226 .Q56 S66 1928
Sonate, Bratsche und Klavier, Opus 11 Nr. 4 / Paul Hindemith.Mainz : B. Schott’s Söhne ; c1922. MSC M 226 .H55 op.11f no.4 1922b
Sonate, viola & piano / Karl Klingler. Hamburg : N. Simrock, [1987?], c1909. M 226 .K595 D min. 1987
Sonaty sovetskikh kompozitorov : dl…i a al´ta i fortepiano i al´ta solo = Sonatas by Soviet composers : for solo viola and for viola and piano. Moskva : Sov. kompozitor, 1992- M 225 .S67 1992
Sörenson, Torsten, 1908-. Aria för violoncell el. viola och klavér (orgel el. piano) / Stockholm : STIM, [200-?].
Sprongl, Norbert. Sonate für Bratsche und Klavier, op. 115 / Wien : Doblinger, c1958.
Sprongl, Norbert. 4 Stucke fur Bratsche und Klavier, op. 49 / [196-?]
Soproni, Jozsef. Rapszodia: melyhegedure es zongorara = Rhapsody for viola and piano / Soproni Jozsef. Budapest: Editio Musica, 1984.
Soproni, Jozsef. Sonatina per viola e pianoforte (1966) / Budapest : Zeneműkiadó Vállalat, 1966, c1964.
Sovetskii Kompozitor, 1976-
Sowash, Rick. Suite for viola and piano: in six movements / Cincinnati : Sowash Music, 2011.
Sowerby, Leo. Sonata for clarinet or viola and piano, H. 240 / [Rochester, N.Y.] : Leo Sowerby Foundation ; [Bryn Mawr, Pa.] : sole selling agent, T. Presser, c1996.
Spiers, Colin, 1957- . Elegy for viola and piano / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, c1993.
Spiers, Colin, 1957- . Uwj : for viola or violin and piano / [Sydney], NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
Spies, Leo, 1899-1965. Funf Sommerbilder: fur Viola und Klavier / Leo spies. Leipzig: VEB Breitkopf & Hartel, c1955.
Spohr, Louis. Notturno, oeuv: 34 / Leipzig : au Bureau de Musique de C.F. Peters, [1833].
Sporck, Georges. Allegro de concert: pour alto et piano / Paris : E. Ploix, c1933.
Sprongl, Norbert. Sonate fur Bratsche und Klvier, op. 115 / Norbert Sprongl. Wien: Doblinger, 1958.
Stachowski, Marek. Concerto per viola ed orchestra d’archi: wyciag fortepianowy / Krakow : PWM Edition, c2011.
Stahmer, Klaus Hinrich. Rapsodia piccola / Klaus Hinrich Stahmer. Wilhelmshaven: Heinrichshofen’s Verlag, 1981, c1976.
Stallcop, Glenn. Sonata for viola and piano / Glenn Stallcop. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1982.
Stamitz, Johann. Sonata for viola and piano, opus 6a / New York : International Music, c1972.
Stamitz, Karl, 1745-1801. A sonata, for the harpsichord or forte piano, with a tenor obligato / London : Printed for T. Skillern, [ca. 1790]
Stamitz, Karl, 1745-1801. Concerto no. 2 in B-flat/A-major: viola and orchestra / Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, c2009.
Stamitz, Karl, 1745-1801. Concerto no. 3 in A Major, viola and orchestra / Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, c2009.
Stamitz, Karl, 1745-1801. Sonata in A/B-flat major for harpsichord or piano with viola obbligato / Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, c2010.
Stamitz, Karl, 1745-1801. [Sonatas, viola d’amore, continuo, D major]. Sonata per la Viola d’amore e Basso / Karl Stamitz; Neuausgabe fur viola d’amore und Cembalo oder Klavier (ausgesetzter Bass) bearbeitet von Christian Dobereiner. Mainz: B. Schott’s Sohne, c1930.
Stamitz, Karl, 1745-1801. Sonate B-Dur fur Viola und Klavier / Carl Stamitz; hrsg. von Walter Lebermann. Mainz; New York: Schott, c1969.
Stamitz, Karl. Sonate: B-Dur, fur Viola und Klavier / Karl Stamitz; hrsg. von Walter Lebermann. Mainz: B. Schott’s Sohne; New York: Schott Music Corp., 1969.
Staněk, Pavel. Tři věty : pro violu a klavír = Drei Sätze : für Bratsche und Klavier / Adliswil : Pizzicato Helvetia, c2002.
Starer, Robert. Elegy, violin or viola and piano / Saint Louis : MMB Music, c1985.
Stefánsson, Finnur Torfi. Einskonar rondó og fleira : f. viólu & pianó / Reykjavik : Íslensk tónverkamiðstöð, 1991.
