Flöte, Viola und Klavier Skip to main content

Flöte, Viola und Klavier

ach, Carl Phillip Emanuel. Trio no. 3 [in G major for flute, clarinet and piano or flute (violin), viola and piano] / New York : International Music, [1978?], c1955.

Beffa, Karol. Paysages d’ombres: pour flute, alto et harpe / Paris : Billaudot, c2011.

Bennett, Robert Russell, 1894-1981, composer. Seven postcards to old friends : for flute, viola, and piano (1966) Mauricetown, NJ : Maurice River Press, [2018]

Brings, Allen, composer. Trialogue : for flute, viola & piano Wilton, Connecticut : Mira Music Associates, [2018]

Buss, Howard J. Tennessee suite: for flute, viola, and piano / Lakeland, FL : Brixton Publications, c2002.

Duruflé, Maurice. Prélude, récitatif et variations : pour flûte, alto et piano : op. 3 / Maurice Duruflé. Paris : Durand, c1929. MSC M 322 .D86 op. 3 1929

Escaich, Thierry. Suppliques : pour clarinette (en la et en si_), alto et piano / Thierry Escaich. Paris : Gerard Billaudot, c1995. M 322 .E82 S86 1995

Fabregas, Elisenda, 1955-. Goyescas : für Flöte, Viola und Klavier / Leipzig : Hofmeister, 2011, c2011.

Furstenau, Anton Bernhard. Serenade, op. 86 / [S.l. : s.n., ca. 1800].

Gerber, René. Concertino pour flûte, alto et piano / Adliswil : Pizzicato Helvetia, c2003.

Giordani, Tommaso. Three sonatas for the piano-forte or harpsichord with obligato accompinaments for the flute or violin and viola de gamba or tenor / London : Printed for John Preston, [1782].

Hoffmann, Wolfgang. Trio fur Flote, Viola, und Klavier (1956): Werk H56B / Wilhelmshaven : F. Noetzel Ars Musica, c1996.

Keeley, Robert, composer. Trio in one movement : (2016-17) : flute, viola and piano [Chipping Norton] : Composers Edition, [2018?]

Knight, Edward. Inbox: for flute, viola & piano / [Verona, N.J.] : Subito, c2010.

Kraft, Leo. Trios and interludes: for flute, viola, piano / [196-?].

Kummer, Kaspar. Serenade pour flute, alto (violon) et piano: Oeuvre 81 / Offenbach : chez Jean André, [1870].

Kummer, Kaspar. Trio pour flute, alto (violon et pianoforte: Op. 75 / Offenbach : Jean André.

Kummer, Kaspar. Trio in C-Dur für Flöte, Viola (Violine) und Klavier, op. 75 = Trio in C major for flute, viola or violin and piano Winterthur / Amadeus, [2014]

Kutnowski, Martín. Five Argentinean folk pieces : pour flûte, alto et piano = for flute, alto and piano Paris / Billaudot, [2015]

Leclair, Jean Marie. Sonate in D-dur fur Flote, Viola da gamba oder Viola oder Violoncello und Basso Continuo, op. 2/8 = Sonata in D major for flute, viola da gamba or viola or violoncello and basso continuo / Winterthur : Amadeus, 2007.

“Lee, Wendy (Pianist), composer.” Sprout : flute + viola + piano [Evansville, Indiana] : Potenza Music, [2016]

Martini, Manlio. Preludio con epilogo: per flauto, viola, pianoforte / Ancona : M. Martini, [1995?].

Martini, Manlio. Sonatina a tre: per flauto, viola, pianoforte / Ancona : M. Martini, 1995.

Massanet, Jules. Under the linden trees : from Scenes alsaciennes / Jules Massanet ; arranged by Quinto Maganini. New York : Edition Musicus, c1949. M 324 .M37 S23 1949.

Paterson, Robert. Embracing the wind: for flute, viola and harp / [S.l.] : Robert Paterson Music, c2011.

Reichel, Bernard. Trio, flute (or hautbois), alto, piano / Bernard Reichel. Monthey: Cantate Domino, [197-?]

Rosse, Francois. Croix de sonate: flute alto, alto, piano / Courlay : J.M. Fuzeau, c2005.

Roussel, Albert. Trio pour flute, alto etvioloncelle, op. 40 / Paris : Durand ; Bryn Mawr : T. Presser, [195-?], c1930.

Schulé, Bernard, 1909-. Hommage à Charles Yves : pour flûte, alto et piano / Adliswil : Pizzicato, c2003.

Smith, Stuart Saunders, 1948-. The duties of the heart : for viola, alto flute, and piano / Sharon, Vermont : Smith Publications, 2013.

Sowerby, Leo, 1895-1968. Trio for flute, viola and piano / [Bryn Mawr] : Leo Sowerby Foundation : T. Presser, sole selling agent, c1996.

Talma, Louise, 1906-1996. Seven episodes / [S.l.] : Henmar Press ; New York : Sole selling agents, C.F. Peters, c1988.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, 1681-1767. 46. Triosonate in g-moll fur Flote, Viola da gamba oder Viola und Basso continuo = 46. sonata a tre in g minor for flute, viola da gamba or viola and basso continuo / Georg Philipp Telemann; hrsg. von Bernhard Pauler; Continuo-Aussetzung von Willy Hess. Winterthur/Schweiz: Amadeus, 1988.

Telemann, Georg Philipp, 1681-1767. Sonate c-Moll fur Flote, Viola da gamba (Viola oder Violoncello) und Generalbass = Sonata in C minor for flute, viola da gamba (viola or violoncello) and thorough-bass / Georg Philipp Telemann; hrsg von Gerhard Braun. Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hanssler-Verlag; New York: sole agents for USA and Canada, C. F. Peters, c1972.

Winkhler, Ch. A. de (Charles Ange), -1845.Grand trio concertant pour piano, flûte et viola : œuv. 15 / À Paris : Chez Richault, [1830?]

Zweig, Stefan. Die Bäder von Aachen : (Meditation zu “Händels Auferstehung” von Stefan Zweig.) : für Klarinette, Bratsche u. Klavier / Oddvar Lönner. Oslo : Norsk Musikkinformasjon, [1994] M 322 .L68 B32 1995