Etuden, Capricen, Studien, Ubungen Skip to main content

Etuden, Capricen, Studien, Ubungen

Altmann, Wilhelm, 1862-1951. Schwierige Stellen aus Kammermusikwerken, Bratsche = Difficult passages from chamber music works, viola Leipzig : Carl Merseburger ; New York : Carl Fischer, ©1929.

Antonius, Valerii, 1979-, composer. 10 exercises for solo viola. Hensall, ON. Canada : Lighthouse Music Publications, [2016].

Anzoletti, Marco, 1866-1929, composer. 12 studi per viola, op. 125 : for viola solo. Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, [2018].

Applebaum, Samuel, 1904-1986 . Beautiful music for orchestra / Melville, N.Y. : Belwin Mills, 1972.

Applebaum, Samuel, 1904-1986. Chamber music for two string instruments : two violas. Book one; piano acc. by Robert Girlamo / Van Nuys, CA : Alfred Publishing co., Inc., [1972]

Applebaum, Samuel, 1904-1986. Chamber music for two string instruments : two violas. Book three / Van Nuys, CA : Alfred Publishing Co., Inc., [1977]

Adams, Julia. Scale studies for the intermediate violist / Cleveland, Ohio : Ludwig Music, c1992.

Allen, Eric. Success in all keys: for viola: 81 pages of original etudes and famous excerpts for individual study / [Batavia, IL] : Better Bands And Orchestras, [2012]

Anzoletti, Marco. 12 studii per la viola / Milano : Ricordi, c1919.

Anzoletti, Marco, 1866-1929. 12 studi per viola = 12 ʹetudes pour alto = 12 studies for viola = 12 Etüden für Viole [i.e. Viola] = 12 estudios para viola / Milano ; New York : G. Ricordi, 1957, c1919.

Applebaum, Samuel, 1904-. String builder: string class method (for class or individual instruction) in three books [viola] / by Samuel Applebaum. Melville, N. Y.: Belwin Mills, 1960.

Bach, Johann Sebastian. Orchesterstudien, Viola: ausser Kantaten = without cantatas / Frankfurt : Zimmermann, [198-?]

Bakaleinikoff, Vladimir. Scales and studies for the viola / New York, N.Y. : Belwin : Sole selling agents, Boosey, Hawkes, Belwin, 1938.

Barber, Barbara. Scales for advanced violists / Estes Park, Colo. : Preludio Music ; Van Nuys : exclusively distributed by Alfred Pub, c2005.

Beer-Hofmann, Richard. Die Ersten Studien fur Viola in der ersten Lage, op. 86 / Richard Hofmann. Frankfurt; C.F. Peters,[197-?]

Beethoven, Ludwig van. Orchester Studien, Viola / Frankfurt : Zimmerman, c1994.

Belwin orchestra builder: viola, The / Rockville Centre, N.Y. : Belwin, c1955.

Berlioz, Hector. Harold in Italien: symphonie = Harold en Italie: symphonie: op. 16 / Heilbronn a. N. : C. F. Schmidt, [192-?].

Bezrukov, Georgii. Osnoy tekhniki igry na alte / G. Bezrukov; K. Oznobishchev. Moskva: Muzyka, 1983.

Bierwald, Roland. Leitfaden des Violaspiels / Frankfurt : Zimmermann, c1997.

Blackwell, Kathy. Viola time scales : pieces, puzzles, scales, and arpeggios / Oxford, England ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2007.

Blackwell, Kathy. Viola time sprinters : a third book of pieces for viola / New York: Oxford University Press, c2008.

Blank, Allan. Ten studies for viola / New York : American Composers Alliance, 2013.

Blumenstengel, Albrecht, 1835-1895. 24 Violin-Etuden, Op. 33 / von A. Blumenstengel; fur Viola bearb. von Ludwig Wiemann. Braunschweig: Henry Litolff’s Verlag; Boston: Arthur P. Schmidt, [193-?].

Blumenstengel, Albrecht. 24 studies for the viola, op. 33 / Albrecht Blumenstengel. Melville, N.Y.: Belwin Mills, [198-?]

Blumenstengel, Albrecht. 24 studies. op. 33: for viola solo / Blumenstengel; [edited by L. Wiemann]. New York: International Music Co., [197-?]

Borisovskii, Vadim Vasilevich. 4 artistic studies…for viola solo / Borissovsky. New York City: International Music Company, [1943]

Borissovsky. 4 artistic studies : for viola solo / Borissovsky [transcribed by Vadim] New York City : International Music, [1971?] MT 285 .F68 B67 1971.

Borissovsky, V. 4 artistic studies for solo viola / transcribed for viola by V. Borissovsky. New York: Edwin F. Kalmus, [197-?]

Brahmig, Bernhard, 1822-1872. Practische Bratschenschule: enthaltend eine progressiv geordnete Auswahl technischer Elementarstudien fur die wichtigsten Lagen des Bratschenspiels nebst den entsprechenden Uebungs- und Tonstucken / bearb. und hrsg. von Bernhard Brahmig. Leipzig: Carl Merseburger, [188-?].

Brahms. Complete orchestral parts : viola / Brahms. Indiana : Frangipani Press, c1979. MT 286 .B72 O73 1979

Brown, Susan C.. Two octave scales and bowings : viola : a basic scale study for the intermediate string student / Madison Heights, MI : Tempo Press, [2009]

Bruni, Antonio Bartolommeo. 25 Studien für Viola = Studies for viola = Études pour alto. Neue revidierte Ausgabe von Friedrich Hermann. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, [192-?].

Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo, 1757-1821. 25 Studien fur Viola = Studies for viola = Etudes pour alto / A. Bartolomeo Bruni. Neue revidierte Ausgabe / von Friedrich Hermann. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, [195-?].

Bruni, Antonio Barolomeo, 1757-1821. 25 studies for viola solo / Bruni; [edited by] Schulz. New York: International Music, [1970?].