Stein, Richard H. (Heinrich), 1882-1942. Zwei Fantasiestucke fur Viola und Klavier, Op. 27 / Richard H. Stein. Berlin-Tempelhof: Eisoldt & Rohkramer, [191-?].
Steiner, Hugo von, 1862-?. Konzert fur die Viola mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, op. 43, (D moll) / Leipzig : Aug. Cranz, [191-?]
Steiner, Hugo von, 1862-. Sonate ut mineur pour alto et piano, op. 53 / H. von Steiner. Bruxelles: A. Cranz, [193-?].
Stepanov, L. (Lev), 1908-. “Соната для альта и фортепиано / Л. Степанов. = Sonata for viola and piano / L. Stepanov.” / Москва : Государственное музыкальное издательство, 1947.
Stepanov, L. (Lev). Sonata dlla al’ta i fortepiano / Moskva : Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1947.
Stepanov, L. (Lev). Tri Miniatiury: (detskaia siuita): dlia al’ta i fortepiano. Moskva; Leningrad: Gos. Muz. izd-vo, c1951.
Stepanova, V. (Vera). 10 Po ema: dlia al’ta (ili violoncheli) i fortepiano. Moskva: Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1950.
Stepanova, Vera Aleksandrovna. Sonata dlia al’ta i fortepiano / V. Stepanova. Moskva: Sovetskii Kompozitor, 1963.
Stephanson, Allan. Introduktion und Allegro fur Violine oder Viola und Klavier (1992) / Warngau : Accolade Musikverlag, c2007.
Stephen, Roberta. All around my hat : Maritimes folksong / Calgary : Alberta Keys Music Publishing co. ltd., 1997.
Steptoe, Roger. Three pieces for viola and piano / Roger Steptoe. London: Stainer & Bell, 1983.
Steptoe, Roger. Viola sonata for viola & piano, 2010 / Vuarmarens : Editions Bim, [2012]
Steffa, John. Three movements for viola and piano (2004) / [S.l.] : J. Steffa, [2004], c1982.
Stevens, Halsey, 1908-. Suit: for viola and piano / Halsey Steven. New York: Peer International Corp., c1969.
Stewart, Robert, 1918-. Three short pieces for viola and piano / Robert Stewart. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1965.
Stock, David, 1939-. Eitz chayim (2004) : viola and piano / St. Louis, MO : MMB Music, c2004.
Stolanov, Pencho. Skertso za viola i piano / Sofiia : Dobrev, 2001.
Stoltz, Gaston. Reminiscence: berceuse pour alto ou violon avec
Strassburg, Robert. Tercentenary suite : for viola and piano, in four movements / Hollywood, Calif. : Cameo Music Reproduction, 1964.
Strauss, Richard. An einsamer Quelle: aus “Stimmungsbilder”: op. 9, No. 2 / Wien : Universal-Edition, [1930], c1912.
Strens, Jules. Sonate pour alto et piano, op. 54 / Bruxelles : CeBeDeM ; Philadelphia, Pa. : H. Elkan, c1970.
Stringer, John. The shifting point: for viola and piano / Heslington, York : University of York Music Press, [2006]
Strube, Gustav. Sonata for viola and piano / New York : G. Schirmer, c1925.
Strube, Gustav, 1867-1953. Regrets : for viola and piano / USA : AVS Publications, [2012]
Stubblefield, Roger G. Nocturne : for viola & piano : opus 7b / Verona, NJ : 21st Century Recording Publications, [2015]
Stubblefield, Roger. Portraits: for viola and piano, Opus 7, [2010] / [West Orange, NJ] : 21st Century Recording ; [Verona, NJ] : distributed by Subito Music, 2011, c2010.
Sturmer, Bruno, 1892-1958. Kleine Hausmusik: Viola und Klavier / Bruno Sturmer. Mainz: B. Schott’s Sohne; New York: Ass. Music Publishers, c1938.
Stutschewsky, Joachim, 1891-1982. Andante religioso: for violoncello (viola) and piano / Joachim Stutschewsky. Tel-Aviv: OR-TAV Music Publications, 1970.
Subimago : für Viola und Klavier / Alois Bröder. Köln : P. J. Tonger, c1995. M 226 .B756 S83 1995
Suite dans le style ancien : pour alto et piano / Arkadie Kouguell ; annotée et doigtée par Maurice Vieux. Paris : Gallet, c1950. MSC M 226 .K68 S85 1950
Suite for viola & pianoforte : op. 102a / Hans Gal.London : N. Simrock, c1973. M 226 .G35 op. 102a 1973
Suite for viola and piano or orchestra / by Ernest Bloch. New York : G. Schirmer, c1920. MSC M 226 .B56 S95 1920
Suite for viola and piano, opus 26 / Marshall Fine. Greensboro, NC : Latham Music, c1995. M 226 .F426 op.26 1995
Sundin, Nils-Göran, 1951- . Iteration – isometrique – rhythmique : improvisation pour l’alto et piano / Stockholm : STIM, [200-?]
