Viola-Solo (arr.) Skip to main content

Viola-Solo (arr.)

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. 6 cello suites: for viola solo / J. S. Bach; [edited by] Milton Katims. This edition rev. October 1982. New York: International Music Co., 1982, c1980.

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750). 6 sonate e partite per viola = 6 sonates et partites pour alto = 6 sonatas and partitas for viola / Bach; [trascritte dall’originale per violino di] E. Polo. Milano: Ricordi, 1986.

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Bach suites [for violoncello / transcribed and performed by William] Primrose. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Sound Services, [1978].

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750). Chromatische Fantasie d-moll, BWV 903 / Thessaloniki : Nto pe mi, [1985?]

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750). Izbrannye chasti iz skripichnykh soant i partit: dlla al’ta solo / Moskva : Muzyka, 1967.

Bach, Johann Sebastian. Partita g-Moll für Viola solo : nach BWV 1013 / J. S. Bach ; [hrsg. von] Andreas Gilly. Locarno : Heinrichshofen, c1992. M 49 .B33 BWV1013 1992

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750). Partita no. 3 in G major / Houston : RBP Music, c1994.

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750). Quattro suites (sonate) : per viola da gamba / Milan ; New York : G. Ricordi, c1921.

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Six suites for viola (originally for cello) / by J. S. Bach; transcribed by Watson Forbes. London: Chester Music, c1951.

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Six suites for viola (originally for cello) / by J. S. Bach; transcribed by Watson Forbes. London: J. & W. Chester, c1951.

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Six suites for the viola : (originally for violoncello) New York : G. Schirmer, ©1936.

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Six suites per viola : (trascritte dall’originale per violoncello de Bruno Giuranna) / Bach Milano : Ricordi, [1990].

Bach, Johann Sebastian. Six suites originally written for violoncello solo / Johann Sebastian Bach ; adapted, revised and fingered for the viola by Louis Sveenski. New York : G. Schirmer, c1916. M 48 .B22 BWV 1007-1012 1916

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Six suites: originally written for violoncello solo / Johann Sebastian Bach; adapted, rev. and fingered for viola by Louis Svecenski. New York: G. Schirmer, c1944.

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750, composer. Six suites, BWV 1007-1012 [Rocky Hill, CT (35 Wright Rd., Rocky Hill, CT 06067)] : [James Nicholas], [2000]

Bach, Johann Sebastian. Six suites / J.S. Bach; transcrites pour alto par Robert Boulay. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1962.

Bach, Johann Sebastian. Six suites for viola (originally for cello) / by J.S. Bach; transcribed by Watson Forbes. London: J. & W. Chester, 1951.

Bach, Johann Sebastian. The six suites for solo cello: for solo viola / Johann Sebastian Bach; transcribed by Watson Forbes. Boca Raton, Fla.: Masters Music, [1989]

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Sonaten fur Viola (Viola Alta, Altgeige): Suite 1-4 / von Joh. Seb. Bach; nach den Sonaten fur Violoncello allein ubertragen von Hermann Ritter. Leipzig: Verlag von Friedrich Hofmeister, [193-?].

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750, composer. Sonata for solo viola, BWV 1013 : (originally in A minor for solo flauto traverso) Iowa City, Ia. : Linnet Press Editions, [2007]

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750, composer. Suite B.W.V. 995 : (“Suite pour la luth”). [Houston : publisher not identified, 1992].

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750). Suite in G for viola solo / Chico, Calif. : Avera Music Press, c1996.

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Suiten (Sonaten) fur Violoncello allein, fur Viola ubertragen / Johann Sebastian Bach; nach fruhesten Quellen und der Ausgabe der Bachgesellschaft uberarbeitet von Fritz Spindler. Leipzig: F. Hofmeister, [1965?].

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Suiten (Sonaten) fur Violoncello allein, fur Viola ubertragen / Johann Sebastian Bach; nach fruhesten Quellen und der Ausgabe der Bachgesellschaft uberarbeitet von Fritz Spindler. Leipzig: F. Hofmeister, [1968?].