Bruni, Antonio Barolomeo, 1757-1821. Methode pour l’alto-viola / A Paris : Chez Janet et Cotelle, [1814-1815].

Bruni, Antonio Barolomeo, 1757-1821. Methode pour l’alto-viola, contenant les principes de cet instrument / Leipzig : Chez Breitkopf & Härtel, [1844 or 1845?]

Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo, 1757-1821. Shkola dlia al’ta / A. B. Bruni. Novoe izd. / pod redaktsiei V. Borisovskogo. Moskva: Muzgiz, 1946.

Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo, 1757-1821. Twenty-five melodious and characteristic studies for viola / B. Bruni. New and rev. ed. / by W. F. Ambrosio. New York: Carl Fisher, 1910.

Bruni, Antoine-Barthelemy / Twenty-five studies for viola solo / Antione-Barthelemy Bruni [United States] : Well-tempered Press ; Boca Raton, Fla. : Distributed exclusively by Masters Music, [199-?] MT 285 .B78 T83x 1990.

Buck, Nancy. Reading enharmonics with ease : a guide to improved musical reading / [Ariz.] : [publisher not identified], [2014]

Bytovetzski, Pavel L., composer, writer of preface. Double stopping for the viola Sunnyvale, California : [Ruth Freeman], 2010.

Callus, Helen. One-step scale system for viola : 10 exercises to a better left hand / [New York] : Carl Fischer, [2016]

Campagnoli, Barolomeo, 1751-1827. 41 capricci per viola, op. 22 = 41 caprices pour alto = 41 Capricen fur Viola = 41 caprices for viola = 41 caprichos para viola / Campagnoli; (Angelo Consolini). Milano; New York: Ricordi, 1954.

Campagnoli, Bartolomeo, 1751-1827. Sept divertissements pour violon / Campagnoli; transcrit et arrange pour alto par Etienne Ginot. Paris: Editions Jean Jobert, 1960.

Campagnoli, Bartolomeo, 1751-1827. 24 Capricen für Bratsche aus op. 22 = 24 caprices for the viola of op. 24 [i.e. 22] / Hamburg : H. Sikorski, c1956.

Campagnoli, Bartolomeo. 41 caprices pour l’alto-viola, op. 22 / B. Campagnoli; revus et doigtes par Hans Sitt. Leipzig: C. F. Peters, [194-?]

Campagnoli, Bartolomeo. 41 caprices, op. 22: for viola / Campagnoli; [edited by William] Primrose. New York: International Music, 1958.

Campagnoli, Bartolomeo. 41 caprices: pour l’Alto-Viola; Opus 22 / Bartolomeo Campagnoli; Nouvelle edition par Carl Herrmann. London; New York: Edition Peters, [196-?]

Campagnoli, Bartolomeo, 1751-1827, composer. Forty-one caprices for the viola New York : G. Schirmer, [1944]

Caner, Edward M., composer, arranger of music. Fiddling for classical stiffs : viola version : basic shuffles, swing grooves and scales, including 22 bluegrass and Celtic tunes, plus Slow-Fast CD accompaniment / Boca Raton, FL : Latham Music, [2003]

Carse, Adam von Ahn. Viola school / London : Augener, c1932.

Cavallini, E. Guida per lo studio elementare e progressivo della viola : terza parte : fantasie, variazioni, ecc. per viola con accompagnamento di pianoforte / E. Cavallini ; nuove edizione riveduta da Angelo Consolini. Milano ; New York : G. Ricordi, [192-?] MSC MT 294 .C38 G85 1920

Cavallini, Eugenio, 1806-1881. 24 studi per viola / da Eugenio Cavallini. Milano: G. Ricordi, [191-?].

Cavallini, Eugenio. Guida per lo studio elementare e progressivo della viola: prima e seconda parte; [revisione di Angelo Consolini]. Milano; New York: Ricordi, [192-?].

Centurioni, Paolo. Esercizi giornalieri per lo sviluppo della tecnica violistica / Ancona, Italy : Bèrben, 1989.

Chailley, Jacques, 1910-. Premiers concerts: 12 morceaux faciles pour violon et piano (ou alto et piano) d’apres les “Exercices Divertissants” de Marie-Therese Chailley = First concerts: 12 easy pieces for violin and piano ( or alto and piano), after “Exercices Divertissants” by Marie-Therese Chailley / Jacques Chailley. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, c1974.

Chailley, Marie Therese. Exercices divertissants et pieces breves avec accompagnement de piano = Amusing exercises and short pieces, with piano accompaniment / Marie-Therese Chailley. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1974.

Chailley, Marie Thérèse. Quarante exercises rationnels : pour l’alto : justesse, précision, exactitude rythmique = Forty practical exercises : for viola = Vierzig praktische Etüden : für Bratsche = Cuarenta ejercicios practicos : para viola / Paris : A. Leduc, c1966.

Chailley, Marie Therese. Techniue de l’alto : les exercices au service de l’expression musicale en 2 volumes = Viola technique : exercises in the service of musical expression in 2 books / Marie-Therese Chailley. Paris: A. Leduc, 1990.

Chailley, Marie Therese. Vingt etudes expressives en double cordes: avec des conseils pour les travailler = Twenty studies for expression in double stopping : with hints for practice / Marie-Therese Chailley. Paris: A. Leduc, 1980.

Chastang, Marie. Pousse-tire: 35 comptines pour jouer a deux (ou trois) altos / Paris : Henry Lemoine, c2004

Cohen, Mary. Superstudies : for viola : really easy original studies for the young player = ganz einfache Originaletüden für Anfänger / London : Faber Music, 1993.

Cohen, Mary. Technique takes off! : 14 intermediate studies for solo viola = 14 mittelschwere Studien für Soloviola / London : Faber Music, 1993.