Sunny, Leo. Nocturne in double stops : for viola [and piano] / Port Angeles, WA : Leo & Dorothy Sunny, [199-?].
Sutherland, M. (Margaret), 1897-1984. Sonata for clarinet or viola and piano / Sydney : Currency Press, 1993.
Sveinsson, Atli Heimir. Cathexis: fur Viola und Klavier / Reykjavik, Iceland : Íslenzk Tónverkamidstöd, [197-?]
Swierzynski, Adam. Elgia na altowke i fortepian = Elegie pour alto et piano / Warszawa, Poland : Zaiks, c1986.
Swinnen, Hans. Elegie voor altviool en piano / Hans Swinnen. Brussel: Uitgeverij J. Maurer, c1982.
Swinnen, Hans. Pezzetto capriccioso: voor altviool of cello of saxofoon mi (flat) en piano / Hans Swinnen. Brussel: Uitgeverij J. Maurer, 1984.
Syl’vestrov, Valentyn Vasyl’ovych. Epitaphium (L.B.) : für Viola (oder Violoncello) und Klavier = for viola (or violoncello) and piano, 1999 / Mainz : Belaieff, c2007.
Szekely, Endre. I. rapsodia per viola e pianoforte / Budapest : Editio Musica, [1982], c1958.
Szer’emi, Gustave. Reverie: pour alto avec accompagnement de piano, op. 2 / Budapest : Harmonia, [191-?].
Szonyi, Erzsebet. Francia szvit: br’acs’ara ‘es zongor’ara = Franz”osische Suite: f”ur Bratsche und Klavier / Szonyi Erzsebet. Budapest: Editio Musica, 1984.
Talallan, Genrikh. P’esy sovetskikh kompozitorov: dlla al’ta i fortepiano / Moskva : Muzyka, 1973.
Taneev, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 1850-1918. Feuillet d’album: pour Viola avec accompagnement de Piano, op. 33 / par Taneiew. Moscou: P. Jurgenson, [196-?].
Taneev, Aleksandr Sergeevich. Feuillet d’album: for viola and piano, op. 33 / Alexander Taneiew. New York: Edwin F. Kalmus, [197-?]
Taneev, Aleksandr Sergeevich. Listok iz al’boma: dlla al’ta i fortepiano, soch. 33 / Moskva : Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1950.
Tansman, Alexandre. Alla polacca: pour alto et piano = for viola and piano = fur Bratsche und Klavier = para viola y piano / Paris : G. Billaudot, c1998.
Tcaci, Zlata. Sonata für Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano = pour viole et piano / Kamen : Karthause-Schmülling, c2001. /
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich, 1840-1893. Liricheskii moment; Ekspromt / P. Chaikovskii. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal’noe Izd-vo, 1958.
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich, 1840-1893. composer. Valse sentimentale : op. 51, no. 6 New York : Omega Music, [1944].
Telemann, Georg Philipp. Concerto in G major for viola and piano / New York City : International Music, c1948.
Telemann, Georg Philipp. Concerto in G major, TWV 52:G3, for two solo violette, 2 violini, viola et basse / Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, c2011.
Telemann, Georg Philipp, 1681-1767. Concerto for viola, strings and basso continuo, TWV 51:G9 : G major = sol majeur = G-Dur / Bendern, Liechtenstein : Dowani International, [2006]
Telemann, Georg Philipp, 1681-1767. Sonate B-Dur für Viola und Basso continuo, Cembalo (Pianoforte), Violoncello (Viola da gamba) ad lib Mainz : B. Schott’s Söhne ; New York : Schott Music, ©1966. Zeyringer, Cembalo und Viola. Zeyringer, Klavier und Viola.
Telemann, Georg Philipp. Sonate G-dur fur Viola da gamba (Viola) und Basso continuo = Sonata in G major for viola da gamba (viola) and basso continuo / Kassel ; New York : Bärenreiter, 1966.
Telemann, Georg Philipp. Sonate in D voor altviool en continuo = for viola and continuo / Amsterdam : Broekmans & Van Poppel, [1948?]
Telemann, Georg Philipp, 1681-1767. Violakonzert G-Dur = Viola concerto in G major / München : G. Henle Verlag, [2014]
Tertis, Lionel. 8 transcriptions for viola and piano / Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, c2008.
Tertis, Lionel. The Londonderry air / London : Schott, c1918.
Terzakis, Dmitri. Etanos: fur Viola und Klavier / Bern : Müller & Schade, c2006.