Bach, Johann Sebastian. Suiten für Violoncello allein ; für Viola übertragen von Fritz Spindler / Johann Sebastian Bach. Hofheim : Friedrich Hofmeister, [198-?], c1953. M 49 .B33 BWV 1007-1012 1980 vol.1

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750). Toccata and fugue in D minor (for organ) / Thunderbolt, Ga. : E. L. Bryan-Turner, c1974.

Barnes, Milton. Lamentations of Jeremiah : for solo viola / London, Ont., Canada : Jaymar ; New York : Represented in the U.S.A. by Oxford University Press, c1991.

Beatles composer, lyricist. The best of the Beatles : viola 2nd edition Milwaukee, WI : H. Leonard, [2006?]

Beethoven, Ludwig van. Symphony no 6 in F major: Pastoral / Thunderbolt, Ga. : E. L. Bryan-Turner, c1970.

Bernstein, Leonard, 1918-1990. West Side story : viola / [United States] : Leonard Bernstein Music Publishing Company LLC, [2011]

Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz (1644-1704). Passacaglia c-moll für Viola / Frankfurt ; New York : H. Litolff’s Verlag / C. F. Peters, c1975.

Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz. Passacaglia for solo viola: (originally for solo violin) / Iowa City, Iowa : Linnet Press Editions, c2007.

Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz, 1644-1704, composer. Passacaglia : viola solo. Hollywood, CA : Judy Green Music, [between 1980 and 1989?].

Black, Annesley (1979- ). Maiko : für Viola solo, 2006 / Berlin : Edition Juliane Klein, c2010.

Bresnick, Martin, composer. Josephine (the singer) = Josefine (die Sängerin) : for solo viola [New York, NY] : Carl Fischer, [2017]

Campagnoli, Bartolomeo. Sette divertimenti per violino, op. 18: trascritti per viola / Milano ; New York : G. Ricordi, c1922.

Campagnoli, Bartolomeo, 1751-1827. Sieben Divertimenti, opus 18 / B. Campagnoli; fur die Viola ubertragen und bearb. von Fritz Spindler. Leipzig: Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag, c1954.

Cleary, David. Suite / [U.S.] : D. Cleary, c1986.

Conley, Lloyd. Broadway favorites for strings : solos and string orchestra arrangements correlated with Essential elements string method : viola / Milwaukee, WI : H. Leonard, c2001.

Del Borgo, Elliot A. Movie favorites : solos and string orchestra arrangements correlated with Essential elements string method : viola / Milwaukee, WI : H. Leonard, c1999.

Deyoe, Nicholas, 1981- composer. vla : viola solo : (2007) [Alhambra, Calif.] : Nicholas Deyoe, [2007]

Feldstein, Sandy. Play-along Christmas : 27 Christmas favorites : viola / New York : Carl Fischer, c2001.

Greenblatt, Deborah. The viola fiddling tune book / Avoca, Neb. (P.O. Box 671, Avoca, Neb. 68307) : The Old Schoolhouse, c1998.

Gulino, Bill. Best of Shrek and Shrek 2 : viola : 12 solo arrangements with CD accompaniment / New York, N.Y. : Cherry Lane ; Milwaukee, WI : Exclusively distributed by H. Leonard, c2005.

He, Xuntian, composer. Scent dance II : for viola solo = für Viola solo : (2010) Mainz : Schott, [2018]

Hosokawa, Toshio. Two arrangements for viols / Tokyo : Schott, c2007.

Jones, Edward Huws. The fiddler playalong collection: viola music from around the world with audio backing and performance tracks / London : Boosey & Hawkes ; [Milwaukee, WI] : Distributed by H. Leonard, c2006.

Kimber, Michael. Monolog i Krakowiak = Soliloquy and Krakovian dance : for viola solo / Hattiesburg, MS : M. Kimber, c2000.

Kreisler, Fritz, 1875-1962. Recitativo and scherzo-caprice / Fritz Kreisler; transcribed for viola by Alan H. Arnold. Huntington Station, N. Y.: Viola World Publications, c1988.

Lanner, Joseph. Aufforderung zum Tanze, op. 7 : Trennungs-Walzer, op. 19 / Wien : Universal Edition, c2001.

Lennon, John. Lennon and McCartney solos for viola / Milwaukee, WI : Hal Leonard, [2000?].

Linke, Norbert. Elegie und Tanz : für Viola solo / Berlin : Verlag Neue Musik, c2003.