Corras, A. Méthode de viole d’amour / Paris : Éditions Maurice Senart, [1924].

Dancla, Charles, 1817-1907. 20 etudes brillantes, op. 73 / Frankfurt ; New York : C. F. Peters, c1997.

Dancla, Charles, 1817-1907. L’école du mécanisme : exercises journaliers pour l’alto / Paris : G. Billaudot, [199-?]

Dancla, Charles, 1817-1907. School of mechanism, op. 74: for viola / Dancla; [edited by Joseph] Vieland. New York: International Music, 1957.

David, Ferdinand. Twenty-four etudes for the intermediate violist, op. 44/cFerdinand David, adapted for the viola by Alan Arnold / Saratoga Springs N.Y. : Viola World, c1998.

Dolejší, Robert. Modern viola technique Chicago, Ill. : The University of Chicago Press, 1939.

Dont, Jacob, 1815-1888. 24 Vorubungen zu R. Kreutzers und P. Rodes Violin-Etuden: op. 37 / Jakob Dont; fur die Viola ubertragen und bearb. von Fritz Spindler. Leipzig: F. Hofmeister, c1953.

Dont, Jakob, 1815-1888. Twenty-four viola studies : after op. 35 / New York : G. Schirmer, c1928.

Dont, Jacob, 1815-1888. Twenty progressive exercises for the viola, with accompaniment of a second viola / J. Dont; adapted from Dont, op. 38, for two violins [by] L. Svecenski. New York: G. Schirmer, c1925.

Dont, Jacob, 1815-1888. Vierundzwanzig Etuden fur Violine / J. Dont; fur Bratsche ubertragen von L. Raby; uberarbeitet von Fritz Spindler. Leipzig: Friedrich Hofmeister, c1957.

Dont, Jacob, 1815-1888. Viola-Schule (Bratschen-Schule) auf Grundlage der Studienwerke / von Jacob Dont; bearb., erganzt und hrsg. von Heinrich Dessauer. Leipzig: F.E.C. Leuckart, [190-?].

Dont, Jacob. 24 studies preparatory to Kreutzer and Rode studies, op. 37 for viola / Dont; [edited by Joseph] Vieland. New York: International Music, 1966.

Dounis, Demetrius Constantine, 1886-1954. Specific technical exercises for viola : left hand – bow arm : op. 25 / New York : Carl Fischer, [2006]

Drozen, J. Lidova a prakticka skola na violu: se zretelem pro samouky / J. Droven. Brno-Bratislava: Jar. Stozicky, [196-?].

Elementary scales and bowings for strings : viola / by Harvey S. Whistler and Herman A. Hummel. Chicago, Ill. : Rubank ; Milwaukee, WI : Hal Leonard, c1955. MT 285 .W46 E43 1955

Entezami, Ramin. Melodische Etüden : für Viola = Etudes melodiques : pour alto = Melodic etudes : for viola / Berlin : Ries & Erler, c2004-2008.

Etling. Intermediate string techniques : viola / Etling. Van Nuys, CA : Alfred, c1990. MT 285 .E85 I58 1990

Etling, Forest R. Solo time for strings : for string class or individual instruction : viola / Forest R. Etling. Van Nuys, CA. : Alfred : Highland/Etling, c1990. MT 294 .E85 S65 1990 vol.1-5

Etling, Forest. Workbook for strings : viola / Forest R. Etling. Van Nuys, CA : Highland/Etling : Alfred, c1990. MT 282 .E85 W67 1990 vol.1-2

Fiorillo, Federigo, 1755-ca. 1823. 31 studies : for viola solo / New York City : International Music Company, 1948.

Fiorillo, Federigo, 1755-ca. 1823. 31 studies for viola solo / Fiorillo; [edited by Joseph] Vieland. New York: International Music Co., 1965.

Fiorillo, Federigo, 1755-ca. 1823. 36 Etuden-Capricen fur violine / Federico Fiorillo; fur die Viola ubertragen und bearbeitet von Fritz Spindler. Leipzig: Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag, c1954.

Fiorillo, Federigo, 1755-ca. 1823. 36 studii per violino / di Federigo Fiorillo; trascritti per viola da Angelo Consolini. Milano: G. Ricordi, c1919.

Fiorillo, Federigo. Vierundzwanzig Violinetuden / Leipzig : Rieter-Biedermann, 1881.

Fischer, Bernard. Violin and viola calisthenics : class exercises without the actual production of sound / New York, N.Y. : Belwin, c1951.

Fischer, Simon, composer. Scales for viola : scales and scale studies for the viola London : Peters Edition Limited, [2017]

Fischer, Simon. Warming up : complete warm-up sequence for the viola / London : FMP Fitzroy Music Press, 2012.

Flesch, Carl, 1873-1944. Das Skalensystem : Tonleiterübungen durch alle Dur- und Moll-Tonarten für das tägliche Studium für Viola Berlin : Ries & Erler ; New York : Carl Fischer, ©1956.

Flesch, Carl, 1873-1944. Das Skalensystem: Tonleiterubungen durch alle Dur- und Moll- Tonarten fur das tagliche Studium fur Viola / Carl Flesch; bearbeitet von Charlotte Karman. New York: Carl Fischer; Berlin: Ries & Erler, c1956.

Flesch, Carl, 1873-1944. Scale-system: scale exercises in all major and minor keys for daily study / adapted for the viola by Charlotte Karman. New York; Boston [etc.]: C. Fischer, c1942.

Flesch, Carl, 1873-1944. Urstudien: Grundstudien fur Viola = Etudes de base pour alto = Basic studies for viola / Carl Flesch; nach der Originalfassung fur Violine, ubertragen von Max Rostal. Berlin: Ries & Erler, c1990.

Flor, Samuel. Scales for the viola: in the first position in all major and minor keys / Boston, Ma. : Boston Music, c1983.