Terzakis, Dimitri. Myrrhentropfen : für Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano / Bad Schwalbach : Edition Gravis, c1997.
Terzakis, Dmitri. Sonetto (1993) : für Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano / Dmitri Terzakis. Bad Schwalbach : Edition Gravis, c1995. M 226 .T48 S66 1995
Thirault, Marc Didier. Conte à deux : pour violoncelle ou alto et piano / Paris : G. Billaudot, c2001.
Thoma, Xaver, 1953-. Sonate für Bratsche und Klavier (1991) / Bühl : Antes Edition, c1995.
Thomas, Anton. Morceaux de salon: pour viola ou violoncelle avec accompagnement de piano, op. 5 / Munich : Jos. Aibl., [189-?]
Thomas, Augusta Read. Toft serenade : for viola and piano / New York : G. Schirmer ; Milwaukee, WI : Distributed by H. Leonard, [2011], c2006.
Thomé, Francis, 1850-1909. Simple aveu : romance sans paroles, op. 25 : alto et piano / Paris : A. Durand & Fils, Editeurs, [1935]
Thommessen, Olav Anton. Sort sang : for bratsj og klavér = Black song : for viola and pfte [i.e. pianoforte] / Olav Anton Thommessen. Oslo : Norsk Musikkinformasjon, [1992] M 226 .T526 S67 1992
Thorkell Sigurbjornsson. Six Icelandic folk-songs: for viola and piano / Thorkell Sigurbjornsson. Reykjavik, Iceland: Islenzk Tonverkamidstod, [1959?]
Tibbe, Henri, 1863-1895. Sérenade, morceau de salon : pour alto viola avec accompagnement de piano / À Bruxelles : A. Cranz, [between 1883 and 1890].
Tihanyi, Laszlo. Nyolc invokacio a hold fazisaihoz: melyhegedure es zongorara / Budapest : Editio Musica Budapest, [2012?]
Tillis, Frederick. Capriccio for viola and piano / Frederick Tillis. New York: American Composers Alliance, [197-?]
Tkach, Zlata Moiseevna. Sonata dlia alta i fortepiano / Zlata Tkach. Sovetskii Kompozitor, 1981.
Tomc, Matija. Caprice za violo in klavir / Matija Tomc. Ljubljana: Drustvo Slovenskih Skladateljev, 1964.
Tomc, Matija. Elegija za violo in klavir / Matija Tomc. Ljubljana: Drustvo Slovenskih Skladateljev, 1964.
Torres, Jesús. Fantasía para viola y piano / Barcelona : Trito, 2012.
Tournemire, Charles. Suite en trois parties pour alto et piano, opus 11 = for viola and piano = fur Bratsche und Klavier / Paris : Eschig ; Milano : Distribution et vente, BMG, 2005.
Tower, Joan. Purple rhapsody: (concerto for viola and orchestra) / New York, NY : Associated Music ; Milwaukee, WI : Distributed by H. Leonard, 2009.
Trevani, Francesco. 1. Sonate: fur Viola und Klavier (Clavicembalo) / Francesco Trevani; [revidiert und hrsg. von] Karl Stierhof. Wien: Doblinger, 1967.
Trevani, Francesco. 2. Sonate: fur Viola und Klavier (Clavicembalo) / Francesco Trevani; [revidiert und hrsg. von] Karl Stierhof. Wien: Verlag Doblinger, 1967.
Trevani, Francesco. 3. Sonate fur Viola und Klavier (Clavicembalo) / Wien : Doblinger, c1967.
Trimble, Lester. Duo for viola and piano / Lester Trimble. [S.l.]:
Trory, Robert. Dances from Assynt: for viola and piano / Laggan Bridge : Waveney Music Publishing Ltd, [2011]
Tsintsadze, Sulkhan, 1925-. Khorumi: Gruzinskii tanets dlia al’ta s fortepiano / S. Tsintsadze. Moskva: Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1950.
Tsintsadze, Sulkhan, 1925-. Sachidao: dlia al’ta i fortepiano / Frankfurt : Russian Music Archive, 2007.
Tsontakis, George. Requiescat : for viola and piano / [Bryn Mawr, PA] : Merion Music : T. Presser, sole representative, c2000.
TSytovich, Vladimir Ivanovich, 1931-. Triptikh : dli͡a alʹta i fortepiano / Sankt-Peterburg : Kompozitor, c2001.
Tubin, Eduard. Sonaat vioolale ja klaverile = Sonata for viola and piano (1965) / Stockholm : Nordiska Musikförlaget : Warner/Chappell Music Scandinavia, [distributor], c1991.
Tura, Yalcin. Sonata per viola e pianoforte / Istanbul, Turkey : Y. Tura, c2000.
Twardowski, Romuald, 1930-. Pavana e tarantella per viola (violino) e pianoforte / Kraków : Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 2015.