Loewe, Johann Heinrich. Neun Variationen uber die Arie Tiroler sind lustig: op. 4: fur Violine und Begleitung einer Viola ad linitum / Lilienthal/Bremen : Eres Edition, [2001].

Martini, Manlio. Recitativo fantasia: per viola sola: dall’ omonimo per cello / Ancona : M. Martini, [1965?].

Martini, Manlio. Variazioni sull’ lnno alla gioia dalla IX di Beethoven: per viola sola / Ancona : M. Martini, [1984?].

Paganini, Nicolò (1782-1840). 6 capricci per viola = 6 caprices for viola : op. 1 / Milano ; New York : G. Ricordi, [1956].

Paganini, Niccolo (1782-1840). 24 caprices pour violon, op. 1/ Niccolo Paganin; transcrits pour alto par Léon Raby, op. 72.Bruxelles : A. Cranz, [193-?] MSC M 49 .P34 op.1 1930

Penderecki, Krzysztof. Sarabanda per viola sola : trascrizione di cersione originale per violoncello solo: (2000) / Mainz ; New York : Schott, c2011.

Rolf Schweizer. Hymnus II: Fassung fur Viola solo: (1989) / Köln : Edition Dohr, 1996.

Roman, Johan Helmich. Six assaggi for solo viola: (originally for solo violin) / Iowa City, Iowa : Linnet Press, c2007.

Rovelli, Pietro, 1793-1838. 12 capricci per violino: [op. III, V] / di Pietro Rovelli; trascritti per viola da Angelo Consolini = (12 caprices pour violon transcrits pour alto) = (12 caprices for the violin transcribed for the viola). New York: G. Ricordi, c1922.

Rovelli, Pietro. Zwölf Capricen für Violine; für Viola übertragen und bearb. von Fritz Spindler. Leipzig: F. Hofmeister, [c1955].

Saygun, Ahmed Adnan, composer. Partita : for viola alone New York : Peermusic Classical, [2018]

Sculthorpe, Peter. Tailitnama song: for solo viola / London : Faber Music, c2002.

Sevcik, Otakar Josef. Forty variations for viola, opus 3 / Otakar Sevcik; arranged by Margaret Major. Cologne: Bosworth, 1984.

Sternberg, Hans. Suite fur Bratsche solo / [München] : Verband Deutscher Musikerzieher und Konzertierender Kunstler E.V., [1985?]

Tann, Hilary. The cresset stone : a meditation for solo viola / [New York] : Oxford University Press, c2002.

Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich. Tchaikovsky’s The nutcracker : viola : 10 solo arrangements with CD accompaniment / [New York] : Cherry Lane ; Milwaukee : Exclusively distributed by H. Leonard, c2007.

Telemann, Georg Philipp. 12 fantasias for viola unaccompanied / New York : McGinnis and Marx, 1965-1966.

Thomas, Augusta Read. Pulsar for solo viola / New York : G. Schirmer ; Milwaukee, WI : Distributed by Hal Leonard, 2006.

Voets, Pierre. Canto : per viola solo / Bruxelless : CeBeDeM, c2005.

Walt Disney Pictures. Disney greats : viola : solo arrangements of 15 favorite songs with CD accompaniment / Milwaukee, Wis. : Hal Leonard, [2005?].

Walt Disney Pictures. Disney solos for viola / [U.S.] : Wonderland Music : Walt Disney Music ; Milwaukee, WI : Distributed by H. Leonard, [2000?]

Webber, Andrew Lloyd. Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The phantom of the opera : viola / Milwaukee, WI : Hal Leonard, c1986.

Wieniawski, Henri, 1835-1880. Etiudy-kaprysky z op. 10 i 18: na altowke = etudes-caprices d’op. 10 et 18: pour alto / Henryk Wieniawski; transcription et redaction Stefan Kamasa. Krakow: Polskie Wydawn. Muzyczne, c1972.

Witt, Anne Cleino. Scottish fiddling: for viola / Pacific, MO : Mel Bay Publications, c2008.

Woolf, Luna Pearl, 1973- composer. Impromptu for solo viola : 2001/2015 Full score. [Montreal] : Oxingale Music, [2015]