Flor, Samuel. The positions: technique, melodies, scales for viola / Samuel Flor. Boston: The Boston Music Company, 1975.

Forbes, Watson. A first book of scales & arpeggios for viola players / London ; New York : Oxford University Press, c1951.

Forbes, Watson. A second book of scales & arpeggios for viola players / Watson Forbes. London: Oxford University Press, 1951.

Forbes, Watson. A third book of scales & arpeggios for viola players / by Watson Forbes. London: Oxford Unviersity Press, 1954.

Forbes, Watson. Exercises for viola players / by Watson Forbes. London: Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music, [196-?]

Forbes, Watson. A book of daily exercises for viola players. London: Oxford University Press, c1949.

Forbes, Watson. A book of daily exercises for viola players. London: Oxford University Press, [197-?], c1949.

Frost, Robert S. Christmas kaleidoscope : viola / San Diego, Calif. : Neil A. Kjos Music, c1985.

Frank, Marco. Viola-Etuden / Wien : Österreichischer Bundesverlag, [196-?], c1950.

Gardner, Maurice. Six viola studies / Maurice Gardner. Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.: Staff Music Publishing, 1987.

Gardner, Valerie Bobbett. The complete scale book for viola / Winder, Ga. : VW Press, c2007.

Gasser, Ulrich. Pro musica nova : Studien zum spielen neuer Musik für Viola = Studies for playing contemporary music for viola / zu Werken von Ulrich Gasser … [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Eckart Schloifer. Wiesbaden : Breitkopf & Härtel, c1991. MT 291 .P76 1991

Gavinies, Pierre, 1728-1800. 24 Etuden fur Violine solo: (Matinees) / P. Gavinies; fur Viola ubertragen von A. Spitzner. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, c1918.

Gavinies, Pierre. 24 studies for viola solo / Gavinies ; [transcribed by A.] Spitzner. New York: International Music Co., [195-?]

Gazda, Doris. My first progressive duets: for strings / New York : Carl Fischer, 2009.

Gazda, Doris. Studies in lyricism: for viola: for the advancing student, from the works of Concone, Marchesi, and Panofka / New York : C. Fischer, c2007.

Goldis, M. L. Schule für Viole d’amour : op. 6 / M. L. Goldis. Leipzig : Josef Weinberger, c1916. MT 336 .G64 op.6 1916.

Guschchina, L. Khrestomatila:dlla al’ta: etludy / Moskva : Muzyka, 1990.

Herman, Helen. Bow and strings : viola / by Helen Herman. New York : Belwin, c1949-1950. MT 282 .H56 B69 1949 vol 1.

Hermann, Friedrich, 1828-1907. Konzert-Studien fur Viola, op. 18 = etudes de concert = concert studies / Friedrich Hermann. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, [18–?].

Hermann, Friedrich, 1828-1907. Six concert studies, opus 18, for viola / Hermann. New York City: International Music, [197-?].

Hermann, Friedrich, 1828-1907. Technische Studien fur Viola, op. 22 / Friedrich Hermann. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, [1881?].

Hermann, Friedrich, 1828-1907. The study of the viola = Das Studium der Viola = Letude de l’alto / London : Augener, [192-?]-1925.

Herold, Jiri, 1875-1934. [Etudes, viola solo] / Jiri Herold. Praha: Hudebni Matice, c1937.

Herold, Jiri, 1875-1934. Etudy pro violu = Etuden fur Bratsche / Jiri Herold; revize Jaroslav Svoboda. Praha: Editio Supraphon, 1984, c1937.

Hoffmeister, Franz Anton. Etuden: fur Viola / F.A. Hoffmeister: revidiert und mit Fingerstaz versehen von Carl Herrmann. Frankfurt; New York: C.F. Peters, 1952.

Hoffmeister, Franz Anton. Etüden für Viola (Alto); revidiert und mit Fingersatz versehen von Fr. Hermann. Leipzig: C. F. Peters, [192-?].

Hoffmeister, Franz Anton. Etüden für Viola (Alto); revidiert und mit Fingersatz versehen von Fr. Hermann. Leipzig: C. F. Peters, 1924.

Hoffmeister, Franz Anton. Études pour alto-viola, livres I et II / Franz Anton Hoffmeister. Courlay, France : Éditions J.M. Fuzeau, c1993. MT 285 .H73 E88 1993.

Hofmann, Richard, 1844-1918. Die ersten Etuden fur Viola (in der ersten Lage), Opus 86 / von Richard Hofmann. Leipzig: C. F. Peters, [192-?].

Hofmann, Richard, 1844-1918. Die Ersten Studien fur Viola in der ersten Lage, op. 86 / Richard Hofmann. Leipzig: C. F. Peters, [197-?].

Hofmann, Richard. 15 studies for viola solo, op. 87 / Hofmann. New York: International Music Co., [1947?]

Hofmann, Richard. First studies for the viola, op. 86 / Hofmann. Urtext ed. Melville, N.Y.: Belwin Mills, [198-?]

Hofmann, Richard. First studies for viola, op. 86 / Hofmann. New York: International Music Co., [1949?]

Hubisz-Sielska, Boguslawa. Gamy i pasaże na altówkę = scales and arpeggios for viola / Kraków : Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 2013.

Hudadoff, Igor. A rhythm a day for strings : for all string instruments in unison and harmony : 276 basic rhythms, 14 basic orchestra scales, major and minor intervals / by Igor Hudadoff. [Westbury, N.Y.]: Pro Art, c1965. MT 285 .H83 R49 1965

Hyksa, Antonín. Etudy v první poloze = Etiudy na pervo pozitsii = Studies in the first position: viola. Praha: Národní Hudební Vydavatelství Orbis, c1950.