Ultan, Lloyd. Sonata for viola and piano / Lloyd Ultan. [New York: American Composers Alliance, 1976?]
Urack, Otto. O dark and wond’rous night = Dunkle, schone Nacht: Fantasiestuck, op. 16 / New York, N.Y. : Carl Fischer, c1914.
Urbancic, Victor. Fantasit & Fuge [fur Bratsche & Klavier], op. 9 = f. vi’olu & pian’o / Reykjavik : Iceland Music Information Centre, [199-?].
Urhan, Chrétien, 1790-1845. La romanesca, fameux air de danse de la fin du XVIe. siécle : arrangé pour l’alto avec acct. de deux violons, alto, basse et guitare obligée ou piano / Paris : Richault, [1832?]
Valentine, Robert. Sonata in A minor: for viola / Robert Valentine; edited by Freda Dinn. London: Schott; New York: Schott Music Corp., 1977.
Vallentin, Artur. Sonate fur Viola (oder Klarinette) und Klavier, op. 37 / von Artur Vallentin. Duisburg: Im Musikselbstverlag Artur Vallentin, [193-?].
Van de Vate, Nancy. Sonata for viola and piano / Nancy Van de Vate. New York: American Composers Alliance, c1966.
Vanhal, Johann Baptist, 1739-1813, 1739-1813. Sonate, Es-dur, fur Viola und Klavier / Johann B. Vanhal; [hrsg. von] A. Weinmann. Erstdruck. Wien: Doblinger, c1973.
Vanhal, Johann Baptist, 1739-1813. Sonate Es-Dur: fur Viola und Klavier / Johann Baptist Vanhal. Munchen-Grafelfing: Verlag W. Wollenweber, 1971.
Vanhal, Johann Baptist, 1739-1813. Sonate fur Viola und Klavier, Opus 5 Nr. 3 / Johann Baptist Vanhal; neu herausgegeben von Wolfgang Sawodny. Munchen-Grafelfing: Verlag Walter Wollenweber, 1980.
Vanhal, Johann Baptist, 1739-1813. Sonate: Es-Dur fur Viola und Klavier / Johann B. Vanhal. Verb. Aufl. Wien: Doblinger, 1976.
Vanhal, Johann Baptist, 1739-1813. Sonate Es-Dur für Viola und Klavier; [hrsg. von] A. Weinmann. Wien: Doblinger, c1973.
Vanhal, Johann Baptist, 1739-1813. Koncert C dur pro violu a orchestr = Konzert C dur für Bratsche und Orchester / Prague : Export Artia, 1964.
Vanhal, Johann Baptist, 1739-1813. Sonate für Viola und Klavier; Op. 5 Nr. 3; neu herausgegeben von Wolfgang Sawodny. München-Gräfelfing: Verlag Walter Wollenweber, c1980.
Van de Vate, Nancy. Sonata for viola and piano / Hattiesburg, Miss. : Tritone Press, c1966.
Various Composers 1er recueil d’œuvres pour alto et piano / Paris : Gérard Billaudot Éditeur, [1987]
Various Composers 2e recueil d’œuvres pour alto et piano / Paris : Gérard Billaudot Éditeur, [1987]
Various Composers 3e recueil d’œuvres pour alto et piano / Paris : Gérard Billaudot Éditeur, [1987]
Vasilenko, Sergei Nikiforovich, 1872-1956. Sonata dlia al’ta (ili skripki) i fortepiano, soch. 46 / S. Vasilenko. Moskva: Gos. muzykal’noe izd-vo, 1955.
Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 1872-1958. Romance, for viola and piano / R. Vaughan Williams; the viola part edited by Bernard Shore; the piano part edited by Eric Gritton. London: Oxford University Press, c1962.
Vega, Diego David, 1968- composer. Nocturno for viola and piano. Fort Worth, TX : Filarmonika Music Publishing, [2020].
Veprik, A. (Aleksandr), 1899-1958. Rapsodii͡a dli͡a alʹta i fortepiano, op. 11 /Moskva : Gos. Muz. Izd-vo, 1933.
Veracini, Francesco Maria. Conzert-Sonate fur Violine mit beziffertem Bass / Leipzig ; New York : Breitkopf & Härtel, [191-?]
Vercoe, Elizabeth. Elegy for viola and piano / [S.l.] : Elizabeth Walton Vercoe, c1989.
Verrall, John, 1908-2001. Sonata no. 1 for viola and piano / New York : Dow Music, c1956.
Verrall, John, 1908-2001, composer. Sonatina for viola and piano Oyster Bay, N.Y., Dow Publishers, [1962]
Verstovskii, Aleksei Nikolaevich. Varlatsii na dve temy / Moskva : Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1950.