Intermediate scales and bowing for strings : viola / by Harvey S. Whistler and Herman A. Hummel. [S.l.] : Rubank ; Milwaukee, WI : Hal Leonard, c1957. MT 285 .W46 I58 1957

Ireland, Robin, 1954-. Concert études : for viola / Scottish Highlands, UK : Spartan Press Music Publishers, [2014]

Isaac, Merle. String class method : viola / Merle Isaac. Chicago : M. M. Cole, c1966. MT 282 .I88 S77 1966 vol.1

Izbrannye etiudy: dlia alta / sostaviteli i redaktory L. Gushchina i E. Stoklitskaia. Moskva: Muzyka, 1981.

Janowsky, Edward. Viola note speller / by Edward Janowsky. New York : Belwin, c1950. MT 282 .J36 V56 1950

Jenisch, Kurt. Orchester-Probespiel : Viola : Sammlung wichtiger Passagen aus der Opern- und Konzertliteratur = Test pieces for orchestral auditions : viola : excerpts from the operatic and concert repertoire / Mainz ; New York : Schott, c1992.

Jones, Edward Huws. Ten o’clock rock: viola: 18 concert pieces for beginner viola players with piano accompaniment / London ; New York : Boosey & Hawkes, c1995.

Hoffmeister, Franz Anton. Etuden fur Viola / Leipzig : C.F. Peters [1957].

Kayser, 1815-1888. 36 elementary and progressive etudes for the viola, op. 20 / Kayser; transcribed by Adam Lesinsky. New York: Carl Fischer, c1955.

Kayser, 1815-1888. 36 etudes instructives et progressives pour l’alto = 36 Etuden fur Bratsche: Op. 43 / von H. E. Kayser. Hamburg; Aug. Cranz, [191-?].

Kayser, 1815-1888. 36 studies for viola, opus 55 (1981) / New York : International Music, [1981], c1956.

Kayser, Heinrich Ernst. 24 studies, opus 55: for viola / Kayser. New York: International Music Company, [198-?]

Kayser, Heinrich Ernst. 36 studies for viola, op. 43 / Heinrich Ernst Kayser. Melville, N.Y.: Belwin Mills, [198-?]

Kayser, Heinrich Ernst. 36 studies for viola, op. 43 / Kayser. New York: International Music, [198-?]

Kayser, Heinrich Ernst. 36 studies: (elementary and progressive), op. 20: for viola solo / Kayser; [transcribed for viola and edited by Joseph] Vieland. New York: International Music, 1956.

Kievman, Louis. Practicing the viola, mentally-physically: programmed instruction for daily reference / Pacific Palisades, Calif. : Kelton Publications, c1969.

Kimber, Michael. Scales, arpeggios, and double stops for the violist / Hattiesburg, MS : M. Kimber, c1999.

Kimber, Michael. Six étude-caprices for viola solo : positions 1-4 / Hattiesburg, MS : M. Kimber, c1997.

Klingenfeld, Heinrich. Viola-Schule für Violinsten = Viola-school for violin players / Leipzig ; New York : Breitkopf & Härtel, c1898.

Knauer, Jürgen. 12 Studien für Viola [1980/81] / [1981].

Knox, Garth. Viola spaces for two : contemporary viola studies / Mainz : Schott, [2015]

Kolář, Augustin. Denni cviceni pro violu: (system kvintoveho kruhu) = Tagliche Studien fur Bratsche: (das Quintenzirkel-system) / Augustin Kolar. Praha: Statni Hudebni Vydavatelstvi: export, Artia, 1964.

Kolář, Augustin. Mistrovská škola pro violu : denní cvičení = Meisterschule für die Viola : Tägliche Übungen / Augustin Kolar. Praha: Editio Supraphon, 1979, c1964.

Kolář, Augustin. Vybrané smyky = Ausgewählte Stricharten : violino (viola) solo / Praha : Panton, 1968.

Kral, Johann, b. 1823. Anleitung zum Spiele der Viole d’amour (Liebesgeige): theoretisch-practisches Lehrbuch fur Violinspieler mit Rucksicht auf den Selbstunterricht und einem Anhange von Unterhaltungsstucken (deutscher und franzosischer Text) / J. Kral. Bruxelles: A. Cranz, [1867?].

Kreutzer, Rodolphe, 1766-1831. 42 Etuden oder Capricen: fur Violine / Rudolf Kreutzer; fur Viola ubertragen von Fritz Spindler. Leipzig: VEB Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag, c1953.

Kreutzer, Rodolphe, 1766-1831, composer. 42 studi per violino = 42 études pour le violon = 42 studies for the violin Milano : Ricordi, [1922]

Kreutzer, Rodolphe, 1766-1831. Forty-two studies for the violin / Rodolphe Kreutzer; transcribed for the viola and edited by Walter Blumenau. New York: G. Schirmer, c1950.

Kreutzer, Rodolphe. Forty two studies for the viola / Rodolphe Kreutzer. Melville, N.Y.: Belwin Mills, [198-?]

Kreutzer, Rodolphe. 42 studies for viola solo / Kreutzer; [edited by L.] Pagels. New York City: International Music, [198-?]

Kreutzer, Rudolph. 42 Etuden für Bratsche (Viola) / Rudolf Kreutzer ; [bearb.] von Ludwig Pagels. Bruxelles : Edition Cranz, [192-?] MSC MT 285 .K73 E78 1920

Kreutzer, Rodolphe, 1766-1831, composer. Studien für Viola. Heft I : R. Kreutzers Violin-Etuden für Viola (Bratsche) Neue Auflage = New Edition. Leipzig : Carl Merseburger, [1900]

Kreuz, Emil. Progressive studies for the viola with accompaniment of a second viola, op. 40 = Etudes progressives pour l’alto avec accompagnement d’un second alto / London : Augener, [191-?].

Kreuz, Emil. Select studies for the viola/taken from the works of Campagnoli / London : Augener, [195-?]

Lainé, Frédéric. Corpus pedagogique pour l’alto / Sprimont, Belgique : Mardaga, c2002-

Lainé, Frédéric. L’ecole de l’alto : etudes originales et progressives pour alto en 6 volumes = Viola school : 6 volumes of original studies for viola, graded in difficulty = Viola Schule : Originaletüden in fortschreitender Schwierigkeit für Viola in 6 Heften / Paris : G. Billaudot, c1992-1999.

Lesinsky, Adam. The rhythm master viola method : (for individual or class teaching of combined violas and ‘cellos) / by Adam P. Lesinsky. Chicago : Gamble Hinged Music, c1937. MT 282 .L45 R49 1937 vol.1

Lieberman, Julie Lyonn, author. A festival of violin and fiddle styles : for viola Milwaukee, WI : Hal Leonard, 2019.

Lifschey, Samuel, 1889-. Daily technical studies for the viola / by Samuel Lifschey. New York: G. Schirmer, c1929.

Lifschey, Samuel, 1889-. Double-stop studies for the viola / by Samuel Lifschey. New York: G. Schirmer, c1943.

Lifschey, Samuel, 1889-. Scale and arpeggio studies for the viola / by Samuel Lifschey. New York: G. Schirmer, c1939.

Lukács, Pál. Fekvésváltó gyakorlatok mélyhegedüre, felsö fokon = Lagenwechsel-Übungen für Bratsche in der höheren Ausbildungstufe = Exercises in change of position for viola, advanced grade / Budapest : Editio Musica, [1974]

Lʹvov, AlekseĬ Fedorovich, 1798-1870. 24 Kaprisa / Leningrad : Muzyka, 1990.

Mackay, Neil. Position changing for the viola: exercises and melodies for class and individual use / Neil Mackay. London: Oxford University Press, 1966.

Martinn, Jacques Joseph Balthazar, 1775-1836. Methode d’alto / Paris : Editions Costallat : Editions Billaudot, [195-?]

Martinson, Kenneth. Scale book / Gainesville, FL : Gems Music Publications, c2008.

Matesky, Ralph. The well tempered string player : viola / [New York] : Alfred Publishing, [1977]

Matz, Arnold. Fünfundzwanzig Capricen für Viola: Lagenstudien in verschiedenen Kompositionstechniken. Leipzig: F. Hofmeister, c1956.

Matz, Arnold. Intonationsstudien fur Viola / Arnold Matz. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1951-.

Matz, Arnold. Sieben Etüden in der zweiten Lage : für Viola solo (durch alle Tonarten) / Leipzig : Edition Peters/Collection Litolff, 1965.

Mayseder, Joseph, 1789-1863. Sechs Etuden fur Bratsche (Viola), op. 29 / J. Mayseder; ubertragen von Louis Pagels. Dresden: Bellmann u. Thumer, [193-?].

Mayseder, Joseph. Six studies: opus 29, for viola solo / Mayseder; [transcribed by Ludwig] Pagels. New York: International Music Co., [197-?]

Mazas, F. (Fereol), 1782-1849. [Etuden], op. 36, fur Bratsche (Viola) / F. Mazas; [ubertragen von] (Ludwig Pagels). Bruxelles: A. Cranz, [193-?].

Mazas, F. (Fereol), 1782-1849. [Etudes] for the viola, op. 36 / Fereol Mazas; transcribed by Louis Pagels. New York: Belwin Mills, [197-?].

Mazas, Jacques F. (Fereol), 1782-1849. Etudes brillantes, opus 36, for viola solo / Mazas; [transcribed by Louis] (Pagels). New York: International Music Co., [197-?].

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Metodo per viola : seguito da 25 studi = Méthode pour alto : suivie de 25 études = Viola school : followed by 25 studies = Schule für Viola : mit 25 Übungen = Método para viola : con 25 estudios / Bruni ; [riveduto da Angelo Consolini]. Milano: Ricordi, 1986, c1919.MT 282 .B76 M48 1986

Meyer, Clemens. Die Kunst der Bogenfuhrung: praktisch-theoretische Anleitung aur Ausbidung der Bogentechnik und zur Erlangung eines schonen Tones und Vortrags auf der Viola (Viola alta) = The art of bowing: a practical and theoretical guide to the cultivation of bowing-technology and to the acquisition of a fine tone and performance on the viola (viola alto) / Heilbronn a. N. : C.F. Schmidt ; New York : Carl Fischer, [1893?].

Milandre, Louis Toussaint. Méthode facile pour la viole d’amour / Genève : Minkoff Reprint, 1979.

Miranov, Ladislav. Studij viole / Zagreb : Izdanje Autora, [1969?]

Mogill, Leonard. Advanced scales and double stops for viola / by Leonard Mogill. New York: G. Schirmer, 1970.

Mogill, Leonard. Scale studies for viola, based on the Hrimaly scale studies for the violin / Leonard Mogill. New York: G. Schirmer, c1967.

Mollier, P.. Nouvelle méthode d’alto : élémentaire et progressive / Paris : Éditions E. Gaudet, [1931]

Moravec, Karel. Vybrane etudy a studie = Ausgewahlte Etuden und Studien: Viola / Karel Moravec. Praha: Editio Supraphon, 1982-

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Konzert C-dur, fur Flote, Harfe und Orchester / Leipzig : Breitkopf & Härtel, [195-?]

Nagy, Sandor, 1952-. Ot etud melyhegedure = Funf Etuden fur Bratsche = Five Studies for Viola / Nagy Sandor. Budapest: Editio Musica, 1986.

Orchesterstudien fur Viola: eine Sammlung schwieriger Stellen aus Tonwerken fur Kirche, Theater und Konzertsaal / mit Fingersatz-und Bogenstrichbezeichnungen von Friedrich Hermann. Neue revidierte und erganzte Ausgabe / von B. Unkenstein. Leipzig; New York: Breitkopf & Hartel, c1913.