Vier Sonaten für Viola und Basso continuo : op. 2 = Four sonatas for viola and basso continuo / William Flackton ; herausgegeben von Bernhard Päuler ; Continuo-Aussetzung von Willy Hess. Winterthur : Amadeus, 1995. M 226 .F53 op.2 1995
Vierne, Louis, 1870-1937. Deux pieces pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / par Louis Vierne. Paris: A. Leduc, [191-?].
Vierne, Louis. Deux pieces pour alto avec accompagnement de piano / par Louis Vierne. Paris: A. Leduc, [190?].
Vierne, Louis. Le soir: for viola and piano / Vierne. New York: Belwin Mills, [198-?]
Vierne, Louis. Legende: for viola and piano / Louis Vierne.
Vierne, Louis. Zwei Stucke, op. 5 [music]: Le soir; Legende: fur Viola und Klavier / Winterthur : Amadeus, c2010.
Vieux, Maurice, 1884-1951, composer. Deux Pièces pour alto et piano. Étude de concert : les mèmes pour violoncelle et piano Paris : Alphonse Leduc, [1928]
Vieux, Maurice, 1884-1951. ʹEtude de concert : pour alto ou violoncelle et piano / Paris : A. Leduc, [1949], c1928.
Vieuxtemps, Henri, 1820-1881. Allegro and scherzo from an unfinished sonata for viola and piano, op. posth / Boca Raton : Masters Music, c[1999].
Vieuxtemps, Henri, 1820-1881. Allegro et scherzo pour piano & alto concertants: 1 er et 2me morceaux d’une sonate inachevee, en si bemol: no. 14 oeuvres posthumes / Paris : Brandus, [1884?]
Vieuxtemps, Henri, 1820-1881. Elégie für Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano : op. 30 Hamburg : H. Sikorski, ©1966.
Vieuxtemps, Henri, 1820-1881. Élégie Opus 30 für Viola und Klavier = Élégie for viola and piano, op. 30 / München : G. Henle, [2014]
Vieuxtemps, Henri, 1820-1881. Elegie pour alto et piano, op. 30 / H. Vieuxtemps. Nouv. ed. / par M. Dello et Schultze-Biesantz. Braunschweig: Litolff, [193-?].
Vieuxtemps, Henri, 1820-1881. Elegie pour alto et piano, op. 30 / H. Vieuxtemps. Nouv. ed. / par M. Dello et Schultze-Biesantz. Braunschweig: H. Litolff’s Verlag, [189-?].
Vieuxtemps, Henri, 1820-1881. Elegie pour viola ou violon avec accompagnement de piano, op. 30 / par H. Vieuxtemps; revue par R. Scholz. London: Augener, [193-?].
Vieuxtemps, Henri, 1820-1881. Elegiia dlia al’ta i fortepiano, Soch. 30 / A. V’etan. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal’noe Izd-vo, 1958.
Vieuxtemps, Henri, 1820-1881. Etude for viola & piano / Henry Vieuxtemps; edited by Leonard Magill. New York: G. Schirmer, c1975.
Vieuxtemps, Henri. Sonate B-Dur Opus 36, für Klavier und Viola = Sonata in B♭ major op. 36, for piano and viola / München : G. Henle Verlag, [2013]
Vieuxtemps, Henri, 1820-1881. Sonate pour piano et alto ou violoncelle, op. 36 / par H. Vieuxtemps. Leipzig; New York: J. Schuberth & Co., [189-?].
Vieuxtemps, Henri, 1820-1881, composer. Sonata in B♭ major, opus 36 for viola and piano New York : International Music Company, [2019]
Vieuxtemps, Henri, 1820-1881. Souvenir d’Amerique: variations burlesque / New York : International Music Co., c2010.
Vieuxtemps, Henri, 1820-1881. Unvollendete Sonate: fur Viola und Klavier = Unfinished sonata for viola and piano: op. post. / Henri Vieuxtemps; nach dem Erstdruck hrsg. von Bernhard Pauler. Winterthur, Schweiz: Amadeus, c1986.
Vieuxtemps, Henri. Sonate pour piano et alto ou violoncelle: op. 36 / H. Vieuxtemps. Leipzig: J. Schuberth & Co., [190-?]
Villette, Pierre. Spleen : pour alto et piano / Pierre Villette. Paris : G. Billaudot, c1993. M 226 .V55 S64 1993 Theron, J. Deux pieces pour alto (ou violoncelle) et piano / par J. Theron. Paris: J. Hamelle, [190-?].
Viola, 1- / hrsg. von Alfred Lipka. 2. Aufl. Berlin: Verlag Neue Musik, c1984.
Visée, Robert de. Two suites. Volume 1 / [Stony Creek. Qld.] : Saraband Music, ©2012.