Orchestral excerpts for viola from the ballet repertoire / Houston, Tx. : RBP Music Publishers, [200-?]

Orchestral excerpts from the symphonic repertoire for viola in five volumes / [compiled and edited by Joseph] Vieland. New York: International Music Co., c1951-1972.

O’Reilly, Sally. String power, 1[-ll]: viola: 60 technical exercises for the viola / San Diego, Calif. : Kjos West, c1977.

Palaschko, Johannes, 1877-1932. 10 Kunstler-Etuden: fur Viola, Op. 44 / von Johannes Palaschko. Leipzig: Jul. Heinr. Zimmermann, 1907.

Palaschko, Johannes, 1877-1932. 15 Studien-Etudes fur Viola, op. 66 / von Johannes Palaschko. Mainz: B. Schott’s Sohne, c1926.

Palaschko, Johannes, 1877-1932. 20 Etuden fur Viola zur Forderung der Technik und des Vortrags, op. 36 / von Johannes Palaschko. Leipzig: Fr. Kistner, [195-?].

Palaschko, Johannes, 1877-1932. 25 melodische Studien fur viola, op. 96 / Johannes Palaschko. Leipzig: Carl Merseburger; New York: Carl Fischer, c1930.

Palaschko, Johannes, 1877-1932. Dodici studii per viola, op. 62 / J. Palaschko. Milano: Ricordim, c1923.

Palaschko, Johannes, 1877-1932. Veinticinque studi facili e melodici per viola: (1a e 3a posizione): op. 87 / J. Palaschko. Milano; New York: G. Ricordi, 1928.

Palaschko, Johannes, 1877-1932. Zehn Viola-Studien fur vorgeruckte Spieler, Op. 49 / von Johannes Palaschko. Heilbronn a/N.: C. F. Schmidt, c1910.

Palaschko, Johannes. 10 studies, op. 49: for viola / Palaschko. New York: International Music, [1974?]

Palaschko, Johannes. 12 studies, op. 55: for viola / Palaschko. New York: International Music, [197-]

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Palaschko, Johannes. Ten studies for viola, op. 49 / Palaschko. New York: Edwin F. Kalmus, [198-?]

Palaschko, Johannes. Twelve studies for the viola, op. 55 / Johannes Palaschko. Urtext ed. New York: Belwin Mills,

Palaschko, Johannes. Vingt-quartre etudes melodiques: pour alto (op. 77) = 24 melodische Etuden: fur Viola (Alto) = 24 melodic studies: for viola (alto) / Johannes Palaschko. Paris: A. Leduc, 1927.

Palmer, Edwina. A first book of twelve tunes for technique / by Edwina Palmer and Agnes Best. London; New York: Oxford University Press, 1951.

Palmer, Edwina. A second book of twelve tunes for technique / by Edwina Palmer and Agnes Best. London; New York: Oxford University Press, 1951.

Parent, Armand. Cinq cents exercices de lecture pour alto / Paris : A. Leduc, c1925.

Pekmezi, Gjergj. Veshtirestite orkestrore per viole: per institutin e larte te arteve / Tiranë : Shtëpia Botuese e Librit Shkollor, 1982.

Pitluck, Sherman. The art of tone-production for stringed instruments: (viola) / Kansas City, Mo. : Schifman Publications, c1976.

Polo, E. Trenta studii a corde doppie, progressivi dalla prima alla terza posizione : per violino, trascritti per viola / E. Polo. Milano ; New York : Ricordi, c1924 MSC MT 289 .P65 S78 1924

Preparatory studies in double-stopping = Doppelgriff-Vorstudien = Exercices préparatoires de doubles notes : for viola (alto) : op. 9 / Sevcík ; arranged by Alan Arnold. London : Bosworth, c1990. MT 289 .S48 op.9 1990

Primrose, William. Technique is memory : a method for violin and viola players based on finger patterns / William Primrose. London: Oxford University Press, [1960].

Primrose, William. The art and practice of scale playing on the viola / [Montana] : Mozart Music. under license from Alfred Publishing, [2012]

Prume, Francois Hubert, 1816-1849. 6 Etudes de concert / F. Prume; transcrites pour l’alto (viola) par Louis Pagels. Leipzig: Aug. Cranz, [192-?].

Reese, Wendel. 22 studies for strings : adapted from Wohlfahrt, Hohmann and Henning : for individual or class instruction in unison or ensemble : viola / arr. by Wendel Reese. [Melville, N.Y.] : Belwin ; Miami, FL : Distributed by Columbia Pictures Publications, c1961. MT 285 .S78 R44 1961

Reher, Sven. Twelve studies for intermediate viola / [Calif.?] : S. H. Reher, c1986.

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Rhoda, Janice Tucker. The ABC’s of viola for the absolute beginner / New York : Carl Fischer, [1999]

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Rhodes, Samuel editor. Contemporary etudes and solos for the viola / Bloomington, Indiana : American String Teachers Association, [2000]

Ritter, Hermann, 1849-1926. Elementartechnik der Viola alta = Elementary technique for the viola alto / von Hermann Ritter. Leipzig: F. Kistner, [191-?].

Ritter, Hermann, 1849-1926. Orchester-studien fur Viola: (Solobuch); eine Sammlung der bedeutendsten Stellen aus Opern, Symphonien und anderen Orchesterwerken / Leipzig : F. Hofmeister, [195-?].

Rode, P. (Pierre), 1774-1830. 24 Capricen fur Violine / P. Rode; fur die Viola ubertragen und bearb. von Fritz Spindler. Leipzig: Friedrich Hofmeister, c1954.

Rode, P. (Pierre), 1774-1830. 24 Capricen in Form von Etuden: fur Viola Solo / P. Rode; bearb. von Ernst Hoenisch. Frankfurt; New York: C. F. Peters, c1958.

Rode, Pierre, 1744-1830. 24 Capricen / P. Rode; transcrites pour Viola (Alto) par Louis Pagels. Leipzig: Aug. Cranz, [193-?].

Rode, P. (Pierre), 1774-1830. 24 caprices : for viola solo / New York City : International Music Company, 1949.

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Rode, Pierre, 1774-1830. Ventiquattro capricci per violino: in forma di studii nelle 24 tonalita della scala / di Pietro Rode; trascritti per viola da Angelo Consolini. Milano: Ricordi, c1922.

Rode, Pierre. 24 Capricen: in Etudenform fur Bratsche allein, in den 24 Tonarten = en forme d’etudes pour alto seul, cans les 24 tons de la gamme = in form of etudes for viola alone, in all 24 keys / Pierre Rode; rev. und mit Vorubungen versehen von Max Rostal. Mainz: B. Schott’s Sohne; New York: Schott Music Corp., 1974.

Rode, Pierre. 24 Capricen: in Form von Etuden / Pierre Rode; fur Viola ubertragen von Ernst Hoenisch. Neu durchgesehene Ausgabe. Frankfurt; New York: C.F. Peters, 1958.

Rode, Pierre. 24 Capricen in Form von Etüden / Pierre Rode ; für Viola übertragen und neu herausgegeben von Reiner Schmidt. Frankfurt ; New York : C.F. Peters, c1994. MT 285 .R6 op.22 1994.

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Rode, Pierre. 24 caprices for viola solo / Rode; [transcribed by Louis] Pagels. New York: International Music Company, [198-?]

Rose, Ellen. Extreme Viola! : a 12-week guided course in scales, arpeggios, and double-stops / [Dallas, Tex.?] : Ellen Rose, c1998.

Ross, Barry. The violist’s guide to exquisite intonation / [United States] : American String Teachers Assoc. with National School Orchestra Assoc., c2002.

Royal Conservatory of Music, compiler. Viola : levels preparatory-4. Etudes / Toronto : The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, 2013.

Royal Conservatory of Music, compiler. Viola. Technique / Toronto : The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, 2013.

Rutledge, Christine. The violist’s handbook / Iowa City, Iowa : Linnet Pres Editions, c2007.

Sauzay, Eugene. Etudes harmoniques, op. 14 / Paris : Costallat : Billaudot, [193-?].

Slechta, Joseph, composer. Modern orchestral viola technique. Book one, Chromatic sequences Charlotte, North Carolina : Joseph Austin Slechta, [1980]

Schloifer, Eckart. Orchesterstudien, Solo-Bratsche = (solo viola = alto solo) / Frankfurt : Zimmermann, [1996?]

Schmidtner, Franz. Tägliche Studien für Bratsche = Daily studies for viola / Hamburg : H. Sikorski, c1957.

Schradieck, Henry, 1846-1918. Die Schule der Violintechnik = Ecole de la technique du Violon / par Henry Schradieck; la meme transcrite pour alto par Louis Pagels. Leipzig: Aug. Crans, [192-?].

Schradieck, Henry, 1846-1918. School of viola technique: for the viola / Henry Schradieck; [transcribed by Louis Pagels]. Melville, N. Y.: Belwin Mills, [198-?].

Schradieck, Henry, 1846-1918. The school of violin-technics / Henry Schradieck; transcribed for the viola by Samuel Lifschey. New York: G. Schirmer, c1951.

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Schreiber, Arthur. Tonleiterstudien fur Viola / von Arthur Schreiber. Leipzig: Fr. Kistner, [1912?].

Schubert, Franz. Neuf etudes pour alto / Franz Schubert; transcrited du violon, revues et doigtees par Leon Pascal. Paris: A. Leduc, 1962.

Schwierige Stellen aus Kammermusikwerken, Bratsche = Difficult passages from chamber music works, viola / ausgewahlt und hrsg. von Professor Dr. Wilhelm Altmann. Leipzig: Carl Merseburger; New York: Carl Fischer, c1929.

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Ševčík, Otakar Josef. The celebrated Sevcik studies: changes of position and preparatory scale studies, op. 8 / arr. for viola (alto) with instructions for their application by Lionel Tertis. Cologne, Germany: Bosworth, 1952.

Seybold, Arthur. Leichte Etuden: fur Viola; nach den Violin- Etuden, op. 280 / Arthur Seybold; eingerichtet von Karlheinz Schultz-Hauser. Mainz; New York: Schott, 1969.

Shirley, Paul. The study of the viola d’amore = Das Studium der Viola d’amour = L’etude de la viole d’amour / Paul Shirley; historical preface by Frederick H. Martens. New York: C.F. Peters, 1958.

Showell, Jeffery Adams. A solo folio for the principal violist / Tucson, Ariz. : Arizona University Music Press, [198-?], c1936.

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Sitt, Hans, 1850-1922. 24 Etuden aus Op. 32 fur Viola solo / Hans Sitt; fur Viola ubertragen von Ernst Theodor Klemm. Adliswil/ZH: Edition Kunzelmann, [1982], c1975.

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Stumpf, Karl. Neue Schule fur Viola d’amore: mit Beispielen moderner technischer Moglichkeiten den zeitgenossischen Komponisten zum Gebrauch = New school for viola d’amore: with examples of modern technical possibilieies for the use of contemporary composers = Methode moderne pour viole d’amour: avec exemples des possibilites de technique moderne a l’usage de compositeurs contemporains / Wien : Österreichischer Bundesverlag, 1957.

Suzuki, Shin’ichi. Suzuki viola school / Tokyo, Japan : Zen-on music ; Princeton, N.J. : Sole publisher for the entire world except Japan, Summy-Birchard, c1981-

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Vieux, Maurice Edgard. Dix etudes pour alto sur les intervalles / M. Vieux. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 1931.

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Volmer, Berta. Bratschenschule / Mainz ; New York : Schott, [198-?], c1955.

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