Visée, Robert de. Two suites. Volume 2 / [Stony Creek. Qld.] : Saraband Music, ©2012.
Vitachek, Favii. Tema s variatsiiami dlia al’ta i fortepiano, soch. 7 / Fabii Vitachek. Moskva: Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1938.
Vitols, Jazeps, 1863-1948. Recit: pour alto ou violoncelle avec accompagnement de piano, op. 14 / par Joseph Wihtol. Leipzig: M. P. Belaieff, 1894.
Vivaldi, Antonio, 1678-1741. Concerto in A major : F. II n. 1; P.233. for viola (or viola d’amore) and string orchestra / U.S.A. : Franco Colombo, [1967]
Vivaldi, Antonio, 1678-1741. Sonata in A major, for violin (or viola) and piano / Vivaldi; [edited by] F. David. New York: International Music Co., 1944.
Vivaldi, Antonio. Sonata in C major for viola / A. Vivaldi; edited by Freda Dinn. London: Schott; New York: Schott Music Corp., 1977.
Voirin, P. Duo pour piano et alto / A Paris : Chez Pacini, [1820?]
Voirpy, Yvette. Premier voyage–: pour l’alto avec accompagnement de piano ou de harpe / Paris : H. Lemoine, c1995.
Volkonskii, Andrei Mikhailovich. Sonate: fur Viola und Klavier / Andre Volkonsky. Frankfurt: M. P. Belaieff, 1976.
Voormolen, Alexander, 1895-. Sonata per viola e pianoforte / Alexander Voormolen; gecomponeerd in opdracht van de Joh. Wagenaar Stichting der Gem.’s Gravenhage. Amsterdam: Donemus, 1954.
Vorob’ev, Igor. Sonata dlla al’ta i fortepiano / Sankt-Peterburg : Kompozitor, 2003.
Vrana, Frantisek. Sonatina pro violu a klavir: (1940) / Frantisek Vrana. Praha: Panton, 1971.
Vremsak, Samo. Suita za violo in klavir / Samo Vremsak; part Viole redigiral Srecko Zalokar. Ljubljana: Drustvo Slovenskih Skladateljev, 1964.
Walker, George. Viola sonata (1989) : viola & piano / St. Louis, Mo. : MMB Music, c1989.
Wallace, William. Sonata for viola and piano / [S.l. : s.n.], c1974.
Wallner, Leopold. Cinq morceaux, pour alto (viola) avec accompagnement de piano / Bruxelles : Schott Frères, [189-?]
Wallner, Léopold, 1847-1913. Berceuse pour alto et piano / Bruxelles : Schott Frères, [189-?]
Wallner, Leopold. Fantaisie de Concert: fur Viola und Klavier / Winterthur : Amadeus, 2011.
Wallner, Leopold. Rhapsodie und Berceuse: fur Viola und Klavier / Winterthur : Amadeus, 2011.
Wallner, Leopold. Suite Polonaise: fur Viola und Klavier / Winterthur : Amadeus, 2011.
Walther, Heinrich Ernst Erwin. Kleine Suite: fur Viola und Klavier (1959) / Asperg : IKURO Edition, c2007.
Walthew, Richard Henry. Regret : and, Conversation galante : viola and piano / London ; New York : Hawkes & Son, c1918.
Walthew, Richard Henry. Serenade-sonata [in F minor]: viola and piano / London : J. Williams ; Boston : B. F. Wood Music, c1925.
Walzel, Leopold Matthias, 1902-1970. Sonata ariosa: fur Viola und Klavier, op. 30 / Leopold Matthias Walzel. Wien: Doblinger, 1962.
Ward, Norman. Ward-Stephan beginning string method: a string class method for individual, class, or ensemble instruction: viola / Delevan, N.Y. : Kendor Music, c1976.
Ward-Steinman, David / Cinnabar : for Viola and Piano / [King Of Prussia, PA] : Theodore Presser Company, sole representative, [1995] [Pennsylvania] : Merion Music.
Watkins, Huw. Fantasy for viola and piano, 2006 / Mainz ; New York : Schott, c2007.
Watkins, Huw, 1976-. Lyric piece: for viola and piano / Walter Watson. Cleveland, OH: Ludwig Music Publishing Co., 1971.
Watkins, Huw, 1976-. Miniatures : for viola and piano, 2009 / Mainz : Schott, c2009
Webb, Peter. Miniature suite: for cello or viola or oboe or cor anglais and piano; [Rondino: viola, piano] / Sydney, NSW, Australia : Australian Music Centre, [200-?]
Webber, William Lloyd. Sonatina for viola and piano / London : Stainer & Bell, c1995.
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826. Andante und Rondo ungarese: fur Viola und Orchester = Andante e rondo ungarese for viola and orchestra = Andante e rondo pour alto et orchestre / Mainz ; New York : B. Schott’s Söhne, c1938.
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826. Grand duo concertant pour piano et clarinette ou alto : op: 48 / A Paris : Chez S. Richault, [184-?]
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826. Variatsii dlia al’ta s orkestrom / Moskva : Gos. Muz. Izd-vo, 1962.
Weberm Reinhold. Miniatur: fur Viola und Piano, WebWV, 227, 1975 / Köln : Haas, c2009.
Weiner, Leó. Ballade for clarinet (or viola) and piano, op. 8 / Boca Raton, Fla. : Masters Music, [2001?].
Wieniawski, Henri. Rêverie : für Viola und Klavier = Rêverie : for viola and piano / Winterthur, Schweiz : Amadeus Verlag, 2012.
Weismann, Julius. Kammermusik, op. 88: fur Viola und Klavier = Chamber music, op. 88: for viola and piano / Bad Schwalbach : Edition Gravis, c1992.
Weismann, Julius. Thema, Variationen und Gigue, opus 146 (1943) : für Viola und Klavier = for viola and piano / Julius Weismann. Bad Schwalbach, Germany : Edition Gravis, c1992. M 226 .W457 op.146 1992.
Welander, Svea. Sonatin för viola och piano / Stockholm : STIM, [200-?].
Welander, Waldemar. Sonatin för viola och piano / [Sweden? : s.n., 195-?]
Werdin, Eberhard. Greensleeves-Variationen: Viola & Klavier /
Weretka, John. Viola. Series 1 [music] / Melbourne : All Music Publishing, c2007.
Whear, Paul W. Sonata for viola and piano / Paul W. Whear.
Widmer, Ernst, 1927-1990. Mobile 1 : für Bratsche und Klavier, op. 85 (1973/75) / Aarau : Nepomuk, c1995.
Widger, John. Easy jazz viola : for viola and piano / Monmouth, England : Spartan Press, [1994]
Wieniawski, Henri, 1835-1880. Reverie: pour alto et piano = na altowke i fortepiano = for viola and piano = fur Viola und Klavier / Henryk Wieniawski. Krakow: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, c1973.
Wiggins, Christopher, composer. Pieces of eight : op. 157 : viola/piano [England] : C.D. Wiggins, [2011?]
Wigglesworth, Frank, 1918-. Sound piece: for viola and piano / by Frank Wigglesworth. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1958.
Wilkinson, Marguerite. Viva viola!: 20 entertaining easy pieces for viola and piano / London : Faber Music, 1992.
Williams, Adrian, 1956- . Tinuviel’s dance : pour alto & piano / Paris : Éditions M. Eschig, c1997.
Williams, John. Concerto for viola and orchestra: solo viola with piano reduction / Milwaukee, Wis. : Hal Leonard, c2009.
Wilson, Richard. Sonata for viola and piano / New York : Southern Music, [200-?].
Winkel, Hans-Herbert, 1913-1999. 2. Konzert für Viola und Orchester / München : Hans-Peter Winkel, [2002]
Winkler, Alexandre, 1865-1935. Deux morceaux fur Viola und Klavier, op. 31 / Winterthur : Amadeus, 2008.
Winkler, Alexandre, 1865-1935. Sonate in c-Moll fur Viola und Klavier / Winterthur : Amadeus, 2008.
Winkler, Alexandre, 1865-1935. Sonate pour piano et alto (ou violon), op. 10 / par Alexandre Winkler. Leipzig: M. P. Belaieff, 1902.
Winkler, Alexandre, 1865-1935. Sonate pour piano et alto (ou violon) op. 10 / Leipzig : M.P. Belaïeff, 1902.
Winkler, Alexandre. Sonate pour piano et alto (ou violon), op. 10 = Sonata: dlia fortepiano I al’ta (ili skipki), soch. 10 / Leipzig : M.P. Belaïeff, 1902.
Wolfgang, Gernot. Quiet time: for viola and piano / Wien : Doblinger, [2012]
Wollschleger, Scott, 1980- composer. Lost anthems : for viola and piano. New York, NY : Schott, [2020?].
Wollschleger, Scott, 1980-. Soft aberration no. 2 : for piano and viola / New York : Project Schott New York, [2015]
Wolstenholme, William. Allegretto for viola and pianoforte / London : Novello ; New York : Novello, Ewer, c1900.
Wolstenholme, William, 1865-1931. Romanza for viola and pianoforte / London : Novello & Co., Ltd., 1900.
Wood, Joseph. Sonata for viola and piano / Joseph Wood. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1942.
Woollett, Henry, 1864-1936. 5me sonate en ut mineur pour violon et piano / H. Woollett. Paris: Editions Maurice Senart, c1922.
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